Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I've Got SNAILS in My Pants

So there's this athletic tournament in Siberia, the little-known Capitol of All Athletics. Russia sent more than thirty of their Best. And thirty of their best turned tail and fled after the unannounced arrival of anti-doping officials.

The Kremlin denied that the sudden disappearance of their team had anything to do with performance-enhancing drugs; they all just had a doctor's appointment they suddenly remembered.

  • News has reached the public that President Trump had an affair with a porn star in the past. The democrats and never Trumpers are absolutely over the moon with glee. Their smiles will be short-lived, as the president's supporters will be damn impressed that their man got to boink a porn star.
  • Having seen the adult entertainer in question, I can't help but think I would've chosen a different performer (not that I know anything at all about porn).

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Las Vegas shooting. I'm not saying there's any sort of conspiracy here, but the pattern doesn't fit the norm. In all other shootings, the details are known within a day of the event. In Las Vegas, we still don't know much more than the official narrative. As with any other large happening, it is very important to scrutinize the entire event, as well as the official narrative. Here are some relevant questions that remain unanswered. Please read and form your own conclusions.

  • The residents of a fair percentage of Pennsylvania are somewhat confused. This sentence stands alone, however what's confusing in this case is that they awoke to find no new snow. In fact, the sun is almost out, which is pretty much the best they can hope for. According to a report that I can't remember where I read, we have had snow in all 50 states.
  • Asked to comment on this, a panel of meteorologists said, "This is some weird shit."

I know I'm incredibly late to the party but I just passed Toddlers and Tiaras on whatever channel I passed it on.  It's no secret that I hate reality tv, as well as non-reality tv, and most of what passes for tv on tv. This show is an egregious example of what's wrong with tv, as well as some extreme psychological issues.

I often joke that clothes commercials for kids amount to "dress your daughter like a prostitute, just like you!" Nowhere is this more true than this show. It is absolutely eerie to see very young girls with hair higher than some buildings, in spite of my love for Big Hair. They have more makeup on than a Kardashian, and learn all the modeling moves from their mothers, who are either all failed pageanteers or wish they were. This, as we all know by now, is the worst case of projection on tv. Leave the poor girls alone and let them grow up as normally as possible. Take it from the guy who has no children and his dog doesn't do beauty (or obedience) pageants.  Let's teach them about winning being the only thing. Add in a little sabotage for fun. Make them sensitive to their mothers' moods and keep trying to please them by winning. Have them absolutely burnt out by age eight - yeah... that'll teach them a lesson and prepare them for Life.

  • The next time you see a psychiatrist giving a professional opinion of someone's mental health in the press, remember the Goldwater rule: such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.
  • Briefly, a psychiatrist can't give an opinion on a person without seeing the person professionally and obtaining permission to talk about it (medical privacy - HIPAA).

From the CIA in 1956, here are the ten states created within an individual during brainwashing. If you remember, this is an open secret: the CIA admitted to it.  When young, I was often told to wash my brain out with soap.

  • As you remember, ThermionicEmissions refers to the method by which a vacuum tube operates. Every now and then I slip and offer some information relevant to tubes. This would be one of them: a how to balance a phase inverter video.
  • If you're somewhat interested in tubes (valves in the UK), this is probably not your video.
  • If you don't give a rat's ass about tubes, this is definitely not your video.
  • If you like tube stereo and guitar amps, this runs the possibility of being your video.
  • If you feel a sense of satisfaction when you see a squirrel as roadkill, you should probably get some help.

Satirists have left the building. Real life is so weird, they can't come up with anything to compete. An obvious parody tv ad had two people in a boat, fishing. The female was saying that when he said fish, she thought he meant sushi. The commercial is for a dating site for farmers. We're laughing, wondering why they would spend the money to put this on tv. Yes,, or something like that. We're still laughing. They keep going. We stop laughing... these people are serious. Guys dressed in flannel and jeans, doing flannel and jeans things, with ladies dressed similarly, doing dating things. We're a little too far north and a little too much in the real world for this stuff.

If this service takes off, I see other specialized dating sites: they talk about their love of shorts and hatred of dogs

convenience_store-dating: open 24/7 put your hands on the wall, take your clothes off, and do exactly as I say... let's schedule a series of meetings to discuss having sex. Budweiser delivery to your yard, provided the delivery guy can get past the old appliances and cars on the porch. Call a cousin for romance tonight! keep a total stranger waiting for two hours at the restaurant. go to hot places and show someone your hose.

Unfortunately, not all sites succeed: failed because geeks are socially retarded, in person and online failed for obvious reasons who the hell wants to date a politician? Hmmm.. maybe a serial killer.... there's only room for one insufferable drama queen in a relationship there are no female trash workers they didn't like to take their work home. they couldn't agree on who was dating whom. failed because none of them could manage the energy necessary to consider it.

  • The new Audi has 19 speakers. In order to fit 19 speakers, there were some compromises made: no back seat, only 3 wheels, and no engine. But the sound is great. You can hear Ringo's nose hair flapping when he plays the drums.

Q. How can you tell when police sex is nearing the end?
A. One of them says, "Be on the lookout for bodily spasms."

  • a very large pizza chain has announced pizza insurance: if you drop or otherwise mutilate your pie, they'll replace it free. Deductibles apply. Does not cover pepperoni. Not valid with Obamacare.

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