Monday, October 28, 2019

Is Bathing with Table Saws a Thing?

US, UK sign pact to share electronic evidence in criminal cases
This is called hiding in plain sight. It's also a legal restating of current and past policy.

Cheap android smartphones are expensive in privacy.
Can't upgrade android. Can't uninstall crapware. Location is stuck on.

DoorDash exposed 4.9 million users' personal data.
Go out and buy your own food, people.

Dear lefty

  • Why is there air?
  • So your penis doesn't fly away when you take a bath

I don't care who you are or where you live, there are 2 words that don't belong together: breakfast and burrito. The words go together like razorblades and hubcaps. It sounds pretty icky upon first hearing it. But, in trying to be open minded, you figure it has the same thing as other breakfasts. Then you realize you're just fooling yourself. Then your wife brings you one from a convenience store. Then you try it. Then you realize this was a patently ridiculous idea, as egg pieces parachute to your pants. Salsa? On eggs? No. I don't like sausage much, and the place is always out of ham or bacon. So I don't like it.

Now that I type this, I realize there's a hidden conspiracy: wife buys 2 sandwiches and gives me 1. It's disgusting. She gets to eat both of them.  I'm ok with a regular burrito for breakfast. Better yet, ice cream or a malt.

Today I identify as Bill Clinton - have a cigar!

  • A few weeks back I said one thing we didn't want to hear ever again was 'game changer'. Apparently no one got the memo. Why do they taunt me so?

Yes, it's that time. Time to call the divorce lawyers. Yes, it's Pumpkin Spice Time.
This year's crop is over the top...

  • pumpkin spice elephants
  • pumpkin spice enemas
  • pumpkin spice bagels
  • pumpkin spice vacuums
  • pumpkin spice pumpkin spice
  • pumpkin spice babies (eat the babies!)

No thank you, I'd rather live in a world where no one uses turn signals... Hey!

Hillary Clinton stripped a few gears recently, and referred to Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian asset. She also called Dan Rather, Superman, Led Zeppelin, and the dead Koch brother Russian assets.

Never one to back down, Tulsi referred to Hillary as a baby eater, a Dan Rather groupie, and Huma's sugar mama. Also, Satan's asset. Hillary got offended because she's nobody's asset - she IS Satan.

Vice has an article on Twitter and their moderation.

Twitter has an unflinching commitment to being a public space, where even highly offensive voices are allowed to be heard.
cut it out.

"There are times when we could simply disappear something. We don't do that,"
You are so full of excrement, your entire company is brown.

  • Twitter denied the company purposefully made it harder for people to report tweets, and instead said it focused on making it easier to report tweets that legitimately required attention, while cutting down on the number of malicious reports, such as those from trolls abusing the reporting system.

really? I see open posts, calling for people to report someone's tweets because they don't like the message or the person.

  • "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill

Heroes of the Stupid

There's a new app that tells pilots when their plane has been hacked.
Right before they hit the ground.

SJW Invasions

New paper argues that sex robots should be programmed to make consent decisions (which could result in sex robots rejecting their owner's sexual advances) to prevent the normalization of non-consensual sex

Columbia's library building features the names of only male authors. After 3 decades of trying, these students have fixed that

[Space Station not optimized for women]
Can we take a moment to talk about optimizing and gender?

Do you see the blue bar on the floor? Astronauts can tuck their feet under that or grab hold of it to stabilize themselves.

Luca has his feet tucked under it. Jessica does not. [she can't see out the window]

Supporting Greta Thunberg is evidence of white supremacy, white privilege, and white power, activists claim.  So is reading this blog - you have been warned.

San Diego City College hosted a white supremacist seminar in early October, distributing flyers claiming that cultural appropriation, “racist mascots,” and “Make America Great Again” are instances of white supremacy.

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