Thursday, March 14, 2019

Close That Window When the Boss Walks By

Most people hate Mondays.
Some people hate their jobs.
I'm an exception (as usual).
Last night I logged into work to check something and also answered an email from The Boss.
Within a few minutes, The Boss thanked me for answering so quickly, but drove home that there is absolutely no requirement to answer mail outside of my hours.
This is why I love my job (and The Boss).

  • The maximum penalty for importing bear bile into Australia is $100,000.
  • this will be on the quiz

Dear lefty:
  • Do you have a middle name?
  • Yes

RUN - don't walk
To see the epic, the show stopping, the viral...
The Empire Strips Back - A Star Wars Burlesque Parody

Somewhere, in a dark place, a sociologist has blown his head off.

  • It's not that I've spent a lot of time watching Monty Python, but I remembered a line that started, "Yeah, alright." I'm sure this qualifies as some sort of emotional disturbance.

Speaking of remakes, 20th Century Squirrel presents Catharine the Great, featuring members of her family you might not know about: her mother, Magnolia the Somewhat Less than Great, her father, Herbert Who Put the Fun in Funeral, and her brother, Ivan the Terrible.

  • The dog's breath has been suspiciously minty fresh for a few days. Apparently she has a stash of Life Savers somewhere in the house.

Ah, the good old days, when you had to really try to shut down your airport. You pretty much couldn't do it pre-TSA. Now all you need is a drone, or in the case of South Carolina, a naked lady running around the terminal. I'm not entirely sure what kind of risk a naked lady represents, but I guess it can't hurt to be at the airport when she makes her move.

  • Baked beans on toast? Toast with only one side toasted?
  • Remind me not to be British.

Hey - do you use VFEmail email?
You probably don't anymore.
In an unprecedented event, a hacker got into the system and deleted everything, reformatting the servers. Not satisfied, they also got the backups. The owner seems unlikely to start back up from scratch. As of now, some can log in and use the service, but all historical data is gone. What kind of person......

  • When you take the test for your pilot's license, do you have to parallel park?

Dear lefty:
  • Should I collect trolls?
  • Perhaps collecting anthrax would be better for you.

When you're in a restaurant or getting on a plane, ask for the No Screaming Baby section.
I made the mistake of forgetting this the other night. Our favorite restaurant for our anniversary. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.  WAAAAHH.  SCREEEEECH!

I know now that you cannot assault the child. It's much more fun to go after the parent.
I asked the waiter if he'd throw drinks on them for a $20. He said he'd do it for $5.
Constant shrieking. Parents completely oblivious. Somebody took matters in their own hands and tried to out-yell the baby, momentarily interrupting the Screech Tirade. It worked (for approximately 20 seconds). Finally one of the parents was properly motivated (embarrassed) and took the child outside, looking none too happy. I heard applause, but it was muted applause. You know, cuz we're civilized or some such shit.

He makes a point..

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