Monday, July 6, 2020

Kinda Captivity - Peanut Butter Steering Wheels

I'm typing this on the new laptop. See System76 on the front page.

Pieces of Precarious Penguin Poo can shoot 4 feet.
I thought you needed to know.

2020 Has not gone well, he said, in his typical British understatement, even though he's not British. I would like to have a do-over. Let's have a New Year's Eve, right after our July 4th, and just do it normally, ok?

Annnnnd here we go; a new swine flu.
I'm gonna give you free advice: don't fuck pigs.

An asteroid's moon just got a name, Dimorphos, so we could blow it up. It's not in danger of hitting the Earth: we're just testing our ability to blow things up. Perhaps this is the reason the aliens don't make themselves known: they're afraid of Earth trying to blow them up. We're a screwed-up little planet.

Elon Musk is starting a school.
He's also starting a car wash, nail salon, sex change one-stop, and drive-thru oral gratification service. He's a man ahead of his time. And with too much time.

Homework assignment: How can BLM tear down Mt. Rushmore?

STOP and take notice: soap is racist, because of a Christian sermon and being used to cleanse African people of their sins.

This is definitely going to cause a problem.

Sooo...... who got the government bailouts this time?
Read them and weep.

RIP Charlie Daniels (83) from a stroke

RIP Ennio Morricone (91), changed the sound of movies

Ghislane Maxwell, pal of Jeffrey Epstein, is in jail. Her lawyer says she's in danger and might kill herself or be silenced. The attorney suggested she could shoot herself 12 times in the back of the head and hide the gun. She could handcuff herself behund her back, then inject herself with poison. She could open an investigation into the death of Vince Foster. She could become suicidally depressed over the video system in her cell being broken. She could cry out that the guys with the guns can't get into her cell block. The problem is that no one will sit in her cell on suicide watch, fearing they too will be suicided.

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