Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Front View from Behind


Your love is like  repeated coughing fits

On the Court Channel is news about Johnny Depp and his trial for allegedly beating his girlfriend. Wife is a huge Depp fan, sees his picture, and says, "He can beat me."  I have never been more proud.

Today I identify as  a small pile of dirt that your broom just can't pick up

Another reason I'll never be The Boss: at a recent meeting, The Boss spoke of our pronoun program and told everyone where to change theirs. He did it without laughing or banging his head on the desk.

I felt compelled to comment. It took everything I had to remain silent. I even had Wife and dog with me, trying to distract me. Wife was naked. Dog was 'clothed'. I wonder if I could get one of those exemptions for Extreme Circumstances or lack of filtration, or mental illness or Tourettes.

  • Biden group launches TikTok account to boost the president’s agenda
  • Wants to know why they won't let him sing and dance..

Flying AIDS News 

Covid: Blood clot risk higher for six months after having virus

India Reports First Case of Highly Transmissible XE Variant

Nancy Pelosi tests positive for Covid only a day after visit to Biden in White House to sign bill

Second COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows

Two COVID Variants Just Combined Into a ‘Frankenstein’ Virus

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

Congressional pressure mounts to pass $52b CHIPS Act
President Taxit wants a FIFTY TWO BILLION DOLLAR act put through to fund the semiconductor industry.


Government does not exist to fund business, even if it's 'too big to fail.'
This is your money, people....

It is shade #222 of gray outside today. We had thunder, which scares the hell out of the kids. The whole house shook, so I don't blame them. The weather forecast on tv said rain all day. Shocking. Even though he's wrong 50% of the time, he's obviously right today. When someone asks me about the weather, I always tell them gray and rainy; I'm usually right. No one suggests I take a gig as a weather man. It's a good thing, too. I can't dress that goofy and don't like cameras. Plus I'd be perpetrating fraud, and I just can't do that to people. I'd need some sort of eccentricity, as all weather people have these days. Let's see... the bow tie and dressing horribly have been done. The poodle hair look to celebrate race has been done (Frank Zappa would up and die a second time - he hated poodles). Too small suits, flaming gay, really hot but stupid, and many others are in rotation. I'd need something completely my own. How bout a bag over my head? The Unknown Weather Person. Dress as an evil clown, like "Killer Clowns from Outer Space"? Frighten the children off becoming a weather person. The Automatic Weapon Weather. The Drop Something Expensive Weather. The trade witty remarks with the hot anchor weather. Telling secrets about the anchors weather. Play a guitar instrumental weather, with the brand new, in-house news band.

I could do it, but I just don't want to.

It happened again this morning. I'm sitting in the office, minding my own business, attending the Big Meeting, when I sense a presence at the door. I mentioned this before; something about me having a meeting compels Mrs. lefty to seek my attention. We have made progress in this area, as she no longer yells or juggles plates (poorly) while I'm online. Like today, she just stood there, vibrating or shaking or having a seizure - I didn't have the time to diagnose anything. I sit in my office eight hours a day, with a few short meetings. What is it about the meetings that forces her to want to talk to me?  Is it the taboo nature of interrupting? Is it because she'll never remember what she was going to tell me and will forget to write it down? Pretty much. Is it just the fun of bothering me? Could be.

So the interruption starts with the shaking, which proceeds to the vibrating, sometimes causing her to vibrate a few inches off the floor. She is not at all afraid of the Death Stare<tm> I give her when she does this. My final deterrent (ha!) is to ask her if it's important. Of course it's important - she has something to say. Is she sure she can't ask it during the other 7 hours of work?

"Did you hear what Bobbi said at the party? Have you chosen your personal pronouns yet?"

Dear huge bidding site that rhymes with EPay: when I search for left handed guitars, why does the result suggest left handed guitars that the search didn't find?
And why is there a bunch of preamps labeled "kit", consisting only of a manual, for the bargain price of $80?

  • Palm Springs looks to give trans residents monthly cash payments
  • yet another area in which government does not belong, regardless of sexual orientation. If a private business or group wants to do this, fine, but not with tax dollars. Universal Basic Income is a joke.
Having said that, it must be terrible to realize you're in the wrong body. 
Then the grief from others must be insane, family included. Good luck to you, people. We here at ThermionicEmissions have a strict No Care policy. We don't care what body you're in, what body you would like, who you're attracted to, and what you do with your winkie, if you have one. So long as nobody gets hurt (that doesn't want to) and no one is underage, go for it. Remember: We don't care.

  • Week's best album title: Please put me in a medically-induced coma

Wife is shopping and called me about something. It's not like the prices are going up as she stands there, but Starbucks drinks are three times what they used to be and we don't even like Starbucks. The busiest person in the store is the one with the price gun.

When speaking to store people, they say the issue is not being able to get enough truck drivers and unloaders. They're offering large signon bonuses and paying for Commercial Driver License training and still having trouble.

  • Google's android Play Store will begin hiding apps not updated for 2 years
  • They have no trouble doing this, but testing for malware, not so much...

There are QR codes everywhere, including tv commercials. You know, those Rorschach ink blots that you point your phone at to do something, like install programs. BEWARE. You really don't want to do this. Firstly, it could be a malicious program.  Secondly, it could send your information up the line. If you insist on installing something, go to the Play Store and install from there.

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