Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Forget the Moon, Let's Go to Uranus. Lots of Stuff on Uranus.

 Your love is like  a couple of broken limbs

  • this week's best malware name: Squirrelwaffle
  • this week's worst 'feature': new hi-res icon

Today I identify as  a supply shortage

The equipment we left on the Moon is experiencing significant failures.

The Chinese, who are on the Dark Side of the Moon, keep hearing Pink Floyd and their ship keeps moving from where it was parked while they're out on exploration.

Namibia, who told no one they landed there, keeps feeling someone tapping them on the shoulder, but there's no one there.

The Russians noticed something kept moving around their toilet paper, making it feel just like home.

It's the aliens. They want us off the Moon.

Can you blame them? Look at the trash we leave behind. Plus we keep firing bombs at it to see if it's round. We're really more trouble than we're worth. No one wants us leaving Earth because we'll infect the rest of the solar system.

But seriously, Folks.... why the Moon... again?

To the best of my knowledge, we've been there, done that.

We even lost large amounts of knowledge of what and how we did it, and the people who did it are dead.

A number of countries have probes on Mars.

We have craft that can get there and beyond, but NASA is the people-facing part of space flight.

Yet we're spending billions to put a man on the moon. Again.

Excuse me; a man, a woman, a person of color, and other underrepresented minorities.

  • Biden concedes his COVID stimulus checks fueled spike in inflation
  • #ImpeachBiden

Flying AIDS News

Austria orders non-vaccinated people into COVID-19 lockdown

Why it can be hard to prove a vaccine caused a bad outcome [because you can't distinguish BEFORE the shot from AFTER the shot?]  

Italy is requiring workers, public and private, to get government-issued health passes. The unvaccinated can only keep receiving a paycheck by getting inoculated or undergoing regular testing.

States expand boosters, activate crisis care as delta rolls on

Covid vaccine ‘waning immunity’: How worried should I be?

No, COVID-19 vaccines won’t make you infertile

Fauci Admits: Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised – Monday Live

Best mask sighting: biker, mask under helmet AND over helmet, while riding

Pressed by @GStephanopoulos what Biden admin can do in the short term to address inflation, National Economic Council director Brian Deese says “we have to finish job on COVID.”   

  • Hackers compromise FBI email system, send thousands of messages
  • dontcha feel protected now? 

Another step toward equality: more boys have eating disorders

War on Flight Attendants 

Southwest Airlines employee hospitalized after passenger punched her head

Perhaps airline employees should carry....

  • Australian women sue over Qatar airport strip-searches
  • because there aren't any

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping: What they want from talks
Xi: Taiwan and trade restrictions
Biden: a lollipop. a red one.

A Covid Christmas
  • The FDA hasn't approved a vaccine for the North Pole variant, but wants Santa to take it anyway. The elves will all have to be vaccinated (half dose) because even when vaccinated, Santa could be a carrier. Mrs. Claus will obviously need the shot, or else it's going to be a long, cold year for Santa.
  • The CDC says 'whatever the FDA said is good.'  Then the CDC said 'nothing the FDA said is good.'  The WHO said 'nothing' and was unanimous in it. Then the WHO said it hopes it dies before it gets old.
  • Santa is a little agitated because Dr. Fauci says Santa will have to wear a mask, both in chimneys and while flying in his sleigh.
  • Bill Gates said to shut up and take the shot, or there will be a Windows 12.
  • President Taxit mandated that the entire North Pole be vaccinated or be quarantined.
  • The union representing the elves is refusing any mandates. A concert was put on by Ted Nugent, who froze his guitars' nuts off. Several elves who got the shot voluntarily had to go on Disability due to the side effects, which include half their body freezing, heart attacks, nose growth, and inability to live in cold climates.
  • Santa can only eat milk and cookies at houses with vaccine certificates.
  • Since Santa will visit every house and knows if you've been bad or good, he was told he's working for the NSA, whether he likes it or not, or the IRS will audit him back to the beginning of time.
  • Christmas trees are in short supply due to Supply Chain Issues. Even fake trees can't be found. No one can be found to sell the trees either, because McDonalds is paying $22 an hour.
  • Many North Pole businesses have gone out of business because of the lockdown. There are no reindeer shoes to be found. The union for the reindeer says NFW they're delivering the Fat Man to diseased countries. Lady Gaga did a concert in support of the reindeer, but nobody showed up because all she wore was winter clothing.
  • Large groups of parents across the world were closing their chimneys, because the elves and Santa were unvaccinated and the toys could be viral.
In the end, Santa had to stay home because he was not an Essential Business.

The Metaverse Is the Ultimate Surveillance Tool
Silicon Valley is rushing to build the next big thing and people should be skeptical of their intent. Please read and understand this before I have to say 'told you so'.

Your world is pointing toward an insistence on conformity which is causing you enormous grief. It’s what’s at the heart of all of your religious battles, and religious battles are what are at the heart of all of your battles. In other words, all of your wars and global irritation with one another are over your determination to promote sameness. Your democracy insists that it’s the only government that works. And every religion (it’s interesting to note) proclaims that it is the only one that works. - Abraham Hicks

What many famous musicians had to say about Jimi Hendrix

So sorry I missed him.

Roger Daltrey: the internet is destroying humanity

Has the Flying AIDS affected you? Are you having a problem with being shut in?

Talk to someone. Don't keep it inside. Bad Stuff<tm> can happen if you bottle it up. 

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