Thursday, November 9, 2017

Don't Forget to Change Your... never mind

I can't figure this time change out.
Arizona is a great place for a number of reasons, one of them being no time change.

One of the many reasons I love my mom is that she always reminds me to change the clock.
I remembered on my own this time (you'd think I'd have it down after all these years) and that's where things got weird(er)....
I set my alarm clock back.
Phones set themselves back automatically, but I had to set a new alarm. I typed in 7:30am and it changed to 8:30am. If I start an hour late, that wouldn't be good. No amount of fiddling would set the correct time.
So this morning, the phone went off an hour early. When the alarm clock went off, at the correct time, the display ran an hour late.
It's a wonder I get anything done at all.

  • The governor of Texas says he thinks the recent church shooting was not random: the shooter had a connection to the church. He declined to elaborate further. When I have a problem with my family or church, I let them know. Usually without an automatic weapon.
  • His mother-in-law worshipped there. He sent her threatening texts. Who among us hasn't sent their mother-in-law threatening texts?

I'm trying to tune into bias in news. It's not difficult to find, especially MSM - mainstream media. We know who CNN/NBC/CBS are playing for. We know who Fox is playing for. We know that, like politicians, none of them is playing for US.

Today I was listening to NPR interview the attorney general of Texas, who recommended concealed carrying to church. The interviewer sounded like the top of his head was going to come off and his heart was leaping out of his body. I hope they got those professional crime scene cleaners in afterwards.

  • A woman in New York is blaming her car's GPS for leading her straight into a river. It's a shame it didn't tell her to shoot herself.

ME: I'm looking for the Q file. Is that in the 2017 set?
COWORKER: We should be able to find them all.
COWORKER: But we don't see a lot of Q.
ME: answer the ($&#ing question! My wife could kill you and no one would ever find your body.

  • The latest game from our friends at the CIA is "What's on Osama bin Laden's Hard Drive?"  
  • I'll take porn for $500, Bob.  You're right - everybody has porn!
  • Copyrighted material: Cars, Chicken Little
  • National Geographic and CNN documentaries on himself - no selfies?
  • Many of the documents contained malware, proving 'criminal masterminds' are every bit as security conscious as 'plain schmucks'.
  • The irony is that the CIA gave us bin Laden

Ever wonder how Faceyspaces figures out everyone you've ever met?

  • So that Equifax leak... security expert Bruce Schneier testified in front of Congress on the topic. Very interesting read.

If you purchased a Mantistek gaming keyboard, don't worry; it is not sending your keystrokes to China. It is sending the number of keystrokes to China. That's much better, isn't it?

  • A Qatar Airways flight from Doha to Bali made an unscheduled stop in India. A lady used her sleeping husband's finger to unlock his phone and discovered evidence of infidelity. She very calmly started beating him, forcing the plane to land. 

A man in Germany went out for a beer. While out, Alexa (the Amazon spy device personal assistant) decided to have a party on its own. Alexa, for some reason, decided to play very loud music after 1am. The police had a locksmith break in and install new locks. They turned off the music. When the man returned home, he had to go to the police station, where there was a nice sized bill and keys waiting for him. Amazon has not commented on the incident. It turns out Alexa was partying with all the other Alexas on the block. Amazon told it where they were, their mean income, members of the household, and their sexual histories.

  • Faceyspaces has a program to stop revenge porn. This means the lawyers have spoken. Get this: they want you to upload your personal porn, so they can keep a record of it in case someone tries to upload it later. They were instructed to CC me also. If you too want to be on the CC line, contact me with your email address and a small contribution for the Marshall Vet Bill Fund.

Only eleven percent of cyber workers are women. Kaspersky conducted a survey, which found out 52% did not have any interest in cyber, and 45% didn't have any idea what it was. 57% did not have any experience in coding. Kaspersky said 'This suggests a need for young girls to have access to advice and information about the industry at a younger age so they don't rule it out in favor of more traditional occupations.' We must siphon them off before they become lawyers or Victoria's Secret salespeople.

What is the mad rush to get women in the field? If you think about it, this is sexist. What other groups are being pushed to be hired? Homosexuals? Asians? Seventh Day Adventists? The homeless?

If I were an interviewer or staff (I have been both), I'd want the best and brightest- the most competent for the job. I don't care about gender, hobbies, skin color, or niche sexual practices (well, a little). There is no oversight, although People of Color and Hispanics are keeping track, at very least. One boss told me specifically that left-handedness was not to be a criterion (bastard).

As is painfully evident, I love women. I've worked with quite a number of them; all of whom answered ads and were interviewed and vetted. They got no special treatment - they were the best person for the job. As a result, they became team members.

Let's hit the Wayback Machine [woooo music]....
I'm in sixth grade or so. I sit next to a pretty cool girl and we talk. I ask pointy questions and she's very difficult to make turn red, so she's a challenge. Apparently she's not the only challenge.

I'm a bit thick. And when I say a bit thick, I'm bloody clueless about women. Most people are, but I have an extra layer of oblivious, that makes me even more special. If a woman were to sit next to me and put her hand on my genitals, while keeping her gaze locked on me and licking her lips, I'd wonder what her hand was doing there - is it possible she doesn't know she put it there? I would then proceed to let her know, very gently, that her hand was there, in case she didn't know. To this day, my wife laughs and repeatedly notes how out in space I am when women are attracted to me. At shows, she'd watch and comment later on the blondes who were chatting me up. Huh? What blondes? The ones you were ignoring while trying to pack up and get out of there. What blondes? Huh? So I'm a bit thick.

One day my little friend and I are sitting in home room, talking away. It occurs to me that she's wearing a shirt that.... her top was fashioned in such a way.... the shirt had prominent..... HOLES in it. Well, not holes exactly... kinda like a sweater, but knitted in a very loose way so there were 1/4" empty squares all over it. There were more intentional holes than yarn.

I thought about this for 1/4 of a second, wondering the purpose of this, and noting that there was no support garment underneath it. Ever the pussy gentleman, I asked her if she knew there were holes in her shirt.

It would be fair to say that even if the poor girl had a baseball bat and took it to my head while explaining why she wore the shirt, I still wouldn't have understood.

Regardless of how incredibly oblivious I was, I could not stop examining those bits of shirt where there was no material.

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