Tuesday, February 11, 2020

RUN - Faceyspaces is Coming to Eat Us!

Faceyspaces knows a lot about your online habits - here's how to stop it.

The coronavirus is spreading malware.
I told you McAfee needed to do something about it!
Stop it before it kills again!

Remember I talked about the PinePhone? It's the $149 open source phone that's not tied to Google or Apple. Here's a video of Ubuntu Touch running on it. You can choose a number of linux-based operating systems to run on it.
I'm getting the next version, assuming it has more horsepower.

  • David Hogg: I will NOT be voting for Donald Trump
  • who could have seen that coming?

Here's a deeper look into Apple caving in to the FBI and not encrypting cloud backups. If you don't want to ditch your Apple, I'd store the backups somewhere else.

Dyson patent application hints at an air purifier in headphones.
Rejected patents:

  • Refrigerator Headphones
  • Air purifier Headphones
  • Cyclone Vacuum Condom Dispenser
  • Air Cooler with Tire Pressure Gauge
  • Vacuum Stove
  • Car Vacuum with Vibrating Mattress

So that F-35? The little billion dollar plane that couldn't?
It still can't.
To the tune of $428 billion for the program.

In science news, engineered honeybee gut bacteria trick attackers into self-destructing.    Do we want to know how they procure honeybee gut bacteria?

Scientists cooled a nanoparticle to the quantum limit. Lowest level allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
  • how do they know it's the lowest level?
  • they don't know what to do with it, also due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
  • since you're dying to know, it's twelve-millionths of a kelvin
  • in Hollywood, Nicholas Cage's left testicle froze

A study of YouTube comments finds evidence of a radicalization effect.
The claim is that users who engaged with a middle ground of extreme right-wing content migrated to commenting on the most fringe far-right content.

The study has to be a joke, because we know where YouTube puts far right wing content: on Vimeo.  So no one on YouTube finds middle extreme right fringe far-right.

  • Curious as to where $21 trillion of 'unaccounted discrepancies' were within Pentagon and HUD budgets between 1998 and 2015? $2.3 trillion announced by Donald Rumsfeld on 9-10-2001. 

Dear lefty  

  • Explain Iowa Caucus, please.
  • It's like a dry party, with way more noise and way less of interest
  • It's a beta testing site for immature software

News from Pennsylvania
After $850 million in taxpayer dollars, PA is dropping their efforts to implement a failed state radio standard. The radios are for police, fire, and other state functions. This dance has been going on for years and years (article states 20!).  The initial contract was for $179 million. In short, the protocol was flawed, it did not work as advertised (SHOCK!), and police sometimes had to use their cell phones to communicate. Millions upon millions more were spent, because it's only taxpayer money.

Naturally, there are audits, etc etc etc. An audit announced this information, at the same time stating that the new new system will use a standard protocol (P-25). They said that the taxpayers won't have to pay for some new infrastructure, as the towers can be used.

Gee, now all the taxpayers have to fork over is whatever the new new radios will cost. Rest assured nobody will be held to account over this and the money is completely gone. The state will continue to screw its people and demand more in taxes, crying poor.

  • Firefox shows you what data it's collecting on you, via telemetry
  • Hint: it can be turned off - see article
  • How to change your off-Faceyspaces activity settings, from the EFF

Here's a good one from Chicago: man walks into a coffee shop and the cashier wouldn't take his order until he removed his AirPod (he had only 1 in). Seems to be a battle of the snobs... who can be snottier - customers or employees. Hell, it's their business, they can do what they want, as will their customers. Who among us hasn't reached over the counter with a baseball bat? I'm for whatever will get me in and out fastest. Anybody who makes an employee wait should be sent to the back of the line, though.

Today I identify as   a gelatinous substance that washed up on the beach

Just a few days ago, I made a reference to Russian satellites coming too close to US satellites. Apparently I am psychic (some say psychotic). A Russian satellite seems to be tailing a US spy satellite.  Trump immediately issued an order that Russian spy satellites stay away from American spy satellites. Only half of this is made up. Guess....

As the Russian satellite passes the American satellite, it averts its antennae and pretends it isn't listening. Radio amateurs (hams) picked up the American satellite calling the Russian satellite names. Once out of range, the Russian satellite snickers and makes derisive comments about football. The NRO satellites make jokes about vodka. Then all is quiet. Till the next pass.

  • How we pay attention changes the very shape of our brains.
  • Very interesting. We can only assume the A.D.D. kids' brains stay the same.

SJW Snot

If you're a privileged white male in Hollywood, the safest move is to denounce the privilege of white males. This way, you can appease the bloodthirsty social justice hordes, whilst continuing to enjoy your privileged white male status. They'll even call you 'brave'.   3D chess.       @zubymusic

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