Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lonelier Than a Nun in a Room Full of Priests

I've been reading about cheap laptops. It never hurts to have a cheap second machine around, in case the first one goes tits up or only half the display displays.  There's a very interesting product called the Pinebook. It's a community-driven project to produce dirt cheap linux laptops. I can't find any reference to it working with Windows, sorry. At least I looked.

The first machine is the Pinebook. It comes with an 11" or 14" display and goes for the heavy price of $99. Before you do anything, read the review. There are some gotchas, but nothing showstopping. You have to decide. At this this price, it's worth it to have a laptop to learn linux. And when I say learn, it operates pretty much like Windows: you use the menu to choose a program and go. The program menus have everything you're used to: save, print, quit, etc. If you're clever, you can even make it look like Windows. There's not much of a learning curve - you hook it to your wireless and go. It runs all the same browsers except Internet Explorer [not a single snide comment from me].

BUT there's more!  Pine64 is taking preorders for the Pinebook Pro. At $199, it might just be a bargain. It has more power and other improvements. Keep in mind the above review is for the earlier $99 Pinebook, not the Pinebook Pro.

Here's one consideration: the laptops are designed to be bargains. They are not equipped with the latest and greatest processors. At this price for a brand new laptop, you have a bargain. It's absolutely fine for surfing, email, and other apps. I'm thinking about one. If you have any questions, ask.

I realize I don't have a ton of readers who use linux, but wanted to present it to everyone.  There are all sorts of linux laptops, from the specifically built power machines ($1,000 to $2,000 and up) to used Thinkpads ($cheap - you have to install linux, but it's known to work on these). It runs on most anything, but I'd avoid new laptops because there might not be drivers for everything yet. It has worked on the last 5 laptops I had, without issues.

As some of you know, my father died suddenly.
People who unaware of this ask me how he's doing. What do I say?

How is he?
He isn't.

I might need a better answer.

Remember the component engineer's classic definition of a connector:
it's a source of trouble that joins two other sources of trouble.

Dear lefty

  • How many cocker spaniels does it take to change a lightbulb?
  • One to distract Dad and one to eat Dad's dinner.

Today's Question: Why are there three, no, FOUR knots in Penny's leash?
The question here is not why there are knots. The question is what the response to the question should be. I beg your forgiveness? I have no idea? Is this an actual problem? Have you asked Penny? Is that the one we use for..... never mind.

  • A Cape Cod study finds no easy way to stop shark attacks
  • Don't sharks know there's a law against attacking us?

Today I identify as the First Lady's thong

  • The pope warned against obesity.  Still no warning about being a young boy anywhere close to his minions....

No thank you, I'd rather take Cardio B to a hotel

The news is full of topics, mainly the fact that today is the first International Space Station spacewalk with two women.  A news story featured a professor of astronomy talking about this. I'm not sure how a studier of planets is qualified to speak about the ISS, but let's give her the benefit of doubt. She was all abuzz about showing that women can do it. "History is being made."

Ummm.... these are astronauts. They are incredibly highly qualified and trained. If they are not capable of a spacewalk, they wouldn't be there. NASA doesn't send astronauts to the ISS because of their plumbing. Will the news provide 24/7 coverage of the first two left handed astronauts doing a spacewalk? If you think about it, the people celebrating this are saying women have to prove themselves. That's sexist.

  • The Postal Service is exploring the use of drones to deliver mail
  • They're running into difficulty training them to be surly and late.

He started murdering women on South Florida, then became the worst serial killer in US history

  • a 75 year old woman jumped to her death from the Costa Pacifica cruise ship's balcony.
  • That was a very expensive suicide. Don't they have balconies at home?

I've ranted previously on unboxing videos, but one just annoyed me so you have to read an additional rant... Let's think about this a second. Someone got a videocam or phonecam and took video of someone literally opening a box and showing you the object. That's it. Even the people born without imagination find this ridiculous. If I want to watch a video of someone opening a box, I'll take some recreational pharmaceuticals and see it in my head. There was no voiceover in this video: just the sound of taking the object out of the box. It's like xmas, when you open a present.... riiiiiiippp. People watch this crap?

Heroes of the Stupid

A loyal reader was waiting for UPS to deliver a package. On the first day, it was 250 miles away, on its way. One the 2nd day, it had been misrouted. To Honolulu. That's approximately 5553 miles, with no driving directions available.

Ladies, you are warned not to use toothpaste to tighten your vagina. Among other things, it burns. This is on the heels of men using toothpaste to last longer in bed.  In other news, toothpaste sales are through the roof, as are emergency room visits.

The UK installed a knife surrender bin to curb knife crime. Criminals stole all the knives.   Hey Beto - how about a gun surrender bin?

A Dutch father and six adult children have been discovered living inside the cellar of a farmhouse, where they were waiting 9 years for the 'end of days.'

SJW Attack

Trump policies, racism may cause some black women's weight problems, professor says.

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