Thursday, October 31, 2019

More Absurd Stuff [placeholder]

I love this kind of news...
More than 350 ethical hackers got together in cities across Australia on Friday for a hackathon in which they worked to “cyber trace a missing face”, in the first-ever capture the flag event devoted to finding missing persons.

Over on Twitter, there was a post from Space Force (the official account). It was a link to a tv station, with video of something in the sky. The Space Force question was "Aliens or military?"          Very funny, guys.

Dear lefty

  • Do you ever miss the huge blogging platform you used to use?
  • Do I? Well, I used to get paid via advertising. Now I get paid in satisfaction and nice people. Do the math.

Most Americans don't have a clue what https:// means, according to a Pew survey.     Most Americans don't have a clue what pencils are for.

  • Superior IQs are associated with mental and physical disorders, research suggests
  • How does that explain me?

No thank you, I'd rather be on the testing team for VIPoo

  • My friendly ticket agency emailed to let me know that tickets for Air Supply are now available.
  • Do I look old and dead?

When a small child, I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong, happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment, but soon flits away. ~ Anna Pavlova

Today I identify as  your mama

  • I let the dog in the house. In the time it took me to close the door, she was charging through the house, then ran upstairs to see if her mommy was there. Only when Mommy wasn't there was it ok to say hello to me. I could be upset at being a second class human, but I'm leaving it alone.

"Even if you don't like guns and don't want to own them, you benefit from those who do." - Ron Paul

Multiple people were stabbed at a shopping mall in Manchester, UK.
Fortunately there were no fatalities.

If you take away their guns, they stab people.
If you take away their knives, they use chains.
If you take away their chains, they use rocks.
If you take away their rocks, how are you going to take away their fists?

Today's best headline: Effects of acute wild blueberry supplementation on the cognition of children

There are moments that are so ironic, it hurts. You just get done saying something and realize it could have come from your parents' mouths.
We took Mom to Ihop, because dinnertime is the best time for pancakes (except all other times). Strangely, there wasn't a huge crowd. Stranger was the volume level. It was loud. It was mostly coming from the screaming child. The little brat sat there and screeched at random intervals. At one point it was so loud that its mother shusshed it. Mom was voluntarily deaf and tuned out the shrieking little bastard.  You could tell it was bothering me because I would say 2 words, hear a shriek, then wince in pain.

Mom told me that when her children went out in public, they knew to behave. Apparently I was a tiny adult, and I continue to regress as I get older. When the waitress asked if there was anything she could get us, I suggested a muzzle for the darling little shrieker.

As if on cue, 4 from the Taylor Swift Generation sat next to us. That generation runs from about 10 to 15 or so. They proceeded to make more noise than the shrieking child. They got louder as they sat there. They were completely unaware of the effect they were having on everybody else in the restaurant. When the waitress came back, I asked for 4 muzzles this time.

Normally I'd be afraid of sounding like my parents. I don't think so this time... why should an entire restaurant be subject to shrieking children and screaming teens? I know this is Ihop, but we really wanted to enjoy pancakes with less noise than planes taking off. I was assured it's bad form to turn their tables upside down and tell them Satan doesn't like loud children. Ihop started reinforcing their door glass, so it's harder to throw the noisemakers through it. Then the police tell me I'm the bad guy.

Normally I ask for the non screaming children section.

This is why I don't go out a lot.
Even for dishes with purple whipped cream, which is a tie-in for a movie.

California Governor Gavin Newsome (uh-oh) introduced a new law that allows coworkers, employers, and teachers to seek a 'red flag' order against anyone they believe is a threat to themselves or others. If California doesn't want to secede, how about we do it for them?  This law is so extreme, the ACLU is against it, and the ACLU does not like the 2nd Amendment.

Speaking of laws, a criminal dropped his gun, walked out of the house with his hands up, and was shot.  I wonder if the policeman will be red flagged. He was fired.

Heroes of the Stupid

A Kansas schoolgirl was arrested and charged with a felony for brandishing a finger gun. District found liable for not checking the type of ammunition she used.

Man walks 351 miles from Indiana to Wisconsin to meet 14 year old girl for sex. Well, at least he proved he's serious.

Man drives 200 miles to police station with body in car, confesses to killing more.  You have to admire his commitment to justice.

Taco Bell recalled 2.3 million pounds of seasoned beef from restaurants.
FAKE NEWS: that ain't beef, and those aren't restaurants.

SJWs. More.

A Kansas schoolgirl was arrested and charged with a felony for brandishing a finger gun.    It belongs in both categories.

SJW Backfire

Artificial Intelligence models used to flag hate speech online are racist against black people. No, really.

  • the tweet “I saw him yesterday” is scored as 6 per cent toxic, but it suddenly skyrockets to 95 per cent for the comment “I saw his ass yesterday”. The word ass may be crude, but when used in that context it’s not aggressive at all.
  • maybe we shouldn't be trying to police speech....

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