Thursday, December 21, 2017

Unidentified Flying Objects - the Disclosure Debacle

UFO Disclosure

This is gonna be a whopper.
You have been warned.

The government just admitted that the Pentagon spent $22 million, at the behest of Harry Reid, on the study of ufos. People (and radio/tv hosts) are starting to use the D-word --> Disclosure.

I'm here to tell you I smell a rat. That's right, I'm calling Shenanigans.
Things have to be pretty bad before I call Shenanigans.

If you're in the intelligence business or if you like to sound like a badass on Faceyspaces, you refer to this as an OP, meaning operation, or psyop. This is CIA-speak for Running One Past You.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if this bit of news were correct; $22 million was spent on a ufo study in the 2000s. But before we consider the reason for this admission, let me give you a little history, ok?

  • In 1947, something went down on a ranch near Roswell, NM. Roswell Army Air Force Base (there was no separate Air Force then) was the first nuclear bomb drop facility in the country. There are official records of debris being flown to Texas and Wright-Patterson AFB, in Ohio, which is a test and research facility. There are hundreds of witnesses on record, some who saw the debris. 
  • Shortly after Roswell, there was the Battle Over L.A. Something really huge hovered over Los Angeles. We called out the armed forces, who threw everything, including the kitchen sink, at it, with absolutely no effect. When it was done hovering, it simply went away. This was the first time 'weather balloon' was used as an excuse.
  • In 1952, a flotilla of somethings flew over the White House on two consecutive weekends. When the interceptors got close, they disappeared. There are many witnesses and radar traces.
  • 1967 At Malmstrom Air Force Base, a large orange light appeared in the sky and came toward the base. Frightened calls were made and the captain went out to see it. And he saw a bright orange light/object flying over the base, in an intelligent matter. Shortly thereafter, he discovered that every one of the nuclear missiles had gone offline. It took days to put them back online.
  • In New Years 1980, at a joint UK/US base, over 2 or 3 nights, there were lights and objects flying over and around the (nuclear-equipped) base. One night there was a patrol sent out into Rendlesham Forest to look for the source of the lights. There is a recording available of the leader, narrating as they went along. They watched something land. Some soldiers interacted with it.
  • At a school in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, a silver craft landed. There were many witnesses, as well as children who spoke with the being(s) that came out of it.
  • Footage from gun cameras, radar traces, reliable human witnesses, pilots, and airports have provided detailed information on sightings and landings. In many cases, a member of the armed forces attended a debriefing, sometimes with unidentified men in dark suits. The men disappear with the evidence and swear everybody to secrecy ("This never happened.")
  • When there is an incident in other countries, the US military is frequently called in to help (documented in Mexico, Canada, and Brazil).
  • On two occasions, massive ships flew across Phoenix, Arizona - the Phoenix Lights. These humongous black ships flew very slowly and hovered in spots. The government said it was flares. Hovering flares. Mile wide flares that moved in perfect precision.
  • In 2008, there were thousands of witnesses to the large object that flew over Stephenville, Texas. Several months later, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) released its report. The Air Force said it was reflections, then said there were F-16s on a training mission. The Air Force always knows where its planes are, except when a convenient excuse is required. Even if they weren't lying, there's a very important fact that's not mentioned: the ufo flew near then President George Bush's ranch in Texas. There is a No Fly Zone over the White House and many other important buildings. There is a huge No Fly Zone over the president's ranch, yet this object came close to it. Do you think a ufo would be allowed to breach a No Fly Zone without the equivalent of World War III breaking out in an attempt to protect the president?
  • In Socorro, New Mexico, Lonnie Zamora, a police officer, saw a craft on the ground with occupants walking around near it.
  • In 2006, something appeared over United Terminal C at Chicago's O'Hare airport. There was obviously no shortage of trained professionals witnessing the event. The object posed a great risk for airplanes taking off and landing. When it was done hovering, it shot up through the clouds and left a hole. Two years later, a witness came forward with his account, pictures and video. The event made the news and promptly disappeared.
  • Way up there in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, where you can cut the Canadian accent with a knife, something flew into the water. It was spotted by an airplane captain, a ship's captain and crew, and many civilians. More happened than got mentioned in the official reports. A glowing object plunged under water and was chased by the locals and two navies. It was followed by the US Navy, where it watched a second glowing object 'fix' the first one, then both of them flew away into the air.
  • As a dummy nuclear missile left its pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in 1964, a small object maneuvered around it, firing in a beam at several points. The missile failed, taking a dive into the Pacific Ocean. The Air Force has the 35mm film, as seen by Lieutenant Robert Jacobs.
  • In 2001, a group of highly qualified witnesses gave testimony at the National Press Club. This was The Disclosure Project. They told of witnessing events that have been suppressed, gave supporting data, and swore that they would testify before Congress, under oath. This was put together by Dr. Steven Greer, an emergency room physician. People feel strongly about Greer, but even if you think he's a fraud, watch the testimony - these people are not frauds.

Do you honestly believe we haven't studied ufos?

This is the Pentagon, backed by the Military Industrial Complex. 
They don't have defense plans and haven't studied crash debris?

The Pentagon, where Colonel Phil Corso picked up bits of alien technology from a filing cabinet, and took it to large corporations, so they could analyze and use the technology. The government is subject to information disclosure laws; the private sector isn't. You can read Colonel Corso's account in his book, The Day After Roswell.

Ben Rich of Lockheed's Skunk Works, which came up with many top secret military planes, said we already have the technology to take ET home.

So Why?

It has not gone unnoticed that a lot of ufo incidents happen around nuclear installations. Is someone trying to tell us something?

One possibility is to reveal that ufos are real, to justify billions of dollars to be spent on defense projects. Billions to the Military Industrial Complex. It sure as hell worked in Iraq, Afghanistan, and countless others.

Some say the government is going to use this study as the prelude to disclosure. Some say this is distraction from other big events, like pedophilia and sexual abuse, going way up the chain.


The US has spent untold amounts of time, money, and effort denying the existence of ufos. There have been three different explanations for Roswell, all full of holes at the time they were offered. People have been threatened, lives have been lost, and a lot of fingers have been pointed to make people look like lunatics. Conspiracy Theorist is a term invented by the CIA for this purpose.

Remember: disclosure is intentional. Nothing happens without it being worth it for the organization.

The definition of ufo is unidentified flying object. Unidentified, meaning we don't know what it is. It says nothing about aliens. It's just that there's something up there. Some of it is ours. Dark projects we simply don't know about. Some of it is not ours.

Zaphod Beeblebrox

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