Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We Say Night, DHS Insists Day

Matt Drudge, and by extension, Alex Jones, are apparently doing something right.  They might not even know it yet, but they are.  I know it because I just read that Homeland Security Secretary Janet 'Privacy for Lunch' Napolitano is upset at them.

Why, you ask, is Napolitano upset?  Because of Drudge's characterization of her as an ogre and the nickname chosen for her (Big Sis).  Janet says that Drudge is just plain wrong in his claims that DHS is spying too much.  And Hitler was not anti-semitic.

You know you're doing well when you start to appear on their radar publicly.  Rest assured he's on their radar privately.  It's when they start commenting publicly that we notice things are changing.  This blog got a comment from the TSA's public relations people a while back.

The Homeland Security chief called privacy concerns "overblown" and offered praise for the proliferation of surveillance cameras in some big U.S. cities.

These are the scary ones, folks.  The ones who look you right in the eye and tell you they're not stealing from you (as their hands are in your pockets).  

10 Facts That Prove Big Sis Is Wrong, Drudge Is Right

Remember:  Homeland Security isn't.  The Partiot Act wasn't.  
Take the name of a program and turn it around to get a better understanding.

As for Alex Jones, he's worth a listen.  Drudge got turned on to Jones a short time ago and has been running some of his headlines.  You can catch Jones via his website, GCN radio, and even shortwave radio.  He's a bit over-the-top but he usually has the real news long before (or instead of) the others.

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