Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Episode 86, in Which Biden Goes Nappy

Your love is like   a massive Catholic burial

I tried one of those mind-mapping programs.

I broke it.

Today I identify as  miserable

  • Signs you should jettison a person: when they say OMG or LOL out loud

Russian TV showed video of US veterans captured in Ukraine.

Granted there is a ton of propaganda, but if this is true, why is there a single American boot on the ground? We are not the world's police (yes we are). We can't afford to let the Military Industrial Complex rule (they will anyway). They're the only ones who win. Neither government confirmed the situation. Biden said he was briefed and that's all he said.  #ImpeachBiden  It's just like when Obama said "No boots on the ground."

  • Serena Williams is coming back to tennis. Have you ever really looked at her thighs? Pure muscle. Her husband must have cranial injuries from getting caught between them.

The house is once again holding me prisoner.

The past three weekends, I haven't been allowed out. We all know I ask a lot... one outing per weekend. It's odd that I manage to show up for work, though. There was a traffic jam last week: too many dog toys on the stairs. Sometimes we wonder if the dog is trying to do us in. She hasn't thought this one through though... who would take care of her?

Whether it's the wife who's sick, the service elephant who's sick, or the car which is sick, it's always something. If I were (more) paranoid, I'd say they held meetings to see which one would be sick that weekend. 

As if that weren't bad enough, the owner of the One True Pizza place down the street, sold the business, plus they're now closed on Sunday. The exact day I wanted my pizza. If the pizza changes, there's no reason to stay in PA anymore.

We were off Monday and somehow managed to escape the house with nothing breaking. We visited a 'quaint' little burg, with interesting shops. Every one of them was closed Mondays. I think the burg found out we were coming by for a good time and to spend money, so all the stores closed. It's like when we go food shopping and someone follows us to see what we buy, so the store can stop carrying it.

Ok, there was one store open. Oddly, a guitar store. They even had a few really crappy lefties. We toured the place and on the way out, spotted a Jet City 20 amp. It's a 20 watt amp, heavy enough for a 50 watt amp. I'll review it shortly.

Some of the stores moved since the last time we were there. I don't get out much but I read a lot and stores don't normally change places. I don't know if it's a rent thing or they just want to keep the customers confused. My first job was in retail, which cemented my hatred for people, but even I know you don't want to confuse the customers (further). Some of these people can't tell which store they're in to begin with. I used to get people demanding to return items they bought in a different store. Maybe it was just an excuse to get people to exercise by walking up and down the block, trying to find the new location of the store. The last thing you want is flocks of confused, grumbling consumers.

  • Watch and read the Uvalde news. It gets more and more sad as time progresses, specifically around the police inaction. They sat there over an hour before any action was taken.

Wisdom from Mrs. lefty

Just because leggings come in your size doesn't mean you should wear them.

  • Japan makes 'online insults' punishable by one year in prison in wake of reality TV star's death
  • First England, now Japan criminalizes speech
  • In completely unrelated news, Twitter, Reddit, and Faceyspaces banned in Japan

I've seen a few cases of people being prosecuted for 'encouraging' others to commit suicide, online. This bothers me and sits on a slippery slope. I believe that short of stuffing pills or holding the gun, they shouldn't be tried for murder. It kills me (oops) that anyone would take their own life, but they are the ones doing it.

Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

ThermionicEmissions supports Ukraine.

ThermionicEmissions supports Russia.

The people, not their governments.

  • 58% of adults say they use their smartphone too much.
  • So if you're reading this blog on your phone, please don't continue!

According to a Gallup Poll, fewer Americans than ever believe in God.
According to believers, fewer Americans than ever believe in Gallup Polls.

The fitness app Strava leaked location of Israeli officials at a secretive base.
Don't use this crap - Fitbit or whatever else. All of these apps leak your info

The neighborhood is dying.
And by that I mean the Crazy Lady has left the building.
She was only 479 years old, which was young for whatever she was. I figured if it was cancer, she'd only scare it away. She wore out several knee implants.
So in honor of her life, here are some of her greatest hits:
  • called the city because our bees 'bit' her
  • called the city about standing water that attracted mosquitoes (the dog's pool)
  • put the 'leaf collection' flyer on my windshield
  • started edging my lawn because 'I don't do it right'
I thought of doing something to get even, but realized simply living next to her was getting even. At some point, the house will sell and we'll have nice neighbors. We miss the lady on the other side terribly.

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