Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Yet Another 9-11

Here we are, at another anniversary of one of the nation's greatest disasters.

Where is the anger? Where is the protest? Where is the disgust?
All we have is precisely what was planned: sadness and belief in the official story.

Don't get me wrong... 3,000 people murdered is a very sad event. And when I say murdered, I mean it. They died as a direct action. It was set up this way by people to whom 3,000 lives is acceptable damage.

Let's review, shall we?

  • One of the more egregious lies of the day: Christie Whitman, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, visited the site with President Bush. She told first responders that the air was perfectly safe to breathe. As a result, first responders are dying of lung cancer.
  • Washington, DC, is one of the most heavily surveilled areas in the country. How is it that we only have four frames of video of something hitting the Pentagon? Because all video from surrounding areas was confiscated by the FBI and only four frames were released. Because a fifth frame would show us what hit the Pentagon. I can't tell you what it was, but it wasn't a plane. My guess is a drone.
  • The hole in the Pentagon couldn't have been made by a plane. A plane would've been much larger and wider.
  • Right after something hit the Pentagon, a bunch of workers carried a very large covered container away from the site.
  • In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Flight 93 allegedly crashed. Ask anybody in the airline industry: when a plane crashes, you can tell how it came in by the debris field. This debris field contained little bits of possible airplane, in a field that wasn't normal, plus there were no large bits, which always exist in a crash, like engines.
  • Dick Cheney, in a fortified room under the White House, was repeatedly kept up to date on a plane that was incoming. When the serviceman told him it was just miles away and asked if anything should be done, Cheney barked at him, something to the effect of "Have I changed my orders?" This was heard directly by Transportation Secretary Maneta.
  • It took forever to get Air Force planes to the scene, due to an exercise. Convenient exercises have occurred during many disasters. There was also a question of the closest base from which to deploy planes.
  • A plane was approaching the airspace of the White House. No plane is permitted to fly over the White House, period. It would be warned and shot down if there was no response.
  • The hijackers were flying school dropouts who couldn't fly a single engine plane, no less a huge passenger plane. Transponders were switched off.
  • The hijackers took control of the plane with box cutters. No one was able to regain control. 
  • Jumbo passenger jets are incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to fly close to the ground, as was necessary to hit the Pentagon.
  • The airplanes were in pieces, yet the identification card of a hijacker was conveniently found.
  • Almost immediately, the name  started circulating as the perpetrator. This is exactly what happened after JFK was assassinated: Lee Harvey Oswald was immediately named as the shooter. Because it was planted and fed to the press. Colonel Fletcher Prouty, as played by Donald Sutherland in JFK, said information is ready before the incident and conveniently distributed to the willing press, which didn't question a thing.
  • The BBC announced Building Seven fell over thirty minutes before it fell.
  • Building Seven was not hit, yet collapsed in its own footprint
  • The buildings were built to withstand airplane hits.
  • The metal beams were liquefied and continued to be red hot for days. This was shown by views and comments from the International Space Station.
  • There were boxes and boxes of explosives stacked up in one area.
  • The buildings were closed for an entire week right before the 11th, during which contractors were in and out of the building.
  • There was thermate, a very powerful explosive/cutter in the molten beams.
  • The debris was sent offshore almost immediately.
  • The insurance coverage on the buildings was just raised. Subsequently there was a suit to get paid for both buildings, which was ruled to be valid.
  • Some officials in government had dual citizenship (US-Israel).
  • The 'Dancing Isrealis' were caught celebrating. Tracing them to Israel, they were discovered to be working for one of their governmental agencies.
  • One of the major newscasters said it looked like controlled demolition. He never said that again in subsequent reports.
  • Entire companies were told not to go into work that day.
  • The 'investigation' was a farce, again like after JFK. Important information was ignored. Members admitted it should be done again.

Who Benefits/Follow the Money.
These are the important questions to ask if you want to get to the truth.

  • We went to war almost immediately. The Military Industrial Complex benefited greatly. New manufacturing, new profits, new contracts.
  • Who got contracts? Firms like Halliburton, which had Dick Cheney on the board. Other firms that charged ridiculous amounts of money for fuel and supplies, some which never arrived.
  • Relatives of politicians had large companies that got large contracts.
  • Government expanded wildly, with the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Contracts for metal and chemical detectors were drafted. The first round were useless, setting up a second contract to replace them.
  • There were many mysterious stock 'bets' that something would happen. Someone made a lot of money.
  • Some company had to rebuild the towers.

    And Now, the Detritus/Fallout/Ridiculousness/Good Citizens

    • With the new agencies and equipment came rights restrictions and ridiculous regulations.
    • The newer machines were able to see genitalia, but they promised they'd not look at it outside the viewing stations. Yet the pictures leaked and the viewers had many laughs at our expense.
    • The TSA employees at the stations were largely recruited from previous employees at the airlines, which couldn't tell explosives from elephants.
    • You can't take more than three ounces of liquid on a plane.
    • People didn't even mind standing in ridiculous lines and removing their shoes.
    • Everything got x-rayed
    • You are no longer allowed to lock your luggage: the lock must be TSA-approved, meaning employees can open it with their master key.

    None of this information is hidden; it's all in the public domain. Yet we swallowed it whole, believing everything we were told. President Bush said not to believe 'conspiracy theories' and once again mocked honest research. Conspiracy Theory is a term invented by the CIA, specifically to discredit people and groups. You might be amazed at how many conspiracy theories turn out to be true. Shall we talk about the NSA eavesdropping on phone conversations and emails?

    Go ahead, call me a fringe conspiracy nut. I've been called much worse.
    But don't call me anything until you have researched the above for yourself. There are a lot of questions that need answers. Why are there so many, if the official story has no holes in it? These are just the ones off the top of my head. Look at it dispassionately and do the research.

    Our hearts are with the 3,000 who lost their lives, as well as their families and friends. The countless lives lost in the war, American and foreign. Help this stupid country come to its senses and think critically, including the press (a lost cause).

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