Monday, May 20, 2019

Tonight at the Wells Fargo Center: The Cancerous Cockers

Please update your operating systems and everything else you use. A ton of vendors have released patches for serious vulnerabilities.

After reviewing the series, I've decided that the Lifetime Achievement in Acting Award should go to John Astin, for his portrayal of Gomez Addams. He simply was Gomez. Even in other roles, he was still Gomez.

Curious, I looked Lurch up. Ted Cassidy's biggest role was Lurch, but he acted in other shows and did a lot of voiceovers. He was also a newsman, reporting during the JFK assassination. At 6'9" (259 grams British), he towered over other actors (and most other things, except certain tall trees and Alec Baldwin's ego).

Dear lefty:

  • What did it take to be a successful musical comic?
  • After spending over 15 years in the business, I have no friggin idea. I'll let you know, should I become one.

Signs You're Getting Old

  • You find yourself watching ancient reruns of Laugh-In. And they refer to the future as 1990.
  • You discover a tv station that runs 1970s game shows. And you watch it.
  • As a teen,  you had the LOUDEST stereo in the entire city. Now you scream, "TURN THAT NOISE DOWN!"
  • Dazed and Confused is no longer a Led Zeppelin song - it's your reality.
  • You remember Cher's original face
  • You know Robin Williams said "Nanoo nanoo."
  • Social Media involved a modem and dialup bulletin boards (BBSes)
  • You had to look stuff up in a strange building called a library.

  • Yes, of Course

    If you get a chance, check out the Yes, Live at the Apollo video.
    It was a very pleasant surprise... featuring Rick Wakeman, Trevor Rabin, and Jon Anderson. Who the hell knows how many different versions of Yes there were.  Rabin was excellent - I had no idea. He handled Steve Howe parts, as well as his own stuff, with grace and accuracy. Everything the members did was spot on and I'm not a rabid Yes fan.

    If you're not fond of Yes, I highly recommend avoiding it.

    • How is the current cancerous cocker? Penny is a little subdued the day after her chemo, but doing well. 

    WTF is going on with the Boeing 737 Max crashes and the FAA review?
    Don't we all have a 100% interest in keeping the planes in the air?
    Boeing claims no knowledge of the flaw in testing.
    Some pilots claim they spoke to Boeing before the crashes.
    I've heard it said that Boeing failed to explain a feature/function to pilots, but don't understand the whole story well enough to say.

    • Congrats to our president, for refusing to sign an international agreement on curbing 'hate speech' and extremism on social media. It's freedom of speech, plus the government has no business there.
    • On the other side, the president asked for stories of censorship on social media. Again, the government has no business there. They are private entities.

    Certain things we don't need to see on tv or magazines:

    Underwear and lingerie for fat women (Curvy is the PC term).
    Bladder leak panties on a model.
    Cellulite hiding products, featuring a large woman with cellulite.
    Cosmetic products claiming most people felt it did what it was claimed to do. In small letters, they disclose that it was 77% of 32 people. It didn't even have to work - the people just felt it worked.

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