Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Second Coming. Of My Laptop.


Your love is like  the last, burnt cup of coffee in the pot. The next day.

Hey, Kids, he said in a singsong voice...know what time it is? It's February; Black History Month.

Still no left handed history month.

I think April is National Guitar Month and National Left Handers Day. By extension, it's National Left Handed Guitar Month. Somebody get me a throne.

Today I identify as  Dweezil Zappa

Apple should be required to let iPhone users sideload apps, Biden admin says

Another iHole in office. Leave Apple alone. If you continue to stick your nose in business, go after Microsoft's monopoly (again) on operating systems.

You knew, or at least I knew, that simply having the laptop repaired for an insane amount of money wasn't going to be enough. The repair was for the screen and plastic parts. When I put my drives back in, it worked.

And when I say it worked, I mean it booted.

And when it Booted, I could do stuff. Even though I had no audio. Little by little, more stuff started to go wrong (tits up in England, bad, eh in Canada). At one point, the trackpad stopped. Although that fixed the problem I was having with it, this was not the way I wanted it to happen. Using a mouse with a laptop is unwieldy, not to mention really ugly. I had a bad feeling, which introduced itself to all the other bad feelings I had, that I knew what test I had to run. You see, if I ran that test, it might tell me I had to completely redo the whole laptop, from the hard drive up. Since it might tell me that, you know that it did tell me that. This crap happens on Windows, not linux.

I set aside a little time, when work wasn't constantly interrupting me, to dedicate to the redo. I've had quite a few laptops and all linux installs worked fine. So from this you know the installation failed. In fact, it failed so badly it was called a Fatal Error. I don't mess around - most of my errors are fatal.

In these enlightened(?) times, we go to, the default search engine on your browser, to find out what the error means and how to fix the problem. Wow - it turns out I'm not the only one with the problem.. it goes back years and years. And there are a ton of solutions; none the same and none that work. Hours of my life I will never get back. That's a lot of napping time lost. 

I contacted the manufacturer. Their response was "Oh no. It's not supposed to do that." They are nothing if not helpful. "That error only shows up if you're installing in zero-gravity." I don't know much about science, but when I throw a hammer up in the air, it comes right back down and hits me on the head, just about every time. So it's probably not a zero-gravity environment. Except possibly when stuff moves somewhere else and I can't find it. Only I thought that was not gravity, it was Wife. I got off easy - even though they didn't fix anything, they only charged me a few hundred dollars.

They say, whoever they are, that you sometimes have to step away and come back with fresh eyes. Or wait for the answer to come into your consciousness (Grasshopper). Or sit near it and let it feel the depth of your hatred and make sure it's damn afraid of you now. Taking all 3 of these ideas into consideration, I managed to use parts of each. Just as I'm sitting there, not working on it, I start to hear things... no, these are different things. I had to concentrate, which is not my strong suit....

"Heh heh heh... you think this is going to be easy, Computer Boy? You've already seen how easy it's going to be, but that's just the start. You thought you had problems when the display fell out. Then when stuff randomly stopped working hahahahahahaha. You ain't seen nothin yet, boy. You will never do a clean install on me. This is just the start of your nightmare. Ok, it's closer to the middle of your nightmare, but you get the idea. Your nightmare is going to have nightmares. I am going to bring up errors that have 2734 solutions, none of which work. Then I'll start with the errors that have no solutions. You can't search for it because no one's seen it before. You can awaken Linus Torvalds, the father of linux, but I wouldn't recommend it. He has zero tolerance for fools and even less for you. When you show him the error, he'll say it's impossible - there's no such error in linux or in hardware. The error doesn't exist anywhere in linux's code. Then you'll come back home and stare at me, shaking your head. I will have won. Next week you'll pick me up again and even though the installation never completed, I will boot up just fine. HA - FSCK YOU!  Just don't set your wife on me, ok?

  • I'm going on the ice cream diet. That's where you eat ice cream all day, isn't it? 

Oh. Apparently I'm already on it.

GoodRx Leaked User Health Data to Facebook and Google, F.T.C. Says

The drug discounts are sometimes pretty good, but this is intolerable. They should be investigated for HIPAA violations (sharing personal health information). If I had a membership, I'd cancel it. And you know most companies have Faceyspaces conduits. It's time to get interested. Cancel and let them know how you feel. If you can't afford to cancel, let them know how you feel.

The Dr. Phil show is ending after 21 seasons.

He had a show? On tv? I thought he was some annoying guy who went on other shows with misinformation and a silly accent,. 

Shell reports highest profits in 115 years

Darn - nobody saw that coming......

(Exxon too)

Missing radioactive capsule found in Australia

"Yeah, awful sorry," said the trucking company hired to deliver it. It musta just fallen off the truck. Crikey! The small part would have to be encased in lead, so it didn't hurt anybody. Perhaps the lead enclosure got hot in the Australian heat and threw the capsule off the truck.  Australia is obviously way less paranoid than the US, which can detect a driver who had a hospital test with radioactive material.

Installing an operating system is not supposed to be this hard. Did I forget to light a candle to the OS Gods? Tithe to Torvalds? Sacrifice an already-dead chicken to the Partitioners of the Golden Hard Drive? I'm good at what I do and can figure things out by myself, but this is a completely different ball of razor wire. After doing a lot of research, many people much smarter than me have come out of this situation really badly. Some won't even be in the same room with a computer. Some break out in hives when anyone says computer. Some have to warn you in advance, via a small card, that you cannot say 'operating system' in their presence, lest they start molesting telephone poles.  These people are on registries, dammit! Can't you see what you've done to them? Would your mother be proud of what you've become? No, she didn't raise you this way.  Maybe you need to take some time to think about your place in the computer ecosystem.

Best line lately:

He always smelled of diesel and farts.

Groundhog Day  

Oh yeah, it was Groundhog Day recently. I'm so ahead of things. The only reason I knew was that it was on a work calendar. It's not like I keep track of this stuff... my alleged brain only has so much storage space, and I can't upgrade the RAM or hard drive. I don't have February 2 = Groundhog Day automatically. Perhaps it's because of the lack of danger... there is no danger in missing Groundhog Day, whereas if I forget Wife's birthday....

There are so many reasons to be embarrassed by my state and city. My city's contribution to the country's history is the Mummers. This is a bunch of large groups of drunks in homemade costumes, usually involving feathers, strutting (falling) about with banjos. You ask yourself wouldn't this make more sense from a West Virginia or Mississippi. Then there's the beknighted groundhog - a stupid rodent, chosen because whoever did the choosing was 3 sheets to the wind or had a real problem with them infesting his house. Can you imagine the sheer volume of alcohol required to come up with the story of coming out of his den? This might even transcend alcohol, to the level of strong drugs. To make matters worse, they integrated the rodent with the lottery for the purpose of commercials. They paired him with the scratch off tickets, so the catchphrase is "Keep scratching." Aside from making me want to destroy any television on which I see it, "Keep scratching" says to me that the rodent (or you) has a bad problem with insects biting on his person or slept in a poison ivy patch. This kind of stuff makes me angry and I want to scream, "Please... that's not US!" Also, "Who thought this was a good idea?" An even larger larger embarrassment, if you can imagine that, is the Philly Accent. We're used to it, so we don't 'hear' it. Until one of us calls a national radio show or appears on tv. When I hear it, I want to dive under a table and, once again, scream, "That's not US!" Or all of us... just certain sections. And New Jersey. 

The Great Groundhog Hoax is always reported the same way, to keep the myth alive. It turns out that this is just a cover for what really happens. In the past few years, things have changed, but letting everybody know would stain things (even more). Plus it would send PETA through the roof, not that they don't live there already. So the very first part of the Stupid Rodent Story is correct: it comes out of its hole. This is where things diverge. The little bastard looks around and sees nothing but gray skies, clouds, and rain. Let's face it, a gopher..groundhog..  whatever..., coming out and looking around should not really be a basis for the upcoming season. So after realizing that it's absolutely disgusting outside, he does what any other resident would do: goes back inside and drinks heavily. Unfortunately, alcohol is a depressant. And Unfortunately it doesn't help the little rat, because he's depressed too. The pressure and Seasonal Affective Disorder have gotten to him. It happens to any resident of the state after a few years. When he's good and drunk, he looks back out, finds his 12 gauge shotgun, and shoots himself in the head, like any other resident of the state after a few years. Now this is not the kind of thing that promotes the state, or even makes it look inviting, hence the cover up story about the furry bastard's ability to predict the seasons. Every year they have to use a Stunt Groundhog, brought in from a different state, to cover up for yet another dead depressed resident rodent. 

What have we learned?

  1. people are stupid, especially Pennsylvanians
  2. this idiocy occurs in a town called Punxsatawny. I spelled it wrong because I have to keep looking it up and I just don't care. What a brilliant name for a town.
  3. Punxatawwny has better LSD than even the CIA, and desperately needs a reason for existing
  4. Pennsylvania's weather was designed either by the CIA or Satan himself, after Mother Nature's little crack problem came to light.
And as you'd expect, there's also a forecasting armadillo.

I hear dead people

My phone has a ton of music on it. It's set to play on random, so I never know what I'm going to hear. Today it keeps playing Jeff Beck and Joe Cocker.    sigh 

The sun is out, causing great consternation and confusion among people. Some children weren't even born when the sun last came out. We keep waiting for the clouds to cover it. People with Seasonal Affective Disorder must be dropping like rock stars. People are calling 911 (999 in the UK, 1-877-COPS - EH? in Canada).

Conversations with my dog 

Me: I noticed you're either on the bed or the sofa; why it that?

Her: So are you. Obviously because you want to be in the most comfortable spot. NEXT.

It's been quite a while since the Flying AIDS threat minimized. Why, then, is the Supply Chain Excuse still in use? Food prices are at their highest level ever. No one has investigated this and there is no information forthcoming. We have enough trouble without having to pay exorbitant prices for food. Penny's dog food went from $14 to $21. It's obscene and isn't getting any better. 

Leftover Juggling 

I don't know how it happened, but we made it outside of the house for dinner the other night.
It's not like we didn't want to go, but lining up schedules and being awake at the same time are hurdles we do not often overcome. We both came home with doggie bags. The doggie will not get them. I don't usually come home with leftovers, but one has to save room for dessert, right? The truly odd part of this is that we ate at 9pm and it was breakfast... neither of us had eaten all day.

The problem here, as I see it, is that the leftovers have escaped. Or they were hidden so well, we'll never find them. Wife loves alfredo, so that will create an unholy smell when it goes bad. To be honest, it's a pretty unholy smell when it arrives at the table. I don't want to presume it didn't make it to the fridge, though. Perhaps the fridge exists in 2 different dimensions simultaneously. So when we put something in, we have to be sure to avoid the spot where the wormhole is, if we want to find and eat whatever we put in. This is complicated by the appearance of other leftovers. Mrs lefty is not good with leftovers... she watches them go into the fridge, then forgets them. One could posit that they go to the other dimension, but I can clearly see them. I'm not sure she can. When I mention them, she gets excited, as if she never ate them in the first place. Our favorite saying is "It's always Christmas for dissociatives."

I haven't checked the basement or any of the wheel wells in the car yet.

The most immediate problem, as I see it, is that I have no lunch. Perhaps it'll be another 9pm breakfast. I wonder if this is some sort of weird diet. Not only have I never heard of it, I never agreed to be placed on it. I do actually tend to get hungry before 9pm most days. I'm funny like that

UPDATE: the alfredo was recovered the next day, on the floor, by the hacksaw collection, in the dining room. It didn't smell any different. Unfortunately, my leftovers are still in the wind. I'm sure we'll find them eventually. When we do, I will ask the musical question, "Why is there a box of green food at the back of the basement? Was it too warm in the attic?" 

Why is there a petrified steak sandwich sitting out on the counter?

What's a petrified steak?

A petrified steak sandwich. It's like a regular steak sandwich that somebody shellacked, so it's all hard. Almost like a steak sandwich made out of plastic, for display in a store window.

I dunnoWhere was it? 

On the counter.

What's on the counter? 

A petrified steak sandwich. Am I repeating myself for any good reason?

Well I'm not eating it.

Who's on first?

Huh? Wait - is this like Clue? It was Colonel Ketchup, in the kitchen, with a petrified steak sandwich."

It's been bothering me for a while, ever since I saw the commercials. Rather than sit back, I'm taking action. I contacted Willie Nelson, Joe Walsh, Elton John, Charlie Daniels, and Cheryl Crow to help me out. We're going to Madison Square Garden to put on a fundraiser for Female Urinary Incompetence. There's no way women should have to suffer through this. The concert will raise awareness and fund research into this terrible malady. 

* Cheryl Crow will not be performing. She's there to babysit me and discuss ideas for further... uhhh.. fundraising. 
Clapton was just my warmup act.  

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