Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sleeping with the Enema

A large number of android antiviruses are full of holes.

Hey, how bout those cellular carriers who don't throttle video speed except when necessary?  Oops.

I hate like hell to enable this, so consider it a warning in case you want to. 
10 Best Free VPN Chrome extensions.
Why not?
Chrome is Google. Isn't that enough? This browser phones home.
READ the VPN companies' privacy policies and logging disclosures. Some of them are beyond bad. The performance isn't always that good. If it's free, how do they make money?  
Opera has a built-in VPN, but the browser is Chinese. They don't have a great privacy record.

Dear lefty

  • What would you do if I sang out of tune?

a. get you a huge record contract
b. You'd be the singer in my band, and we'd go to the next song
c. stand up and walk out on you

As is pointed out to me frequently, freedom of speech is not absolute.
---> Chicago man arrested for threatening to commit massacre at abortion clinic.  I'm pro-life and I'll kill you to prove it.

  • Pro Tip: Prostrate is laying on your back. Prostate is up your butt. You should avoid mixing them up. Trust me.

ThermionicEmissions is kicking off a new feature today.
It's called "I'd Rather".

No thanks, I'd rather wear a MAGA hat to the next Democratic debates.

If you have any ideas, comments, complaints, whining, praise, or offers of chocolate, use the Comment button. If you have no comment, use the Comment button.

Don't forget to tell your friends, or people you don't like, to come by and read the blog. Google informed me that we had one visitor yesterday. I want to keep this streak going. If we hit over 20 members, I'll make the blog free.

  • Why is Dwayne pronounced du-WAYNE?
  • Who taught the South that "Do whut?" is an acceptable substitution for "Could you repeat that, please?"

Twitter is under fire for thousands of ads attempting to influence voting.
In other news, people read ads?

  • Giving back: I love stories about animals assisting and saving people. We had a small chance to give back when over 100 humans volunteered to help a few stranded whales get back to sea.

In the background as I type is a drawn out debate on how we watch tv and movies, mostly about using cell phones. One lady said she doesn't like it because it ruins the 'viewing experience.' I try to avoid personal insults as arguments so I won't say 'blithering idiot'. Ok, fine, lady, but who cares what you think? People can watch however they want. They can choose to ignore the entire show and look at pr0n on their phones. So long as they're not bothering anybody, what does it matter? At the movies, however, these people require a serious learning experience.

Dyatlov Pass

A group of hikers went exploring the tundra in the Urals and wasn't heard from.
A few weeks later, a search party found their bodies. They were in really bad shape.. some huddled together, some half naked, some half a mile away, all fleeing something.

The tent was shredded. Examination showed knife cuts. The cuts were made from the inside of the tent. A scrap of paper left there said 'the Snowman exists.'

Autopsies were performed. The medical examiner said no human could have produced the damage that was inflicted upon the bodies. One was missing its tongue.  One student, Yuri Yudin, headed home before the incident. He recently passed away, but identified one of the belongings as being from the military or KGB, indicating someone made it to the scene before the rescue party. Not included were claims of huge footprints.

In short order, the Russian government shut the investigation down. It's been a mystery for 50 years.

Some say an animal. Some say aliens. Cattle mutilations showed tongues removed. Some blame an avalanche. Some indigenous folk who were alive at that time said 'Menk,' meaning Yeti/Sasquatch. Footprint casts from the area are huge. The Russian government put together a group to bring back a Yeti, disbanded in 1959, right before the hikers left. Everything else is classified. Links are to Wikipedia, Dyatlov Pass, and the An American Nationalist blog, with its own theory.

These are the facts as I know them. Draw your own conclusions.

SJW Streaks

Tourette's charity wants apology over award-winning joke.
Make sure to choose at least one topic to be offended by..
I used to perform with a comic who had a stutter and built his act around it. Time went by and he cured himself. Unfortunately, he had no more act.

"....robots can be trans"

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