Monday, January 9, 2023

100% of Resolutions Broken


Your love is like  one of those salads that looks like a lawnmower ran over a flower patch

Today's quickie question: could you have sex, knowing you were being watched? Even by their spouse?

Today I identify as  something close to a blogger

Tech CEO Arrested After Allegedly Spying on Woman in Panera Bread Restroom

I have no idea how he got caught - he used all the modern spying technology. He stuck his head under the divider. The board of his company should remove him: not for being a sleaze, but for being so stupid. He was probably just asking for some toilet paper.


The DEA Shut Down a Pain Doctor. Now 3 People Are Dead.

The DEA alleges Bockoff prescribed “alarmingly high dosages” of opioids to multiple patients, posing an “imminent danger” to the public.

So the DEA picks a random dosage, doesn't look at the practice's methods, doesn't give a thought to the patients, and now there are 2 suicides and a possible 3rd.

The "imminent danger" to the public is the DEA. The 'war on opioids' is ridiculous and disingenuous. First, the doctor's job was to help his patients with their pain. He prescribed what was necessary to cover the pain. It's not like there is a lot of other pain medicine that can be prescribed. 

a federal judge in Los Angeles denied Bockoff’s request to override the DEA and restore his authority to prescribe, citing “serious concerns about the improper dispensing of highly addictive and frequently abused substances that can have devastating consequences.”

because the federal judge is an expert in pain management

The main issue is that these people are on high-dose opioids. They are addicted, as a result. You cannot just stop taking many meds cold turkey - you need to either continue or work the dose down gradually. Since the DEA, in their wisdom, pulled the doctor's license, his patients (who couldn't find another doctor - good luck) went through detox. I don't know if you've ever seen opioid detox, but it's ugly. Major (additional) pain, sweats, shakes, even hallucinations, going on for days. Nothing will help any of the symptoms. I believe if they could find a doctor or clinic, methadone could be prescribed to avoid detox. No other doctor will prescribe the current dosage because they're terrified of the DEA. Some pharmacies don't even carry high dosages because they're afraid of getting robbed, or "don't care to be involved with those kinds of people."

I'm not making any of this up - I've seen it in person.

There is another way, but again, the government agencies have made it very difficult to use. Suboxone, also used for detox, is a great painkiller, with few side effects. Pain doctors have to get a special license to dispense it. I understand it's very popular in Europe. Insurance companies may give the patient a hard time, but the doctor can fill out forms to get past it. The insurers will probably require recertification, up to a few times per year (why pay for it when you can make it difficult to get?). 

Opioids are chock full of nasty side effects, but if they kill the pain, Mind Your Own Business. People who are literally dying have been denied opioids to keep them pain-free during their last days. Pain doctors need to be free to prescribe the appropriate medicines at the appropriate dosages. Unless they're selling prescriptions out the back door, the DEA should do something physically impossible to itself.

 “You can’t write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream.”           - Frank Zappa

Once-favored Covid drugs ineffective on Omicron may be putting millions at risk

But the federal government funding that drove drug development in the early days of the pandemic has dried up, and lawmakers have rebuffed the Biden administration’s pleas for more. Without that, there’s little incentive for drugmakers to work on new antibody treatments that could be more effective.

Aw- isn't that adorable?

President Giveaway will just have to bypass Congress and give Big Pharma the money. They're "too big to fail." We can't have any progress in this country if the government doesn't subsidize it. Didn't you learn that in public school? Fsck the debt - this is more important. Plus, we can print up all the money we want to. Don't be a nasty noisy negativist. Big Pharma needs us, just as the auto industry and the banks needed us.

Non-binary DDR5 is finally coming to save your wallet

Oh, great..... the SJWs have gotten to computer memory too. Don't forget the gender-fluid memory and the trans memory. RAM has been CIS hetero for too long.

Yes, it's great to have my laptop back. Or it was great.  It sat out overnight, and when I went to log in, the keyboard wasn't working. Hours later, it still isn't working. I'm typing on an external keyboard, which makes the laptop a little less portable than before. 

  • The weather is medium gray (shade #137), with a good 3 minutes of the sun trying to break through. It is not raining, and hasn't rained for about 12 hours.
  • The marital forecast is: barely speaking


Germany and the US have agreed to join France in sending armoured fighting vehicles to Ukraine - a move seen as a significant boost to its military's capability on the battlefield.

At last count, the US has sent $65 million in (military) aid to Ukraine. Their president stopped by to ask for $45 million more. I am not unsympathetic to their plight, but our taxes went through the roof January 1 because of President Giveaway and the spenders in Congress. Do you really want to finance this? If you do, I have a great idea: we set up the Ukraine Defense Fund. Everybody who wants to can contribute to it. It can be tax-deductible (HA HA). This way everybody wins.

Remember: in war, only the Military Industrial Complex wins.

Conversations with my dog 

Me: If you were one of Snow White's dwarves, which would you be?
Her: Sneezy, Sleepy, and Hungry

Razer’s $400 soundbar has a creepy camera to help emit surround sound

It tracks the viewer so it can focus the surround sound.

Ring’s Always Home Cam won’t be flying in your home until at least 2024, if then

Let's total this up: your Alexa 'smart speaker' records everything you say and sends it to Amazon. Your Ring camera watches outside and the police have or can get access to the video. Shortly you will have a flying drone around the house, following you and reporting back to Ring. 

You need to stop and think about this. Yes, some of this is pretty convenient, which is the way it winds up in your home. Unfortunately, it's mostly surveillance (in addition to your smart tv and other gadgets, including your Chromebook). You know I love freedom and you're free to install these spy devices. I just want you to carefully consider what you're putting in your home. Read privacy policies. Be an informed Google Amazon Ring Samsung consumer.

In Russia, you watch tv.
In America, tv watch you.

6-year-old student in custody after shooting teacher at Richneck Elem. School: Police chief

Arm the babies! 

don't get your panties in an uproar: I'm not anti-vax. I'm pro knowledge and testing


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