Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Meet the New Year - Same as the Old Year


Your love is like  having to take down the Christmas tree

Benedict XVI, first pope to resign in 600 years, dies at 95.
He was buried with a few little boys to keep him company, just as it was in life.

Today I identify as  campaign manager for the green pen. Vote for pen! C'mon - he can't be any worse.

Any day now I will return to work, post-traumatic from vacation. It will be fun, going through 2 weeks of emails. No, not fun.. what's that other word? Perilous. It must've been really quiet without me, as I'm the only one who speaks, aside from the boss. I'm hoping this transferred to the email, so there aren't 400 of them waiting to be deleted.

Between vacations like this and paying mortgage, I should be working til I'm about 80. About a day after I eventually retire, Wife will lament that I should probably go back to work. I will agree, albeit silently. The dog won't know the difference.

Transgender woman's scheduled execution would be US first
I want to hear no more from the LGBTQ lobby. They are finally truly equal.

I have been agitated at rap/hips hop for a while. In fact I have been agitated before it started. But the other day, I made the mistake of letting Wife have control of the car's radio. Whenever garbage comes on (this is broadcast radio - it's all garbage), I am not allowed to change the station because "I really like this song" (Wife). Well, I have to admit, I never heard the full song before, but I was astounded at the lyrics. The intimacy, the finesse of the flow, the sheer beauty of the writing. I was stunned. This was a song that would last throughout the ages, next to Led Zeppelin and Shakespeare. I could never do it justice, but allow me to try:

Ooh baby baby

Ooh baby baby

Push it real good

Ooh baby baby.

I almost cried, but held it together because I was driving. The sheer beauty. The rhyme. The strong, witty lyricism. I cannot believe I have come this far as a musician without embracing this gift. I'm really embarrassed that I foolishly derided anything of this genre, without even giving it a fair listen. Especially because Tupac is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I missed the signs. All I can say is that I'll try to be more open in the future.

Ooh baby baby

Being one of the top guitarists of all time wasn't enough.
Getting an astronomy degree was also insufficient.
Now Queen's Brian May is SIR Dr. Brian May. 
So the king bestowed the honor upon a Queen. If only Freddie were here to see it.

To start off the new year, it's 50 degrees and partly sunny. I may don my bikini. The thought should scare you, especially when I forget to wax. I can't keep up with the weather... I just know it's always gray and mostly raining. There's partly sunny, partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, a bit of sun, clouds rapidly moving over the sun, more clouds, cloudy for the local sports team games, unbelievably icky, 257 individual shades of gray, and sunny for about 3 minutes. Oh yeah, there's also rainy, with a picture of a cartoon figure holding an umbrella.

Yesterday we went to Victoria's Secret. I know Victoria's Secret, by the way: how you can get so many to pay so much for so little. As I walked in, one of their young, uber-friendly salesladies (would you honestly prefer a salesMAN at Victoria's?) asked if she could help me find anything. I looked at her and with honesty, said, "Yes. My wife." Apparently no one had ever asked her this before. She was consequently of no help whatsoever. I don't fault her for her inability to help, because Wife lives in some sort of quantum anomaly. Let me explain: Wife says to go to the guitar store, then meet her a Victoria's. This is a perfectly reasonable request, so after finding absolutely no interesting left handed guitars, I was off to Victoria's. I don't mind, as anything in Victoria's benefits me too. So I scoured the store, front to back, from one side to another. There were certainly a lot of screams when I checked the changing rooms... what's wrong with these people? The only lady happily surprised for the intrusion turned out, upon further inspection, to have female lingerie, while not exactly being female. While I don't judge, I was looking for my wife, not *a* wife. I continued to the other side, which was very pink, and even checked the various nooks and crannies, without any sign of Wife. I went outside pink, went back inside, and there she was. She did not exist until the 2nd time I looked for her. That should put the quantum physicists into a spin for a few decades. 

There was a salesMAN in the makeup store. We introduced him to the guy/girl in Victoria's, and are assured we'll be invited to the wedding. At least we'll be positive that he/she will have nice lingerie for the wedding night.

That brings us back to the present, where I'm looking for a nutritious breakfast to start my day. OMG - I didn't know we had Cinnabons! This year might turn out to be alright in spite of itself. 

Communication Breakdown 

The doctors tell us we're a well-matched, compatible pair. They also tell us we have the Mother of All Communication Problems. Friends, relatives, and random people on the street have all mentioned it to us. I honestly work on our issue, trying to never come off nasty in tone or message. I kept wondering what I was doing wrong. After a few years (25), I think I'm beginning to understand:  it's her fault.

What he said                                              What she heard

I'm off today, it's a good day to clean               You never clean

We should go out for dinner, how's 5:00?                  Did somebody break your arms?

I'm going to vacuum.          You fscking slob-maybe you could lift a finger to do something

Could you please bring the dog in - she's barking       You are lower than duck shit. Were you raised by wolves? Yes, I'm calling your parents wolves. Your sister didn't fall far from the tree either. Your brother hasn't seen a sober day since he was 6. Can't you do anything right? You should be walking the dog at least 2 miles every few hours, with or without your cane-the doctor told you to exercise, which you probably never do anyway because you never get out of bed, fatso. Sure, you lost 5 pounds, what about the other 80 you put on after we got married? And your driving scares the poop out of me, as well as anyone else unfortunate enough to be on the road at the time. As frightening as your driving is, your parking is directly from hell. We're not joking when we tell you not to park on the curb. And your body odor - could you shower once in a while? I know I should be grateful that we have sex once every 4 months, whether you like it or not. Who taught you to clean a house - Pig Pen? Just because you're crazy and have papers to prove it doesn't mean you can't get a job. Have you seen the sheer number of clothes around here? I guess since you lost 5 pounds, it's time to buy you a whole new wardrobe, right? God, I make the money and all you ever do is spend it. Your clothes are from the Librarian Collection-you look 80. You looked 80 when you were 20.  And don't tell me you don't like anal either. Everybody's wife is doing it. My brother's wife is the wind beneath his wings; you are the rain on my parade.

So I bring the dog in.

I just heard about a nasty accident - train vs pedestrian. I'm guessing the train won.

Train accidents are a fascination of mine. It's not the train, it's the bumbling idiots in cars and on foot that are worth examining. Many accidents seem to happen because people think it's ok to park their vehicles on the tracks. Some would argue that they deserve any damage they get, as well as the people who go through the intersection even with the lights blinking and a train horn loud enough to wake dead people a few states over. Science would benefit from figuring out which section of their alleged brains is faulty. Perhaps we can test for it and sterilize anybody with the Stupid Gene. Heaven knows we don't need them reproducing. 

Of particular concern are the pedestrians who collide with the trains. Let's face it... it's so difficult to get hit by a train that you have to want to get hit in order for it to happen. For hundreds of years, people have somehow managed not to get hit by trains, even while walking on tracks. It's not like trains quietly sneak up on you and go BOO!. There are certainly enough external warnings. And if you are doing the science of seeing how long it takes a train to stop, you will not live long enough to see your first results.

Review: Why Does the CIA Need a Podcast?
-The director worries that the public doesn't trust his spy agency.

I can't imagine why....
MKULTRA, Frank Olson, MONARCH, LSD, nazis, operating inside the US, abuse, torture, mind control, programming, JFK, records 'lost', deep secrecy, not answering to (above) the citizens....    
But everybody deserves a 2nd chance, right?

What goes around, unfortunately comes back 

Anyone older than 10 has observed styles and trends. It's worse a few years later, when they return. I have a stack of Hawaiian shirts that has gone in and out of style 5 times. I have been ahead, in, and behind fashion at the same time.

Go into any home supply store and look at kitchens. They all seem to have this silvery or brushed aluminum finish, making them all future-y.  It wasn't always this way, you know.  For some unknown reason, the 'in' colors in the 1970s were harvest gold and avocado green. Ask your parents, grandparents, or anyone who lived through the tumultuous 70s. You could ask then-president Richard Nixon, but he's dead.

Fortunately, people came to their senses and started using considerably less ugly colors. My #1 guitar's finish is called antigua (I call it pukeburst). The outside corners are avocado green, fading to harvest gold. It is absolutely the most hideous guitar finish ever made (from 1977-1981, when Fender went off drugs). I love this finish, precisely because it's so ugly. Fender has started offering it again, which excites and confuses me to no end.

I mention this because we were in a mall with a lot of clothing stores. Some of the new clothes are harvest gold. While we didn't see any avocado green, it's only a matter of time. 50 years later, fashion has caught up with us, and boy is it UGLY.

harvest gold

avocado green- should be a bit more olive

50 year old, somewhat faded antigua (pukeburst) finish

Tesla driver blames full-self-driving software for eight-car Thanksgiving Day pile up

With Elon's Twitter news happening every 6 minutes, we need to remind you that there's always Tesla news to hold us over.  The car automatically and for no particular reason, slowed from 55mph to 20mph (37.6 grams Canadian), causing an 8 car pileup on the Bay Bridge on Thanksgiving (news travels fast from the planet of California). Note: the driver blames it on the software - police are investigating.

Speaking of which, I did manage a little fun on vacation. Whenever I went out, I pissed off other drivers by only doing 15mph over the speed limit. Boy were they red in the face. Several made hand signals, but I don't know sign language.

Also speaking of which, Tesla's Autopilot requires drivers to keep their hands on the wheel while it autosteers. It hardly seems automatic, does it?  But that's ok, I prefer drivers keep their hands on the wheel at all times. You know they won't, though. They will count on the cars having a higher IQ than they do, which will largely be correct. Your smart tv will fight your smart car over which is smarter. Meanwhile, they both send your information to the manufacturer.

Conversations with my Dog 

Me: Hello. Nice to see you.
[3 minutes later]
Me: Hello. Nice to see you again. What can I do for you?
Her: Well, you know... Mommy's in her office with the door closed, so I can't get to her.
Me: And?
Her: I need you to follow me and open the door so I can be with Mommy.
Me: And if I don't?
Her: I will keep coming into your office and leaping up on your lap, every few minutes.
Me: I'll go open her door.
Her: Thank you. You train quickly.

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