Tuesday, March 26, 2019

My Antidepressant Just Shot Itself

In an event no one saw coming, FamilyTreeDNA confirmed that it has granted the FBI access to its vast trove of nearly 2 million genetic profiles.

Oh lefty, you're so paranoid. You believe every conspiracy theory.
Meanwhile the FBI is putting together a DNA database of everyone, pulling from arrests, before determination of guilt or innocence. That's unconstitutional.

  • Are there still Four Tops?

Hey, kids, it's Nostalgia Time!
Today we're asking Whatever Happened To....

Whatever happened to Flight MH370? Is it making an heroic effort to remain lost?
Whatever happened in Las Vegas at the hotel shooting? We know the crime and shooter by the end of the night in every shooting. Not Las Vegas.
Whatever happened to the sans serif font I always use for the blog?

Dear lefty:

  • Why do they make that noise whenever someone says Microsoft in a commercial?
  • Microsoft wants you to think you're getting something valuable, as opposed to their operating system.

How about some inspirational news?
A nurse saw a trooper by the side of the road and stopped. He was shot in the face. She helped stop the bleeding and sat with him until EMS arrived.

  • If I hear one more mentally-challenged person say whaaaaaaaat? in a commercial, I won't be responsible for my actions.

Multiple Personality Files
You know things are getting interesting when your spouse is driving along merrily and you come to a tunnel. All of the sudden you hear, "ohhhhh..... ohhhhhh.... no.... tunnels!!!!" and you're sitting in the passenger seat. It is at this point you separate the men from the boys. The boys will hide under the seat and await death. The men will hide under the seat, await death, and have everyone singing a Led Zeppelin song, pulling the driver's mind off the tunnel. The story had a happy ending: everyone lived.

Truly must-see TV

Dear lefty:

  • Why is breathing controlled by the autonomous nerve system?
  • Because if you had to remember to breathe, you'd be dead.

Continuing with topics of minor interest and import, let's tackle The Wall<tm>.
I'm thinking out loud... never spent much time on it before.

  1. It's going to be expensive. Ridiculously expensive. And it's not coming from DC's pockets.
  2. All the money isn't there. Does this mean all The Wall<tm> isn't there?
  3. They are illegal aliens - not undocumented immigrants. That is language manipulation to achieve an end.
  1. How effective is a wall, vs almost nothing?
  2. Would the expenditure be worth it?
  3. Who benefits?
  4. Is there a different way of going about it?
  5. Can we use some of our advanced tech to deter/catch illegal aliens? Heat-seeking lasers?
  6. What would happen if we made the US unattractive for illegals? No insurance, no income, no benefits. It's attractive now for those reasons, as well as businesses hiring illegals for less than minimum wage. While we're at it, seriously punish the businesses.
  7. I understand that if The Wall<tm> is to be built, people will lose their houses and land under Eminent Domain. This is where you have no choice but to move, while you are allegedly paid going rate for your home/land. Sorry, this one isn't passing the lefty test. I know someone who lost their house because a HIGHWAY was being extended. There is no excuse for this.

Remember: they are your representatives, not your leaders.

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