Friday, August 25, 2023

No Plooking the Ostriches - I Mean it

Your love is like  chocolate covered scorpions

Remember President Giveaway's $52 billion gift to the chip industry? Intel does. And they're arguing they should get a bigger slice of the pie because they do their research in the country.

I should get a large slice of the pie too. After all, I'm the White House's favorite blog. No, I don't have any statistics or IP addresses or proof or any silly stuff like that. I just like to think they stop by because it's funny in here and I take aim at whoever's in the Oval Office. But the blog is made in the USA, gets no tax subsidies, and got nothing from the $80 billion IRS giveaway either. This blog should be noticed, in spite of its return to the laughable 7 visitors per day stat. The government funds everything else - why not this blog?

In closing:  still no left handed history month

Speaking of President Giveaway$220 billion is helping build US cleantech infrastructure. 

There is no amount of your tax dollars he can not give away. In fact, he's given away so many tax dollars that the giveaways are just piling mountains on top of the already obscene debt.

Appeals court reverses Texas ruling nullifying FDA approval of abortion pill

In other words, the pill is again legal. The governor is pissed, and ordered his female staff, that wasn't barefoot and pregnant, to walk 5 paces behind him. His retaliatory legislation will rescind female voting and make the bible mandatory in public schools (and on golf clubs).

 Are you visiting Canada? Don't pass up a cannot miss tourist spot: a food bank.

It's a great spot, at least according to Microsoft AI, which wrote an article about it.

The produce is fresh and plentiful and nothing looks like it came out the rear of a supermarket, past its due date.

Sometimes Microsoft is as funny as Tesla, neither on purpose

Speaking of Tesla....

Tesla knew Autopilot weakness killed a driver – and didn't fix it, engineers claim

Probably because Musk has no weaknesses either.

So Trump was found guilty and has to go to prison.

It's very interesting, considering what the other presidents have gotten away with. Most, if not all of them, should be jailed. But only Trump. I wonder how much of it is his own personality.  I figure either jail all of them or don't. LBJ, Clinton, Bush/Cheney, Obama should all be locked away, posthumously if necessary. It's too late to lock Biden up; he'd never realize it.

Speaking of which....

Pascale Ferrier jailed for 22 years for mailing Donald Trump ricin

Other countries can call us Ugly Americans all they want: this act proves these people are full of crap and overblown self-importance. If anybody is going to be sending Stuff to Trump, it damn well better be an American! The best part of this is, "I want to find peaceful means to achieve my goals." This person seems lacking in balance. And brains. She holds dual Canada/French citizenship. We don't have parades, flying Trudeau balloons, featuring him in his ex-wife's dresses - we don't need your 'help', thank you.

Transgender women banned from women's chess events

The International Chess Federation has temporarily banned trans women.
When reached for comment, the Federation said they were concerned about the arm and hand strength of transgender women being greater than average and able to move the pieces faster, as well as throw them farther. Their comparatively enhanced leg strength, it is claimed, would have them showing up early for all matches. This is the kind of thing we cannot have in international chess.

After the statement, the Federation continued drinking and snorting a white powder at the hotel bar, satisfied in the knowledge that Science would prove them correct. Or whatever.

Close to half of American adults favor TikTok ban, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

I have to wonder who commissioned this poll. Asking the Great Unwashed what they think is never a good idea, especially in America, where some think it would be dandy to have slavery back. Other fine poll results:
  • Making Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton co-presidents
  • removing turn signals from cars so nobody will feel pressured to use them
  • Don't forget - the other half of American adults thinks it's their God-given right to post US secrets in TikTok and will do it whether or not it's illegal.
  • making stop signs optional
  • paying more taxes because it's our patriotic duty

Oh great - the local venue let me know I can get tickets for RuPaul's Night of the Living Drag. This isn't exactly a good guitar-based concert, so I'll pass.  But it sounds like something that would really *kill in the south, like Texas. *Or kill somebody..

  • Remember: there are only 2 ways to vote in the next presidential election... libertarian or the Green Pen. I'm leaning toward the pen myself.

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