Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Flavoring Fish With Lemon Sharks

If you say "OMG" out loud, I don't want to know you.

  • As JFK said, "Ich bin ein blogger"

Remember Wyatt Earp? Now there's a tv show Wynonna Earp. Because there's nothing worth doing that can't be done again and again and again. And there's nothing that can be done again and again and again that can't be done with a woman replacing the man. Oceans 11, with an all female cast, was such a flop that they had to make more. In fact, Oceans 27 is in production, starring Rosie O'Donnell, Rose Marie, Rose McGowan, and Roseanne Barr, with Rosie Perez narrating.

Here's what's coming up for next season:

Jeez Louise Christ Superstar, starring Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg as Jesus, and Michele Obama as Paul, who has to keep poking Ginsburg with a cross to keep her awake
All in the Family, with Bea Arthur as Archie Bunker
Family Guy, starring an animated Meryl Streep as Peter
Young Shelly, with Whoopie Goldberg as Sheldon
Americans Idle, featuring Joan Jett as Howard Stern
Better Call Sauly, starring Sally Struthers
Fargo, with Oprah Winfrey as the town of Fargo
Orange is the New Black, featuring the cast of Orphan Black
The Walking Dead, with an army of zombie Miley Cyruses. A new reality show!
Game of Thrones, with every role played by Emilia Clarke. That I'd watch. And Allison Janney as Peter Dinklage
Parks and Recreation, with Taraji P. Henson as Chevy Chase and Queen Latifah playing the part of King Latifah

  • LabCorp, the largest blood testing lab in the US, was hacked over the weekend. Test results were delayed, although no misuse of data has been detected. Parts of the network were shut down upon discovery.
  • They have your test results, folks.

I remember the Good Old Days<tm>, when the sexes 'worked out', wearing their cute little outfits and leaving each other alone. Of course, this was not to remain as-is, because the Social Justice Workers were out for blood. Men's blood, more specifically. Male only gyms were sued to let women in. They won. Female gyms were sued to let males in. They lost. 

Three women were recently thrown out of a Planet Fitness for objecting to a transexual woman in their locker room. Once again, the SJWs were out, in all their glory, dictating who the new protected minority is.

It was a great run, ladies.
If you ever need to get out of anything, identify as Trans. Until the next protected minority is announced. At this rate, if we hang in long enough, it'll be men.

P.S. the Google spellchecker choked on transexual.

  • Speaking of words, here are some taken from my morning reading:  a shift in tactics to reach new heights in volumetric campaigns, patchwork IT systems, both legacy and non-legacy, that are impossible to secure holistically

There's an awful lot of words in this article, but I think I have the idea: A Seattle University professor recently worried that women in STEM may feel bad after reading an article on innate sex differences. Some words in the article are unconscious bias, flat earth, and innate sex differences.

The professor denies there are any inherent differences in the genders; the differences are due to conditioning. The gender bias must be corrected.  If I were a woman, which, as of last time I checked, I am not, I'd be pretty charged up over this article. I will now carry on in my Woman Voice: This lady argues for more of my gender in STEM but that reading an article on the possibility of inherent gender differences might make me feel bad. If that's where the SCIENCE leads, it doesn't matter how I feel. I am not a snowflake, I am a scientist. To treat my entire gender otherwise is to insinuate we need to be treated as special, with bias. I'll get by on my brain, not my vagina. [/end Woman Voice]

  • You were just wondering to yourself what the undisputed king of ransomware was, weren't you. This week it's GrandCrab. This ransomware can only be treated with GrandPenicillin (and a pot of boiling water).

In light of 12 Russians being indicted on election tampering charges, you should read this article about software used to count votes. The vendor supplied remote control software PC Anywhere to 'a small number of customers'. PC Anywhere, remote control software, contains a bug that allows anyone accessing the machine access without a password. Hackers stole the source code to PC Anywhere.  This was discovered in 2006 but not released until 2012. The company that produced the voting software is stonewalling official inquiries.

I am not offering a theory as to how or whether any election was hacked. This is purely information from the industry - you can use it with other information to make up your own mind. It definitely proves my statement that there should be NO remote access to any part of voting and paper ballots are the way to go. If any of you remember, back in the Bill Clinton days, Diebold machines were being used. Diebold was a vocal supporter of the Clintons.

  • The Japanese are killing whales. America turned their oceans brown with crap dumped into it, and wildly overfish salmon and others. We're burying trash and nuclear waste that will not be safe until after the sun burns out. Illegally hunting and decimating entire species of animals. Destroying the rainforest. Corporate and individual greed isn't new, but we really seem to be intent on shooting ourselves in the foot with very large caliber weapons.
  • Then we're going to be surprised when the excrement hits the rotating device.

Attack of the Canes
My wife occasionally uses a cane and we have dubbed them Attack Canes. I can't even begin to explain this, but the name is quite accurate. If you open the car door from the outside, one of the canes jumps out at you. If you go to sit down, one of them is waiting for your butt to almost hit the seat. If you're driving, the little bastard will move itself onto the armrest or in the way of the shifter.

In the house, the evil manifests differently. Kept by the front door, anyone walking near it will get tripped when it falls over. If you leave it there, it will leap out at your foot. If you put it back and open the curtains, it will fall right on you. We could easily blame it on one Wayward Walking Device<tm>, but it's two of them. It used to be three, but one felt it wasn't able to do enough damage so it walked away and adopted another person who has trouble getting around.

It's not too big a thing, or wasn't, until today. Picking up a bottle of water, a broom fell on me. Then while making coffee, it fell on me in the other direction. Christ, what is it with tall thin sticks in this bloody place? You could blame it on gravity having effects on wood, but one of the canes is aluminum. We found one of those As Seen on TV jobbies that you put on the end of the cane to keep it standing up. They still jumped at us at every possible opportunity. Maybe they don't like dust.

  • Which algorithm did the marketing department use to tell them that if I saw Jeff Beck and ZZ Top, I'd be a shoe in for Diana Ross?
  • But it's cool because Yanni and The Price is Right Live are coming too.

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