Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Throwing the Horse Out with the Baby Water


Your love is like  a pool full of water to breathe

If a man changes genders, how does he think without his penis?

Today I identify as  Kamala Harris' illegitimate daughter-in-law

Mickey Dolenz, the last man standing of the Monkees, is suing the FBI over their secret file. If you haven't read up on the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, the Big Boss, was a paranoid lunatic, who wanted files on everybody and everything. He even wanted UFO information. Hoover was also a self-hating homosexual, and collected all sorts of information on homosexuals. The Monkees were harmless, but a paranoid agent got info from a concert and ran with it.

Pole-dancing axe thrower wins world title

This is but one reason why Canada is pulling in front of the US for best places to live.

Trump's Truth social network app is no longer available on Google Play, the android store, because of content moderation. This means the network cannot be censored easily, and it does not fit the narrative Google (and the rest) are pushing. I have no stake in Trump or his network, but I believe in free speech. The GAB network's app cannot be found on Play or Apple. They don't censor their subscribers enough and allow 'hate speech.'

So the Instagram/OnlyFans killer saga continues. The current rage is her mug shot. For some reason, it doesn't look like any of her non-posed, non-dressed, non-Photoshopped online pictures. Online society is beside itself with laughter, because who doesn't want to see a popular person be held responsible for their heinous actions?

She has 2 million followers on Instagram. This completely baffles me, until I applied a bit of thought. There are 2 million people, hanging on her every photo and each thoughtful insight she posts via video. After seeing a video, she appears no less bright or interesting than a Kardashian. 2 million people. This is the Masked Furry, Americans Idle Effect. Bread and circuses. No content. Her alleged thoughts were peppered with 'fer shures'. Watch some of this and ask yourself why 2 million are obsessed with this.

We've all seen the video of her beating on the murder victim in the building elevator. It's funny because he holds her off like she's a gnat, while she punches him. I noticed I don't hear a single voice of protest around spousal abuse. If the situation were reversed, people would be out with pitchforks and torches. Yes, men get abused too.

Hopefully this will all come out in court. The legal system is just an old means of not accepting blame for your actions. I found out the truth last night, which is another ThermionicEmissions first. 2 million rabid followers were treated to pictures of the happy couple. After a while, she realized he just wasn't of her social stature online, and he was dragging her down. So she had to kill him. She had no choice. The Abuse Excuse was just to cover things up. People who know social media fully understand what she did and are behind her 100%. She didn't deny killing him - all that's left is the excuse to get her out of punishment. After all, she's pretty - she shouldn't have to suffer like the ugly people, who don't have 2 million followers. She has a social responsibility to be out there, sharing updates and her advanced outlook on important matters. The defense will bring up her mug shot - it will have a startling negative effect on her fanbase: she didn't have time to do her makeup, hair, or put on the right pushup bra for her outfit. It's like when a president jogs... he can't be seen in a jogging outfit; it shakes the confidence of the American people and makes foreign leaders laugh. You don't see Putin wearing a t-shirt, do you? Putin grasps his responsibility to his people and the world. For these reasons, Your Honor, we must find the defendant NOT GUILTY. Adjourned.

And last but not least - she's not that attractive. She's a product of every glam shot that came before her. I don't want to imagine what's available to her paid OnlyFans buyers. I love women, but she does nothing for me. This is seconded by Mrs. lefty.

I wonder what her attorneys will have her do in preparation for the trial...

  • join the Kardashians for official televised IQ tests
  • check her ability to take a selfie blindfolded. She'll get 100% because she can detect herself in any situation, producing 100 online examples of her magnificence for her followers to adore
  • eventually a sex tape will be 'leaked', if possible, with a celebrity. Even better, with Paris Hilton. Neither will get much sex, because they're too busy staring at themselves
  • join the Sunday news shows for her views on international and local issues
  • a new game show, where celebrities have to figure out regular old household duties, like plumbing, dish washing, and taking out the trash. Like filling up the windshield washer fluid in their expensive cars

For about a year, we've been told (warned) to hold onto a date for a wedding. Keeping in mind that a wedding is a funeral where you can smell your own flowers, I tend not to attend them (weddings or funerals). The official invitation surfaced last week, with a small warning: formal attire.

I have not appeared in formal attire in my life. The side of the family I know is laughing hysterically and taking bets on whether or not I show up. Apparently I was under the misunderstanding that formal meant a clean t-shirt. Or a Zappa t-shirt with a jacket over it. I have one where he's picking his nose, and another with him sitting on the toilet, pants down. So naturally, those betting on me not showing have the advantage. 

I have questions..

Who is the genius who told women that this is their 'special day' and they're entitled to feel like princesses, including putting everyone else through hell in the process? Last year was the destination wedding, which meant everyone had to travel 5 states south to see it. If nobody lives there, why torture the guests? Because Bridezilla wanted it, which is enough of an excuse to cover anything, like 

  • a country club. I barely drive by country clubs, not to mention attending or entering one. My people weren't allowed in country clubs til recently.
  • formal attire. Because everybody owns this. Just check your closet for which dress or tux you want to wear. It worked for James Bond - why not every guest of the wedding?
  • Because we want to share our special day. Because we want presents. Because we want to laugh at you in your expensive, ill-fitting garments. Because we want to have evidence of this, we take many pictures. We will blackmail you with the pictures if we feel the gift isn't significant enough.
  • The bride and groom spent a lot of time gardening and other things that require being dirty, so they want everybody to act and appear natural (in formal attire)
  • You have your choice of meat, vegetarian, or vegan, Vegan comes with 6 people from PETA, to harass diners eating meat.
  • There was nothing on the invitation mentioning it, but I'm thinking FOOD FIGHTs are not encouraged. Not lobbing anything that would put any unapproved color on the bride's dress. No bleach on the groom's tux.
  • The bride spends a solid year or more, planning this (making everyone as miserable as possible, so she feels better about it). The groom is told to rent a tux and show up on time. 
  • at some point, the p.a. or DJ system will fail. Most of the wedding party will turn around and look at ME, expecting me to fix it. This happened, years ago.
  • There will be rehearsals, rehearsal dinners, non-rehearsal lunches, rehearsal lunches, parking drills, flower tests, picture run-throughs, bitching: you're not gonna wear that, are you? Next day brunches, post-brunch dinners, throwing the dart at the religious officiant practice, insulting the bride's religion contest (unofficial, of course), and most important: FLEEING at the earliest possible moment, so as not to appear to flee or upset the bride. Not showing is unacceptable, and will result in a car and plane sent to pick you up, in case your forgot. At your expense, of course. 
  • It wasn't mentioned, but I'm thinking I shouldn't bring the dog. "Do you take this woman...." BARK BARK BARK.
  • If you are scheduled to make a speech of any type, you must submit it for approval, in writing, at least 90 days in advance. Spontaneous utterances must also be approved in advance. Anything I am likely to say to anyone must also be approved. The status of the approval will be communicated over Faceyspaces, to avoid me ever seeing it. Regardless, I will inadvertently say something stupid, offensive, hurtful, in bad taste, and generally insulting. My defense team is already on retainer, to explain that I'm just that way and did not mean it. The Parkland shooter was said to be disruptive in grade school. Guess what - I was disruptive too. 
  • Perhaps they were inviting me just to be nice, with the silent expectation to tell them I have to purchase new trash cans that day. Sometimes I miss the obvious stuff. This is why I have a wife.

The Oklahoma Student Loan Authority Loan Breach Exposes 2.5M Records

Meh, Biden will just forgive all their debt and make everything right

Last entry, I mentioned the dog bringing presents. I forgot about the time Penny brought me a mouse and put it on my chair. Good thing I looked first. And good thing it had expired.

My life is filled with excitement, and I don't even have to leave the house.

Undeclared pools in France uncovered by AI technology

I wondered why this was news until I discovered that pools are taxed in France. This is a perfect example of an infrastructure and taxing in a country. If you can't afford the tax, your house will be sold (in the US).

 The humiliating story of the TSA

There’s no evidence two decades of pat-downs and shoe removal have made travelers any safer — so why does the theater of airport security persist?

Because it has become infrastructure, as well as Security Theater, and government does NOT prune infrastructure of this size. Just for fun, the xray machines were found to be no good, so they were all replaced, at our expense. Imagine the amount of machines.....

We got this pig right after 9-11, like the PATRIOT Act, and they won't go away. 

Also: you are allowed to be dead, but you are not legally dead until you have a death certificate. So don't expect to die before you get to the front of the line, unless you have the certificate.

Archeologists Discover Huge Stone Penis in Ancient Roman Ruins

It was 17" (1 litre Canadian) long. "This is an unprecedented find, and quite important," stated the group of 250 mostly female archaeologists. "We have a new appreciation for Roman men."

The Energy Crisis

The USPS Underestimated the Benefit of Going Electric, Study Shows

Of course they did. The USPS (management) is incapable of seeing blue sky and saying it's nice and it's daytime. No matter how many times they hit themselves with iron frying pans, they can never identify the assailant or the weapon used. And the cost of stamps will go up. Again.

A peer-reviewed study offers yet more evidence the USPS conducted one of the shoddiest environmental reviews of all time. Perhaps they'd do better asking their pets.

  • Closure of coal power station set to be delayed to prevent UK blackouts
  • Elon Musk Says World Needs More Oil and Gas as Bridge to Renewables
  • Germany orders Sept 1 shutdown of digital ad displays to save gas

So much for 'green' electrical cars saving the planet..... they gotta charge somehow...

The planet of California, which decreed no gas-powered cars would be sold by 2035, has asked residents not to charge their electric vehicles.

Few people know this, but California was established in 1850 to amuse the rest of the states. The Founding Fathers had a wicked sense of humor. 

Thomas Paine: We still have a lot of space on the left side of the map.

George Washington: What do you suggest?

Ben Franklin: After all the toil, taxing, and blood to get us where we are, we need to acknowledge it with levity. Let us make this huge expanse at the left of the map a tribute to silliness, recreation, and shit no one can understand - even the residents. We will call it California, which is Souix for "Huh?" We can fill it with good looking women, so I don't have to keep sailing to England.

Truck spills 150,000 tomatoes causing California crash
This was a true crisis and steps were taken...
  • President Biden called this unconscionable and approved $54 billion for cleanup
  • Gavin Newsom announced he was running for president
  • supply chain failures were declared, causing a tripling of tomato prices within the continental United States
  • Gavin Newsom declared August "National Tomato Month" and prevailed upon everyone to do their patriotic duty by purchasing and consuming tomatoes. Even people who don't like tomatoes were urged to participate.
  • UC Berkeley referred to one part or the other of this as fascism and vowed to protest, burning their own produce stands to the ground and not permit tomatoes or any depiction of tomatoes to enter the school grounds. A man with a tomato t-shirt was lucky to escape with his life

There are two new Pinocchio films coming out of Hollywood. Obviously they will be followed by two films called Pinocchio II. One is fairly faithful to the original and one is stop motion. The original was started 23 years ago, but ran into some trouble during the making...

  • People screamed about the negative Italian stereotypes, resulting in a recasting of Geppetto using a black female lesbian Jewish actress.
  • The lead character's nose growing had the ADL calling it antisemitic.
  • The California school board was upset at the characterization of Pinocchio's behavior as lying. They demanded it be referred to as 'telling alternate truths.'
  • The bible belt referred to a puppet and his maker as 'obviously satanic, to corrupt the country's young,' and demanded it never be shown. "At very least, Pinocchio needs to be replaced with an ark."
  • As for making shoes, Americas shoemakers, all 4 of them, insisted on Geppetto's character making something that's only made in China, to be more patriotic. They said, "It will symbolize the return of manufacturing to the US."
  • President Biden released $47 billion to finance the movies, provided that the cast was diverse enough and they hired Kamala as Best Boy or Key Grip.

Two Air France pilots suspended after cockpit fistfight

Thank you for flying Air France. There is no need to panic, but can anybody fly the plane? The pilot hit the brakes, causing himself and the copilot to hit their heads on the instrument panel. They're just a bit black and blue - no need to worry.


the only known picture of Duane Allman auditioning for his own Muppet

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