Friday, June 9, 2023

A Putrid Fish Adagio

Your love is like  furry tomatoes

Anthropic’s Claude AI can now digest an entire book like The Great Gatsby in seconds

Critics ask why he'd want to.

Today I identify as  Ichabod Crane

Rhonda.... wtf?
We only got to communicate a few times, which was a blast.
Couldn't wait to meet you in person. If your SO said you were the Stuff<tm>, that was good enough for me. 
Your severe lack of presence is felt from one side to the other. I won't say it's your fault, though. Every now and then I give people a break.  It's not like stopping respiration goes unnoticed, you know. You probably don't know this yet(?) but I have to be nice to my readers, as there are so few of them. Unless I piss them off, then it's ok. All interactions indicated I hadn't (yet) managed to offend you. So don't run around being all dead and stuff on purpose, ok? Your new friends and family miss you... you left a lot in your wake.

Lastly, let me know if you can read this blog wherever it is you went, ok?
In the end, it's all about me anyway.

Love from the entire Thermionic Crew.

Toyota: Car location data of 2 million customers exposed for ten years

Didja know Toyota was tracking your Toyota?

This incident exposed the information of customers who used the company's T-Connect G-Link, G-Link Lite, or G-BOOK services between January 2, 2012, and April 17, 2023.

T-Connect is Toyota's in-car smart service for voice assistance, customer service support, car status and management, and on-road emergency help.

This has to be stopped, along with the stupidity of not securing data in the cloud. And of buying cars from companies that do this. It IS possible that spying was disclosed in privacy statement, but who wants to read all those words? You the consumer are responsible for your own rights - because no one else will guard them.

Austrian train plays Hitler speech over loudspeaker

Oh, those wacky nazis... always getting up to something. Stay tuned next week for another episode of the smash tv hit "That's Our Fuhrer", the story of the antics of good old Adolph. The new episode starts with Adolph and his buddy Gobbels getting caught in the janitor's closet. Hilarity ensues. That's Our Fuhrer, every Saturday on the neo-nazi network (NNN). Sponsored by SPAM - you never know what's in that stuff, and Fawlty Towers - don't mention the war.

Now that the Flying AIDS is officially Emergency Over, we'll need something new to panic and obsess over. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have it right here:

Drug-resistant ringworm reported in US for first time; community spread likely

  • Smith, get all the governors together on closing down all businesses, except the ones we like to shop at. Make sure the strip joints are designated Essential.
  • Williams, call the CDC, WHO, and the UN. Remind them not to agree on a single thing.
  • I'll call Big Pharma. They don't always take calls because they're literally rolling around in millions of hundreds and thousand dollar bills.
  • Greenstein, call the White House. Tell President Giveaway we'll need billions, plus more billions to bail out the drug companies when the results of their hidden studies get leaked.
  • Brown, everybody trusts an honest man with some sort of medical credentials. Since we don't have one, dig up Fauci. We're definitely going to need him. 
  • We'll tell everyone that it's transmitted by looking at it. That should start enough shit to get us moving. Don't worry - they'll believe anything we tell them.

Speaking of phones, I tend to keep them well past their expiration date. I'm not worried about the security implications - I always use condoms. But I'm coming up against a brick wall: I listen to things when I go to bed. Unfortunately, the earphone jack became like being with a promiscuous woman: a Volkswagen in a 4 car garage. So now the earphone plug just falls out. When that happens, the speaker comes back, and Mrs. lefty does not want to listen to anything when she goes to bed. G-Bus, this is pissing me off, much like everything else in life. I can't use BlueTooth headphones because it will fall out of my ear and into another dimension, requiring me to buy new ones every few days. I could fix the problem for many years by buying a new $1300 phone, but that idea is not appealing for some reason.  I like to buy good phone because of the performance, plus I keep them a long time, but that price is ridiculous. That's Guitar Money. I may have to go used. grumble. My carrier said if I upgrade my plan, they'll give me a free iPhone. I said I'd think about it if they gave me a real phone. And why upgrade my plan if I don't even use 1G of my 8G plan? Having no life has its advantages.

Bloody headphone jacks. I'm not opposed to opening the phone up, but I suspect you can't tighten the jack or buy a new one. Or solder a new one. I have no fear. Or common sense. Especially with a soldering iron in my hands [evil laughter]. Economically it seems a little lopsided... buying a $1300 phone because of a ten cent jack.

Speaking of blasted iPhones from work, they have no headphone jack, because Apple thought it would once again piss off its entire userbase and remove it. Of course that's not the way it happened. Apple decided there would be no headphone jack, and the customers rejoiced, holding their iDevices to the heavens, proclaiming it the greatest idea since potholes. Even though they had to get all new headphones, they bragged to the androiders that they had no headphone jack. The androiders, already used to the nonstop Smug from the iHoles, just shook their heads and showed them how their headphones plugged into the headphone jack on their phones. The iHoles snorted and walked away.

My work iDevice came with phones. Phones with the Apple connector on them (Thunder and Lightning?). Because they chose not to include a phone jack, I can't listen to music when the phone charges and vice-versa. Fortunately I don't listen to music on the work phone, but it's an irrationally silly idea. I also can't use the headphones with anything other than the work phone (and all my other Apple products).

While there is no question which is the better phone, android manufacturers are a stupid lot, with little to no creativity or imagination. If Apple's demo of the new phone fell on the floor, causing a diagonal crack from bottom to top, the next week Samsung would have a new Galaxy, with a diagonal crack from bottom to top. At that point, the iPeople would snort derisively, proclaiming they introduced the crack and the world followed them, as always. Apple actually believes this shit, but not all iPeople do.

How many of you have I pissed off with my undying admiration of all things Apple?
Is there anything else I can do to piss you off? The comments section remains unused.

Remote work comes with daytime drug and drinking habits

Oh great... I'm years behind on this. Can I give up Yoo Hoo for cocaine? Time will tell.

'Dystopian' new UK traffic cameras use AI to 'spy' on drivers inside their cars

The UK is good for one thing; Humor.
It is also good as a warning for the rest of the planet. The dystopian spying rights-eating nightmares always come to the UK first, as if trying it out for the other countries. Aside from that, it's a great place. If something were to happen to England, Marshall and Vox amplifiers would be no more. This alone should get the populace into action. But no, there's another episode of Strictly Come Dancing (Dancing with the Stars) and some Guinness at the pub.

It's a revenue generator to begin with. Then it's snooping into where it shouldn't be. Then it's an example to other authoritarian countries (Australia, the US, etc). We are the Four Eyes countries: we watch the other ones for neat ideas.

 But it's Blue... 

One year for Christmas Wife gave me a box with a ball-type thing, roughly the size of a basketball. It was obviously not designed for bouncing (which might've been fun!). It was crystal or ceramic or something. I'm not all that quick on the draw, so I stared at it a while, in total confusion.

Eventually Wife caught on that I had absolutely no idea what it was.
"It's a gazing ball," she told me, as if that cleared everything up, which is didn't.
"I got it because it was blue. I know you like blue," she said, as if that cleared up anything.
I continued my staring. Maybe it was one of those crystal balls that the old gypsy ladies look into to see your future. There's no way I was giving Wife $10,000 wrapped up in a cloth to grant me good luck. I've done this before, and I know it's a scam. I won't let her do it to me again.

So I continued to stare, then stared at her, as if this was going to help me understand. HA!
She took another moment to explain, like I was 5. Usually this helps. But no.
Finally she told me that it was a blue gazing ball, for outside.
Oh, that makes sense now (it didn't).
Aside from the fact I don't know what a gazing ball is and I don't go outside, it's perfect.
I asked her if it was for me still.
"Yes," she said, as if all questions were answered and I was both happy and grateful.
I did what came natural; I stared.

This was the final gift I ever got from anybody, because I told everybody, kindly, to not give me anything. Correct me if I'm mistaken, and it hasn't happened yet, but one buys a gift because the giftee will love it, hopefully thinking it's the greatest thing ever, thank you, they never would have thought of it themselves. Well... wtf could have been going through her head? I'd understand a single pack of guitar strings. I would enjoy them and they would be put to good use, even if it's a symbolic gift. It's well thought out, useful, and I'd save a trip to the guitar store. It takes into account what I love most, and should be somewhat obvious, especially given the guitars strewn all over the house. I thanked her for the gift and asked if it was like me giving her a guitar amplifier, as it's something I like and she doesn't play anything. She smiled and said that was fine. Since we're married, she completely failed to get the point.

But no, I got a gazing ball. A blue gazing ball. From my wife, who allegedly knows me. As my sole Christmas gift. To this day she still doesn't understand my reticence to do more than let it sit in its box somewhere, no less why I was somewhat agitated.

I have it on good authority the ball exists somewhere in the house, in its protective box.
I still don't understand it and continue to not want to 'use' it. Fast forward quite a number of years. While we're out browsing, I ask if this store has any gazing balls, just because I'm that way. She tells me no. Then she lets me in on a secret: she bought me the gazing ball because she wanted me to sit outside with her, and it was blue, a color I'd like, so I'd sit outside with her. It took this EIGHT years for her to bring this to light.

I stared.
So THAT was what this was all about.
I suspect it would have been much easier, less expensive, and more effective, if she just ASKED me to sit outside with her. The thought that buying me a present I didn't know about and never heard of and that it wouldn't serve its intended purpose never occurred to her. Since we're married, she completely failed to get the point. I decided not to push it any further, as I like my genitalia right where it is, thank you.

So to this day, nobody has to waste their time buying me generic cologne, sports equipment, sports memorabilia, shirts with sports equipment logos, tickets for sports events, a pencil sharpener, right handed mice, blank CDs in a size that hasn't existed since 1990, a computer tree ornament, a computer tree, a Smashing Pumpkins CD (or any of the other 17,263 bands I can't stand), sneakers with air in them, dark socks, more invitations to family and strangers' events, a Jimi Hendrix nose piercing ring, golf balls, or gazing balls - even the blue ones.

I went to visit a unicorn today; a shopping center with two guitar stores. Two large chain guitar stores.
I specifically wanted a certain pedal that I noticed recently. I even announced that there would be one there waiting for me. This would start the ball rolling, by putting my desire out into the universe, which would then provide it for me. It's the power of Attraction.

tl:dr   I went to 2 large guitar stores, walked out with nothing, but Wife managed to buy a few things.
Wife does not play guitar.

Instead of the power of Attraction, I have the power of Repulsion. I push things away. Family, equipment, readers, whatever...

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