Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stabbed WHERE?

Man stabbed in scrotum with hypodermic needle; Cops suspect girlfriend...

That chick was a real pain in the nuts...

Eating Puppy Meat Is the Same as Eating Pork, TV Chef Says...

This guy will be really popular down at the SPCA.

Iraq threatens to break military links with USA...

Ten years and ten billion dollars too late...

Vodka-soaked gummy bears create buzz among teens...

What, you've never played shoot the gummy at the cleavage?

Man electrocuted trying to steal power lines...

Sounds like the problem took care of itself.

Ok, everyone knows about the mummers, right?   It's a loose, large group of partially-sober men and women who get smashed, glue feathers and sparkles to themselves (not in a San Francisco-ish way), then stumble around in a semi-organized fashion, to the accompaniment of horrid contraptions called banjos and horns.  This happens on New Years Day and is judged by an invisible panel of Vogons, who liken it to their poetry.

Right.  So I heard on the news that there were two arrests for prostitution in Sowf Filly, at one group's clubhouse.  Those of us with a libertarian bent firmly hold that the government has no right to make laws about what one can and cannot do with one's body, thereby decriminalizing selling your body.

Then I checked things out further.  Even though I'm all about prostitution, have you seen the women?  These alleged prostitutes are accused of plying their trade outside the clubhouse.  Ok, I see some benefit to incarcerating them, even if it simply keeps us from having to see them.  Or, heaven forbid, hear them.

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