Sunday, February 12, 2023

If You Think About it, it's Not Worth Thinking About

Your love is like   a sink continually full of dirty dishes

A 45-year-old man has been accused of deliberately driving his pick-up truck into the lobby of the Grand Junction Police Department in Colorado

Police said he appeared to be upset about something.

Today I identify as  pudding

 I joked about President Giveaway shipping Abrams tanks to Ukraine at the rate of 2.5 per Ukrainian. Here's some official news showing I was right on target:

The 31 U.S. M1 Abrams tanks headed to Ukraine will need to be in a unique export configuration. This is in large part due to the highly classified armor packages found specifically on U.S. military versions of the tank, which contain depleted uranium not readily exportable even to major allies. Concerns have also been raised over how the complex electronic components, and especially the gas turbine propulsion systems, of the tanks could make them particularly difficult to maintain in Ukraine. President Joe Biden formally announced plans to send the 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine on January 25 – it still remains unclear what specific variant of the Abrams Ukraine's military is set to receive from the U.S.

Now Biden has to send in 457 Abrams tank technicians, all with nuclear-resistant overalls.

What is our fascination with depleted uranium weapons?

A British man who planned to have a "robot lawyer" help a defendant fight a traffic ticket has dropped the effort after receiving threats of possible prosecution and jail time.

Where did the fire and brimstone come from? Multiple state bar associations. Do the math.

Cell phone manufacturers had the worst quarter ever, in 2022 Q4. 

Please stand with me, as we send our deepest sympathies and blow them a Thermionic Raspberry


I gotcher $1,500 phones right here.

Laura Winham: Surrey woman lay dead in flat for three years, say family

Fascinating article. The health program, NHS, is having lots of problems. The family lays this square at the NHS' door. They've got a tremendous point. My only question is why the family didn't check up on her for 3 years?

Her sister Nicky said the family were unable to maintain contact with her after years of schizophrenia caused her to believe they would harm her.

Unfortunately Surrey has no working phone system. Or cell phone system. The police found her body after a welfare check was requested.

What have we learned?

  1. have a few friends, invite them over for pizza; this way your body will be found faster
  2. everyone dropped the ball (apologies for the sports metaphor) - it's beyond horrible
  3. America's health system is suffering too but not this badly. Unfortunately things have changed from how we knew them. A patient has to be their own advocate. If they're not capable, someone else must advocate for them; like a family member. When the system makes a promise, it has to be followed up. Even if you have to be an asshole, you're being an asshole in service of someone you love. You have to go as far as to check with your doctor after blood work, because there's no guarantee he read the results and will contact you to come back. Better safe than sorry, right? Fighting the bureaucracy is extremely difficult, but for that reason, it must be done. Ask the question until you're satisfied you understand the answer (and it's ok with you).
Unfortunately, I know from experience. If I weren't a tenacious asshole, they might be dead.

Yellen warns of debt ceiling "catastrophe" for U.S. and beyond

  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Axios she is “nervous” about the U.S. defaulting on its debt and cautioned that Americans likely will face a scary and spiraling recession if Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling this summer. 

Notice that a problem and solution were put forth. Notice that nowhere is it mentioned that we should lower the debt. Notice that every time this comes up, the debt ceiling gets raised. It's theater. Congress whines about the government having to close down, then votes to raise the ceiling. And we stand for it. Every time.

At Theme Parks, You Must Be This Tall—and This Thin—to Ride
A new Mario Kart attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood warns that visitors with large waistlines might not be allowed on board

How could this possibly create a problem?

 Appliance makers sad that 50% of customers won’t connect smart appliances

Every now and then I think there might be some hope for humanity.

 Then I realize it's because they don't know how to connect them.

Procrastination may harm your health. Here’s what you can do

Good idea - I'll do it tomorrow.

Amazon to close charitable program AmazonSmile
Amazon strikes: Workers claim their toilet breaks are timed

Bezos: Look. this is a bad economy. America is going to default on the debt unless it raises its debt ceiling. I can't raise my debt ceiling, so I have to trim the fat where I can. Do you realize I only have two solid gold toilets at my mansions? I sacrifice like anybody else.  Other ideas:
  1. double the caffeine in their coffee - they'll get more work done
  2. there will be NO company timing of bathroom breaks. Employees will be required to time themselves, and report it on Form 9997-PP.
  3. if bathroom breaks are found to take up too much time, we will dig a trough and everybody can use it while they work. No need for time off or timing bathroom breaks.
  4. about that vacation time we promised you.....
  5. if you work the weekend, you can make up for the pay cut
  6. limit space shuttles to one celebrity per month
  7. if we fire enough low-paid workers, we can afford bonuses for upper manglement
  8. Work songs - they make everybody happier and more productive. Start with "Back on the Chain Gang", then "Workin' in a Coal Mine"
  9. Hire more divorced people: they have no lives anyway, so they'll come in more often.
  10. Perhaps working from home wasn't the best idea for the warehouse people...

  • Johnny, have you no couth? Wait til you get home to play with your sister's hoo-ha.

     A Federal Judge has blocked California law that would punish doctors for providing treatment or advice that promotes COVID "misinformation." Bill Gates, one of the leading investors in mRNA technology who made millions off of the COVID vaccine, recently admitted that the COVID vaccine is ineffective against preventing transmission, providing long-term protection, and aligning with rapidly developing variants.

     Nearly half of Americans believe Covid vaccines have probably caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey. Rasmussen reported that a near equal proportion worry that Covid vaccines may have major side effects (57%) as believe they are effective (56%). The mRNA vaccines ... were authorized by the Food and Drug Administration on an emergency basis after only 10 months of testing. Vaccine trials usually take about 10 years. The FDA in December 2020 decided it couldn’t wait for an exhaustive study and authorized the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after two large randomized controlled trials showed they were nearly 95% effective against symptomatic infection. But patients had been tracked for only a few months.

Bolded text is mine. I brought this up at the beginning of vaccine availability.
Once again, I am not anti-vax; I am for full testing, no Bill Gates, no Big Pharma swindling, and no mandates.

It was an average morning. The sun was in its usual spot, completely hidden by the omnipresent cloud layer. As I turned on my computer, it mocked me by giving me grief about having 2 monitors. Off to get coffee, I slid on a magazine - I swear it reached out for me. As I took my vitamin, I picked it up and it went flying onto some sticky paper. I have picked up vitamins successfully for most of my life, so I just watched in horror.  

Sick with being home, I had to actually go into the premises where I used to physically sit to do an upgrade. 3 minutes out, there was a train. 5 minutes out, there was another train. The speed indicator on the side of the street said you should be going 30mph, but you are going XXmph. Just to be sure, everybody was driving 23mph. I got ready to get on the main road to work, when, you guessed it, the road was closed and there were detour signs. Lovely. I followed the signs until I came back to the road that was closed, with the detour signs. I felt lucky because there were no more trains and I even got a parking spot at work. Isn't that sad?

The receiving department had the parts I needed, so I trudged across the tundra, to the other side of the building. You know what's coming, right? The sign said they'd be back in 2 hours. I emailed one of them and went in search of drinking fountains and old coworkers. The fountains were blocked off by orange construction cones. Nobody I used to work with was in the office. They're probably smart and were working from home, where I should have been at that moment. Especially Betty's home. Then the most bizarre thing happened.... the receiving guy came after me with my package. If his boss finds out, he won't have a job anymore. I thanked him and promised not to let his boss know. 

The server I was operating on was very well-hidden, probably on purpose. I'm not positive, but I thought I heard it snicker when I finally found it. Because they can be stacked high in racks, they're made to be easy to work on. Pop the hood and pop in the part. Reconnect and we're off. The company sent 2 of the parts, in case 1 was bad. How did they know? Re-pull, re-open, reseat, go.

What have we learned? Don't get anywhere near me - you wouldn't want my day to rub off on you.

The vitamin? It's stuck to a police scanner on my desk, to make it go faster.

Pr0n or Mainstream? 

This is the fun blogging game where I give you 2 titles and you tell me which is the pr0n and which is the mainstream. 
  • Elf Sex Farm
  • Decomposition analysis method in linear and nonlinear differential equations
Think carefully - it's not always as obvious as it appears.

Conversations with my dog  

Me: Why do you bark at stuff that isn't there? 

Her: My sight is 1,000 times better than yours, my nose 5,000 times better than yours, and my ears 2,000 times better than yours. YOU are the one who can't see things, not me.

Me: What do you see?

Her: I see dead people.

Me: Can you tell them to stop breaking stuff and go haunt someone else's house?

I attended a security conference recently. They used Zoom.
Why does a high-level security organization use Zoom? Zoom is a mess, with a terrible track record for safety. Nobody should use Zoom. There are other services, like Wire.

The weather has modified slightly. Instead of complete gloom in one of 247 shades of gray, we have shade #247 with rain. Who says we have no variety? 
No... wait... now it's snowing. Naturally it wasn't in the forecast.

Former Vice President Pence is the latest politician to join the Classified Documents at Home crowd.
He joins Joe "What's a Classified Document?" Biden and Donald "Stand in line to sue me" Trump.

I don't know what the big deal is. How many of us don't have top secret documents in a box in the garage? Or email servers in the bathroom? Besides - the people have to Do What We Say and Not What We Do. We understand security like we understand the life-cycle of the slug, which we tend to closely resemble. So I tell you - don't let the findings of classified documents in unsecured places have any effect on your support of the politician. We all do it. 

P.S. Will the person who has the Top Secret documents on Roswell please return them? We can't keep our lies story straight.

Debt ceiling anyone? 

UC Berkeley believes there are many more instances of Top Secret documents in the wild, specifically among Jews, who are still not allowed on campus, along with Zionists and people who don't accept the fact that there are over 307 genders.

‘Turgid’ Penises and ‘Anal Clefts’: New Bill Seeks to Outlaw Adult Businesses in West Virginia

The authors of the bill want you to know that they're in no way rabid religionoids or even republicans. They have no desire to legislate their own morals, nor do they want to control what people can see and do. They will absolutely not be caught with little boys or sheep at any time.

They should spend some time making incest illegal.

This idiocy is clearly against the 1st Amendment; the ACLU has already weighed in. The only chance the citizens have is that the legislation was introduced at the end of the session, which expires in a couple of weeks. There are over 1,000 pieces of legislation introduced, so we hope it will get lost in the numbers. West Virginians: you really need to contact these people. They have no business legislating morality and this is anti 1st Amendment. Even if you don't avail yourself of adult entertainment, these people cannot be allowed to decide what businesses are allowed and not allowed to operate. Next time it might be your business.

Smart ovens do really dumb stuff to check for Wi-Fi

You know of my great love for 'smart' devices. This one searches for a wifi connection and 'phones home,' including to China. You should really read the article and be upset. Let it inform your buying decisions on all smart devices.

Tip: there are a number of 'dumb' tv's available. It's worth researching.

Pr0n legend Ron Jeremy was to be on trial for sexual assault. Unfortunately he was found incompetent to stand trial, due to sever mental deterioration. He is currently in a facility, and thinks he's making pr0n movies. What a shame.. he was a real pistol. With a real pistol. Although this whole circus would be hysterical to him (if he didn't orchestrate it). If he did, he fooled the professionals. Jeremy took to doing comedy after his pr0n career also developed dementia.

Yet another taken by dementia. Like cancer, the incidence has gone through the roof. 

UC Berkeley will not view pr0n of the 1970s-80s because there were a lot of Jews in the movies, Jeremy included. 


I can't use my oven, it's winter

The Musk Files

Elon Musk, who has taken an almost Trumpian beating on Twitter, wants to get back to what is important; Teslas. And Tesla is in the headlines once again, when Sacramento firefighters had to use 6,000 gallons of water to put out a Tesla that had spontaneously combusted.

Fortunately the driver was able to pull over and was not injured.
Teslas now come with fire extinguishers and fire insurance, as well as an optional fireproof suit, like race car drivers wear. When someone suggested that this is too much work to simply drive a car, he was torn a new one on Twitter.

In Philly, a Tesla driver burned to death when his car spontaneously combusted and no one would allow him to pull over to the shoulder. In fact, some sped up so he couldn't cut them off. Another 25 drivers almost caused a chain reaction crash because they were taking video. 3 drivers shot at him. Nobody bothered to call the police or fire, but all 25 videos made it to TikTok and Faceyspaces. This was how the driver's wife learned about her husband's death.

Musk is also pissed because of a flight-tracking service that knows where his plane is. It's completely legitimate, as all planes transmit this info. Musk believes he's immune and has threatened the owner of the service with a lawsuit. One such service is Flightaware. You can even check the timing of your plane arriving. You can tell a lot from this information.

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