Thursday, May 2, 2024

PLEASE Stop Licking My Laptop

[as uttered to my very licky dog]

What is it about female lunatics who kill their boyfriend or are generally Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?
Some of them are attractive, some downright hot. The latest example is Ruby Franke, noted child abuser and cult lieutenant. There's Amanda Knox, noted boyfriend killer, and the one in Mormon Country, with long hair, who led her boyfriend astray (to fun) before she killed him.

I'm wondering why there are greater than average numbers of hotties in the personal crime game. Finally I figured it out - Nature. If you have a woman with Serial Killer or Boyfriend Rapist tattooed on their forehead, their species doesn't have a chance at survival. So Nature gave them a chance by making them attractive.

All queries are solvable with a little thought. Some will tell you to add a little whiskey.

Be very careful with touchscreen laptops. I recently discovered that work gave me one. Every time I touch it, I do horrible damage to whatever I'm working on. Even worse is when the dog gets anywhere near it... she can do things to the laptop that I didn't know it did. It took 20 minutes to fix whatever she did to Outlook.

Deliveroo rider Jenniffer Rocha who bit off thumb seen working after conviction

The British are very serious about justice and Deliveroo swore they were closing the second account she used, possibly even the third and fourth accounts.  Reached for comment, Rocha said she was expanding into ring fingers and nipples. She was mad because the victim didn't tip.

Data Privacy: All the Ways Your Cellphone Carrier Tracks You and How to Stop It

Step-by-step instructions.

While the British may be faulted for their lax attitude about thumb-biters, the polling place is spiced up by the presence of dogs....

The real answer to why I haven't been posting as frequently lies in the numbers. They go way up when I don't post. I'm not going to argue.