Thursday, September 27, 2018

When It Rains, It Pours. And It Doesn't Stop.

We're cleaning the house, although I'm not exactly sure why.

Mrs lefty is leading the Cleaning Charge, bless her.
She generally leads the Cleaning Charge.
I'll be honest - she always leads the Cleaning Charge.
She's a cleaner: I'm a knowledge worker.

Nobody here is blessed with any grace.  To put a finer point on it, we trip over our own feet. Sometimes we trip over others' feet. It's a pretty dangerous combination.

We have our routes through the house down fairly well. We can move without additional tripping or attempting to fly and failing. As Stuff is removed, the pathways get larger (yay!). However, the thing I don't understand is that we're tripping quite a bit more. With all that additional space, my clown feet are finding more things to send me airborne, then floorborne. With a clear carpet (we discovered carpet under everything), I somehow manage to kick something that's off to the side. Wife somehow manages to trip over her own feet, although this might not have anything to do with carpet (we think it might be the combination of the level floor and her feet).

The only area of the house we refuse to clean is the steps, for obvious reasons.

  • Bill Cosby has been declared a 'sexually violent predator' (like all comedians)
  • The only remaining question is whether they serve Jello pudding in jail

I have a great idea for the Jurassic Park endless series of movies...
Jurassic Park: The End -where an asteroid falls to Earth and destroys the park.

Today's Best Headline: Man who posed as a housewife pleads guilty to making secret sex tapes with 150 men.

A Florida man (of course, Florida) enjoyed dressing as a woman, put ads in locals about being a bored housewife, had men over, and had sex with them. He taped the goings on and put them up on a website (because it isn't sex until somebody videos it).

I vaguely remember having one sex class in grade school, so perhaps I'm a bit behind (pardon the pun), but I vaguely remember there being several significant differences between men and women. I don't care how dark it may have been - there are several things that are known to be giveaways, namely facial hair, lacking breasts, and least of all, a penis. Any of these things should be cause for alarm, if one is a straight male and determined to stay that way.

No, really - a penis?
How does one fail to notice a penis?
Even the most diminutive apparatus still qualifies as an Outie, where we would expect to find an Innie.
We must assume they were using the rear entrance. If so, how does a swinging bit escape consciousness? She could have a really really large clitoris, but they don't come in that size. Is this what they call cognitive dissonance? Active denial? Rug burn?

After the encounter, the crossdresser put the video up on his website.
Gentlemen, if this isn't enough to put you off quickies with strangers, I don't know what is. The John has a pretty good chance of not being recognized, as the site is a pay site, and ever so slightly gay.

The way I see it, if you're going to meet a stranger for an encounter, you need to do a tiny amount of research... grab the crotch. If she hits you, you were at the right place. If she smiles..... RUN.

And in the name of all that is holy, stay out of Florida. There are weird people there.

Not as great a headline, but still good: Robot brothel planned for Houston gets pushback from religious group.

Just when shy and/or ugly guys think they have a sure thing, religion is there to throw a cold shower on it.  The religious group fights sex trafficking, which is a pretty noble fight. They're concerned that this will set them back.

Why? Will this encourage robot trafficking?
Are people unable to tell the difference between a human and a robot (like they can't tell the difference between a female and a man in a dress)?

The Good Fight doesn't end there, though: the group states that the brothel is going to teach men to become rapists.

Why? Are they training them to be priests?
Perhaps they should ask Nevada, which has areas where brothels are legal. If nothing else, it's training them to pay for sex, which is great practice for the real world.

As if this weren't silly enough, they add: What's next - child robots? Where's the line?

Do you think we're that stupid or are you that stupid?
I've had sex with my wife for years. At no point did this lead to me wanting a child (for sex or via procreation).

The one great thing to come out of this is that the religious folk referred to it as a Public Masturbation Business. That's funny.

  • Excited about Apple iOS 12? It has a quiet addition: it gives you a trust rating, based upon the number of calls and emails you send and receive. This is to help spot fraudulent transactions made from your phone. Bless their pointy little "we're all about privacy" heads.

According to the World Health Organization, alcohol is responsible for one in 20 deaths worldwide.

Let me correct the assertion: People pouring alcohol down their throats and driving or misbehaving is responsible for the deaths. Alcohol doesn't drive cars any more than guns shoot people.

We have a long standing War on Drugs. We're winding up a War on Opiates. Why is it ok to drive drunk? To commit violence?  Think about it.

  • Do you have a Twitter account? Do you ever use the Direct Message (private) conversation function? 
  • Twitter on Friday said that a recently-patched bug in its platform enabled software developers to read users’ private direct messages or protected tweets.
  • Well, it's time to call the lawyers. Whatever it is, Twitter will screw it up. They're so busy kicking out undesirables, they don't care about their own security. I can't have my plans for World Domination leaked.... 

 A recent study on people's perceptions of browsers' Private Mode produced some interesting results. Understand that Private Mode offers you no more security than normal browser windows. In theory, it deletes your online activity. In practice, it doesn't always. Over here at the ThermionicEmissions sprawling complex, we concentrate on making the browsing as anonymous and safe as possible, PLUS having everything deleted when we exit the browser. It really doesn't matter if we've been looking up the safety record of Caterpillar heavy equipment or interesting uses for squid; when we tell the browser to forget history, we expect it to forget the bleedin' history. 

Along these lines, Google has updated Chrome's privacy policy
The moniker 'privacy policy' is about as accurate as calling tax regulations 'Legal Ways to Avoid Taxes'.  Especially interesting is the way everything winds up getting back to Google, whether directly or indirectly. Work diligently to stop this nonsense. Avoid Chrome and browsers built on Chrome.

I've recommended Iron as a Chrome build that doesn't phone home to Google. A recent 'privacy policy' proved this is not entirely true. It's very sneaky and indirect. There is an open source variant called Chromium, but I have little hope for it. I installed it recently to test it out and wasn't impressed. Avoid this crap.

  • Many famous UFO cases occurred around military bases with nuclear weapons.

Here's a brief reminder on Constitutional Amendments, from some guy with a blog and no training:

To the people going on about freedom of speech being abridged on social media, you have no freedom of speech. The First Amendment guarantees that the government will make no laws abridging freedom of speech. This does not hold for Faceyspaces, Twitter, Google, Instagram, and any other crap you sign into and whine publicly, while looking at cat gifs.

While people would prefer freedom of speech extend to private entities, it doesn't, and that's reality. It's a shame people with resources and reach are not aware of this. This includes James Woods - a man with a documented spectacular IQ and observed wit.

Two days ago, James Woods, a very outspoken conservative, had his Twitter account suspended for retweeting a gif. He was told if he removed it, his account would be reinstated. An unidentified high-level Twitter person stated they were protective of the Democratic Party and were unhappy about Woods' retweet. It's been supposed then admitted that Twitter has an extreme left bias. This is their right, whether people like it or not. Honestly, it pisses me off, because I think all sides should be heard. The left is cheering because people who disagree with them are being silenced, while they should be upset that anyone is being booted for speaking their mind. It might be their own people next time. If Twitter's policies continue, it will simply become a left paradise. Again, this is their right.

There are some really tricky and vague legal machinations that can be used to curb this behavior, including the ability to prosecute based upon Twitter's initial claim of free speech. There are also some net neutrality laws that may apply.

The libertarian stance isn't that hard to figure out: our mantra is "Leave me alone." Another is "let the market decide". Along those lines, there is GAB, whose motto is #SpeakFreely. Every viewpoint is welcome. Unfortunately this includes speech with which we disagree: antisemites, holocaust deniers, and nazis. Currently it's pretty right wing, with a smattering of libertarians. The left is welcome, and there are a few. You are free to mute anything you don't like, as on Twitter. Unlike Twitter and the others, there is no censorship.  Oddly enough, the only censorship demands are coming from providers, Google, Amazon, and Paypal. Their domain hosting and servers have been threatened multiple times because entities don't like what a member said. This smells of collusion, but is pretty far from my area of knowledge.

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