Friday, July 2, 2021

Are You Out of Your Pancreas?

 Your love is like  cholera

Speaking of love, please think good thoughts, or whatever you do, for Mrs. lefty, who's having a difficult time.

  • Real-life Tarzan lived for 41 years not knowing women existed and ate rats' heads
  • now a successful tv executive and high school teacher 

Taliban seizes a THIRD of Afghanistan in blitz offensive after US wastes nearly $1TRILLION in ‘pointless’ 20-year war 

It wasn't pointless if you work for arms manufacturers. Have a heart 

Military Report Says Space Force Must Prepare for Moon Warfare
The Boogie Man has moved from Earth orbit to the Moon!  

  • Philadelphia schools adopt 'sanctuary' immigration policy
  • Isn't that nice... sanctuary school mayor dribbles it down to the schools....

Today I identify as  a really attractive person. Oddly, I still appear unattractive and people want nothing to do with me, so that's discrimination.

It's an interesting world... Sinead O'Connor is leaving music to become an author and Britney Spears is petitioning to end her father's conservatorship. Thanks to Sinead and go Britney. But seriously, these ladies are broken and ThermionicEmissions hopes they get the most effective help and can go on to live a 'normal' life. UPDATE: Britney lost the case and made some claims about her personal life being regulated.

A group of 17 researchers from a wide cross-section of different disciplines have come together to contribute to a paper suggesting social media might be a risk to humanity's continued existence as we know it.

It took this long? 

  • Federal Judge Rules Baltimore's Secret Spy Planes Violated The Constitution
  • must limit spy planes to FBI/CIA/NSA 

The 27 EU nations have rolled out the EU vaccine passport.
Told you so

One of the evil cabal, Donald Rumsfeld (88), has perished. Rumsfeld held a press conference to announce the government could not account for trillions in the budget. On 9-10-2001. Rumsfeld was a DC insider, one of a group of very powerful people who run things moreso than the president.

Data compiled by four of the biggest tech companies shows that law enforcement requests for user information — phone calls, emails, texts, photos, shopping histories, driving routes and more — have more than tripled in the U.S. since 2015. Police are also increasingly savvy about covering their tracks so as not to alert suspects of their interest... In just the first half of 2020 — the most recent data available — Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft together fielded more than 112,000 data requests from local, state and federal officials. The companies agreed to hand over some data in 85% of those cases. Facebook, including its Instagram service, accounted for the largest number of disclosures.

Advance Browser Privacy Tools, Settings & tips

  • Bill Cosby's conviction was overturned by the PA Supreme Court on a technicality.
  • He celebrated with a small party of all women and Jello's new roofie pudding 

President Biden visited the victims of the Florida condo collapse. He assured the residents that there would be an emergency tax increase to assist them.

LOS ANGELES - A bomb squad truck carrying confiscated illegal fireworks exploded unexpectedly, blowing out windows and destroying nearby cars in a South Los Angeles neighborhood Wednesday night.

Well, if you stop trying to make fireworks illegal, this wouldn't happen, would it? These people shouldn't be allowed to confiscate water.  But we all secretly hope there's video.....

Holy Transformers, Batman - A flying car prototype made a 35 minute flight this week.
  • there was a 2 hour delay when they couldn't find a stewardess slim enough
  • you can't drive to work without getting a TSA groping
  • psychologists are preparing for Sky Rage, when this model, with a BMW engine, passes a model with a Chevrolet engine, at great speed
  • much to the satisfaction of BMW owners, there are no turn signals

What's the only thing sillier than a gender reveal party?
A pro wrestling-inspired gender reveal party. 

Hey, man, did you get your work badge yet?
Funny you should ask...
We're not entirely sure where it is.
I got my picture taken but no one seems to know what happened after that. Perhaps I became invisible. I'm still getting paid, so I'm not a non-entity.
We went one step further up the chain and they told me there are only 2 places to get processed, neither being the one I went to. That's odd - the appointment system listed a hundred.
So now I have to call a different place and make an appointment. We're not sure if I'm getting my picture taken again or they have my badge. So that's another trip or two. The best I can say is at least it's not downtown.

Apparently there's a new system.
Did they let anybody know?

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