Friday, November 22, 2019

Laptops are for People Who Like Supermarkets

One android-related item: I've said it before, but you never realize how bad things are until you put a firewall on your phone. This might sound difficult, but hear me out...

Let's take our normal android phone.. you install a cool internet radio app like TuneIn radio. You fire the program up and listen to whatever stations you like. It became my #1 player.

Since my phone met its maker, I had to transfer everything to a new one (whatever you pay for insurance is worth it). LG, in addition to great phones, has a great transfer app. I found this out after I did everything manually on the new phone, because I only know how to do complicated things - I get nervous with anything easy. My original firewall was No Root Firewall, named because you don't have to root your phone to use it. I decided to give Netguard firewall a try.

With a firewall, when you fire up TuneIn Radio, you will get ill seeing where it goes. The firewall shows you every destination. You will see the obvious packets to the radio's domain. Then you'll see a shitload(technical term) of packets going all over the place. Spend any time looking them up and you'll see they're all advertising. So for each call for radio, there are 5 or more ad calls. One of the things about android that pisses me off is the apps are allowed to 'come alive' when they're not being used. TuneIn runs constantly, contacting ad domains. It has absolutely dominated my logs, moreso than goog calls. 

Btw, you don't need goog. You don't need to put in a goog account. You don't have to allow goog outside the phone. Since all apps phone home, the firewall stops them. Many apps don't need any net access at all, yet demand it. If you install a puzzle app, there's no reason it needs access to your phone, camera, storage, and internet access. So stop it with a firewall. You also won't see ads on everything... it's a less automatic ad-blocker.

If you have any questions, please ask. 

RIP Bill Macy (97), who played the husband on the tv show Maude.

Today's Worthless Fact: Hollywood's William H Macy had to be identified by that name because you can't have 2 people with the same name, because of some ridiculous union rule. Another example is Aerosmith's Brad Whitford and actor Bradley Whitford.

Dear lefty

  • Why don't you like Faceyspaces?
  • Why don't you like flesh-eating bacteria?

How the FBI abused NSA mass surveillance data.

  1. a kangaroo court (FISA) was set up to rubber-stamp requests for surveillance on foreigners only.
  2. the NSA slurped up everything it could, including Americans
  3. the FBI violated everyone's rights by warrantlessly going through the NSA eavesdropping data.
  4. This is a very clear 4th Amendment (search and seizure) violation.
  5. 9-11 was a bonanza for mass surveillance, as planned.
  6. As Zappa said, the only thing we have to fear is our own government.

  • Nancy Pelosi introduced an NSA Reform bill that is closer to a "Let Them Continue To Do What They Want" bill. 
  • Nancy Pelosi is the lowest form of politician one can find, if one can even imagine such a thing. This is your voting, California. This is what we have near the top of the pyramid. Do you still think there's any difference between Reps and Dems?

Let's take the time machine: way back to a previous employer, which had a kitchen with actual silverware. They caught one person licking the silverware and putting it back in the drawers. He probably migrated to doorbells.

It Begins....

Amazon handed over audio from 2 Echo devices in a Florida murder case.
Yes, there was a subpoena.

Let's review, shall we?

  • They bought a spying device that didn't eavesdrop.
  • Ok, well, maybe it eavesdrops a little.
  • The device didn't activate until its name was heard
  • Ok, well, it kinda listens all the time.
  • It only records your voice 'for more accurate voice recognition'
  • Ok, well, it records everything.
Since it records everything, the police want the recordings because they might contain evidence of a crime.

Before you read anything else, run out and buy one of those Ring doorbell cameras that allow you to see who's there when you're not home. The police love that device, and have even helped sell them to neighborhoods, so they can review the footage.

Lastly, an IoT set of videocams around the house, so AmazonFaceyspacesGoogle can see what you're doing and so can the police. To prevent crime, send the feed to the police first, then Google. They promise it will be kept private.

Would we lie to you?

Today I identify as fuzzy chartreuse shag carpeting

Today in the news:  Multiple People Killed in Rollover Crash Involving LAPD Pursuit

That was the headline.
The story was that a 3 minute chase resulted in the perp crashing and rolling his vehicle. 3 dead and one hospitalized from the vehicle only.

  • There is now a frozen rising-crust pizza stuffed with bacon. That's disgusting.
  • I'll let you know how about it as soon as I finish it.

On Halloween, hospitals used to offer free xrays of candy to look for foreign objects.   If you want to xray your leg, that will cost $495.

Meanwhile, a child got sick because his candy was tainted with antipsychotic meds.

  • Ain't technology great? Our gadgets automatically make the time changes. We no longer have to be aware, for those of us who were historically aware. My mother used to call her kids to remind them to change the clocks. Now the kids might have to call her.
  • In completely unrelated news, I found a great way to get out of bed quickly: the one clock that didn't adjust itself told me I was an hour late for work. You shoulda seen me jump!

Say, do you live in the wildfirey areas of California?
If so, PG&E (We provide power, unless we shut it off) requests that you kindly stop shooting at its employees. Thank you and that is all.

How do we know this is fake news?
Because you can't own guns in California.

No thank you, I'd rather  have a long chat with Kim Kardashian, where she tells me all her ideas about things and stuff.

An analysis of 136 depression-related sites in France, Germany, and the UK revealed a majority embed an "impressive" number of trackers, mostly for marketing.     Well, that's depressing.

  • ThermionicEmissions regrets to announce that Beto has dropped out of the race. Not that the rest of them are any better, nor are your Second Amendment rights safe.

Heroes of the Stupid  

There is a tumbler page on which an entomologist rates ant emojis.

A man buried 42 schoolbuses.
no word on whether they were full or not.

SJW Stinkies  

Do you have asthma and want to reduce your carbon footprint?
Stop using your medicine and find "greener" meds, per UK researchers.
Or you could stop your meds altogether and die, canceling your carbon footprint forever.

New York Times: refugees needed to fill 'void of cultural diversity' in white towns.

do NOT misgender the employees

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