Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Dog and the Elephant Will Drive. I'll Nap.

Your love is like   last year's Halloween candy

Ok, so it was Halloween. All Hallows Eve. Samhain. Elvirahain. Halloween is when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. And when parents drive their kids to nicer neighborhoods to get better candy. 

The past few years, Mrs. lefty, who enjoys the holiday like Cher enjoys plastic surgery, chose to hand out candy elsewhere. This left me to gather our Candy Credits. My area has candy credits, and if you don't get enough, they won't pick up your trash. I kid - they already don't pick up our trash.

So it fell upon me. This was rather a shame, as I don't like Halloween. Or kids. Or people knocking at my door while I'm masturbating watching tv. But it IS the official holiday of the American Dental Association. And to some degree, mine too. I like candy. A lot. If it can be separated from children, it would be called lefty Day. I like $100,000 Bars and Rolos. But they've got to be fresh, as in just packaged from the factory. I can tell, you know. One sniff and I'm like a bloodhound. I can't smell much else, but I knows my candy. My olfactory screwup was caused by a vacuum cleaner explosion when I was little, but enough about that.

Since it was left to me to distribute the sweets, I did what any red-blooded American would do: shut the curtains and turn out the lights. And then it hit me... we see a ton of children, but there are no children living around me. Halloween is the tax we pay to keep the children away the other 364 days of the year! I gotta go - I hear the little bastards approaching. I'll give them the large candy bars, because nothing's too good to keep the little tax collectors away from here every other day.

Today I identify as   that stuff my wife told me not to identify as

Buy Early  

With Thanksgiving weeks away, we advise you to pick up cranberry products quickly. The manufacturers are having trouble getting the cans, so the prices are going up.

I think this is great, for all the money I can save. I hate cranberry sauce, juice, and cranberry-related products. Naturally this is canceled by Mrs. lefty's love of cranberries.

When we were growing up, we always wanted to know how Mom got those lines around the cranberry sauce.

  • if you can, buy a turkey for people who were affected by the Flying AIDS' money-suck. Thank you.

In case you haven't heard Supply Chain Issues enough, desktop and laptop computer prices are rising.
If you have computers that are slower than Congress, it's time for linux. It will run on computers you threw out years ago. There are distributions specifically made for older hardware. Even the newer ones will work. Installation runs about 20 minutes for me, no matter which. You can even test drive it without affecting what's on the computer by trying out the Live feature.
Have I mentioned you won't be profiled, used as a customer, and your data won't become property of Microsoft, NSA, and whoever else?

  • Another year, another ridiculous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame back-patting induction ceremony
  • This year: Jay-Z
  • Show me where Jay-Z plays rock and roll........... I'll wait........
  • He joins <wait for it...> ....  Tupac

Faceyspaces just changed its name. To Fecespaces. 

Internal documents show that Facebook has been actively hiring employees to build products that target children as young as 6 to expand its user base.

Do you not believe me when I say Faceyspaces is evil?

  • Startup That Wants To Let You Fly Helicopter With an iPad Gets $200 Million
  • I can't imagine anything going wrong here.... 
  • the explosions would be spectacular and would make a great tv show: The Masked Copter Crasher

An underwater pumpkin carving competition has taken place off Key Largo, Florida.
I truly think this is the new face of democracy. Put Congress underwater, with knives and pumpkins, cover with a metal grate, then let democracy work its magic. It's not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but the existing system has been corrupted beyond belief. Did I mention no air tanks?

  • NASA (Never A Straight Answer) proposes new methodology for communicating the discovery of alien life.  Ummmm.... the SPACE agency is not finding new life, they're worried about communicating its discovery.... Your tax dollars at work.

You're gonna love this: back in the early 1900s, banking services were provided by the US Postal System. Billions were banked with them. It is being suggested we go back to this system.

Sure, that's a great idea. It would be like Jeffrey Epstein starting a babysitting service.
The USPS can't be trusted to get a letter next door, First Class is being devalued, and the entire service has gone down the toilet. Yeah - let's give them our money too!

  • I forgot - there's a local election. I don't have to remember... the democrats start texting me. They think my name is Shakila and I live on the other side of the state. They can't keep a list together and they want my vote?
  • you can't force them to stop, either. Politicians wrote themselves an exemption to the spam laws.
  • there's no central place to cancel this spam - you an only cancel it per-call.
  • it then becomes my job to annoy them back. Usually mentioning the 2nd Amendment puts them right off. Telling them the Rs and Ds are 2 sides of the same warped coin. Tell them we want government out of our lives and to stop being the Nanny State. Remind them of President Taxit. It's Libertarian Time!

Happy Birthday: Lyle Lovett
Happy Death Day: Jimmy Carl Black (drums, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention)

  • The UK now wants to throw online trolls in jail
  • UK citizens - it's time to call your people and do some protesting... want to get thrown in jail for offending someone?

President Taxit appeared to nod off during the climate conference's opening remarks
They promised him a Tootsie Pop if he managed to stay awake for the 'important parts'

  • Rodent-infested Popeyes in D.C. shuts down after video shows rats running around kitchen, climbing up walls
  • If that ain't a metaphor, I don't know what is....

Best Headline
Florida ‘Teacher of the Year’ arrested for hitting pupil who criticized award

You ask what about the happy news - why is there none of it?
Ok, there is a resurgence of syphilis in the US

Normally things like 'cable management' and 'organization' start my sirens and make me run screaming out of the office. The 'concepts' in articles are way too fancy and even more expensive. Plus I wouldn't be caught dead using any of it. The odds are in my favor, though, as no one can get into my office to see any of it, sometimes including me. I found a neat article on 22 best desk accessories that I actually hve to recommend. Sure, a few of them are downright silly (a foot hammock?), but there are some really useful gadgets, and not all of them are over $400 or have designer names.

According to the Wall Street Journal, favorite news source of the homeless, Apple is bringing car crash detection to the iPhone. Never one to rest on their laurels, other types of detection are in the pipeline:
  1. lets your undigested food know if a crash is imminent, so it can leap back out your esophagus (thank you, Mr. Pither)
  2. detects an impending argument with your spouse (just figure you will be)
  3. detection of new, wildly overpriced accessories  (stays on all the time, for some reason)
  4. new iPhone model detection, so you can start lining up in front of stores
  5. detects the person in front of you not using turn signals  (also on all the time)
  6. lets you know if you're about to be shot
  7. detects there are too many detections

As if your government wasn't large enough, the Pentagon has hired a Climate Czar.
Among his suggestions for cleaning up the environment
  • make all ICBMs electric
  • install nuke charging stations at all convenience stores
  • use only 'clean' nukes
  • replace gunpowder in all bullets with climate-friendly flour
  • convert tanks to cooking oil instead of diesel
  • have the NSA convert to pedal power to run their supercomputers

Flying AIDS News

  • The Fire Department of New York announced more than 2,000 firefighters are on medical leave, in apparent response to the vaccine mandate.
  • NYC has issued a state-wide call for volunteer firefighters from areas such as Long Island and Upstate New York
  • Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva continues to rail against the county's vaccine mandate, warning it is causing a "mass exodus" in his department
  • US prisons face staff shortages as officers quit amid COVID
  • Marines who refuse the vaccine will be booted
  • J&J shot 3.5 times more likely to develop rare blood clots
  • Judge suspends deadline for Chicago police to get shot(s)
  • American Airlines canceled over 2,000 flights due to 'weather'
  • the Amish don't want vaccines and were among the first to achieve herd immunity

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