Sunday, January 15, 2023

It Feels Like 12 Months Since Last January


Your love is like   the scene of a multiple murder

She had a butter body - everything was hot butter body

Today I identify as   AI.  I'm the most popular thing in the world right now! A corporate buzzword for years to come.

Reactions to Jeff Beck's passing: the rock world mourns

The tributes are stunning, and from people you might not expect. When David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) refers to Beck as his idol.... I wonder if Jeff knew....   

Hey Jug Ears... you... King person... it's time for another Sir, albeit posthumously.

Upon reading the tributes, I discovered that many of the famous rockers were Sirs. This will obviously cause a backlash, where it isn't cool to be a Sir. It will be like punk rock all over again (without the noise).

Our single rock station literally had its request lines blown out and had to give out a new number. People were all wanting to hear Jeff Beck songs. The DJ said he had never seen anything like this before. Local musicians were talking about how influential he was.  Gee guys - maybe you shoulda played his music while he was alive...   

I wonder if he would have cared. Like the late great Frank Zappa, he did it his way. No thought to commercial appeal, he just did what he did. If you read the load of social media tributes, it's positively over the top. Everybody loved him, both personally and musically.  He was the guitar player's guitar player. And following his muse, he managed to influence so many players and other musicians. Also like Zappa, we shall never see the likes of him again. 

When the CD revolution started, I saved for a player. My first CD was, of course, Blow by Blow. If you could wear a CD out, I did. He was such a part of my life from high school through today. Whenever I wasn't doing anything, my mind would play Freeway Jam a lot. Then whatever other JB song it wanted. Led Boots was another favorite, as was Definitely Maybe. I could hear all the parts and imagine myself playing it. I am by no means special - I'm just one of his many fans. It's startling to see how many there are, as they come out of the woodwork to pay tribute. If social media existed at the time, it would be like when Jimi Hendrix died. Apparently Jimi said Jeff was the greatest living guitarist.

Whenever he toured, we were there, no matter what the cost or anything else that was happening. Mrs. lefty is not a musician and by no means did I drag her along; when he toured, it was understood I was to purchase two tickets. When an instrumental guitarist speaks like that to non-musicians, you know there's something special going on.  We saw him recently on the 18 tour, with Johnny Depp (covered elsewhere). There is nothing wrong with Mr. Depp, but I prefer my Jeff Beck in his pure, unadulterated state. I wonder if Jeff laughed at the screaming, fainting, and fawning over Johnny. The Depp-o-philes stood the entire time he was onstage, then sat when Jeff played.

If you're interested in what everybody's talking about, get some of his records. If you're undecided, YouTube has a ton of videos and entire albums. Jimi and Jeff were always my favorites and always will be. I don't settle, you shouldn't either.

I have to admit it's been kinda sad and subdued at ThermionicMansion. I've been listening since about the 80s, almost daily. The music remains, but the man doesn't. We won't get more and won't see him in concert. No more weird collaborations or wacky left turns. No more dropped jaws and HOW DOES HE DO THAT? The chances of getting my guitar signed have dropped considerably. As bad as we all feel, it can't compare to the loss his poor wife must be feeling.

In the larger sense, we're in trouble. We're watching our heroes leave the stage for the last time. Rock has officially gotten old. Some of them have gray hair (shock!). Some are in their late 70s. As if that weren't bad enough, think what we'll be left with...

Tell people how you feel about them, preferably the positive things, while they're alive; it can make all the difference in the world

The master has left the building.

Air India embarrassed by urination scandal

Some drunk took a whiz on a female passenger and the airline owner feels 'anguish'? Unless he held the guy's apparatus and drunkenly urged him on, I can't see the need for anguish or blame. 

Strangely, the urinator was fired from his gig at Wells Fargo.

His target was a 72 year old lady, (who had never seen a penis before) and referred to this as the most "traumatic" experience of her life.  I think she needs to get out more.

(Director) Sam Mendes: Gender-neutral Oscars 'inevitable'

We coulda told you that. 0.2% of the public thought it was a good idea, so the other 99.8% can shove it. 

What would it look like?

The Oscar for best actor/actress/gender fluid/somewhere on the spectrum is Binkey Cohen, for "Wild Wild, but Culturally Sensitive West"

The Oscar for best Female with a penis goes to Whoopie Goldberg, for "Brother Act - Now Even Bigger"

The Oscar for best male to female transsexual person with a prosthetic penis goes to Oprah Winfrey, for "Owning All the TV Networks, Pt 2 - the Tax Deductions"

Of course it would only take one award show to get out the other underrepresented minorities, demanding the Oscars be more inclusive. And Neuro-divergent. Personally I want to see all the Oscars go to people with 2 left feet and an inverted middle nipple.

Worshippers in Tokyo plunge into ice bath to mark new year

The tradition goes back 68 years. 
In case you find this particularly without sense, worshippers in Indonesia plunge into a fire bath.
Worshippers in Mexico leap into random gunfire.
Worshippers in Brazil leap onto one of the many huge butts available.
Worshippers in Guatemala leap into a pool of acid.
Worshippers in America give huge amounts of money to frauds.
and worshippers in the former Rhodesia leap into huge piles of poo.

Saturday night in the Silicon Valley city of San Jose, the assistant police chief tweeted out praise for their recently-upgraded Automatic License Plate Readers: Officers in Air3 [police helicopter], monitoring the ALPR system, got alerted to 3 stolen cars. They directed ground units to the cars. All 3 drivers in custody! No dangerous vehicle pursuits occurred, nor were they needed.

Do you have any idea what a helicopter costs? What routine maintenance and fuel cost? 

Otoh, cars have locators in them these days. Even bloggers know locators are cheaper than helicopters.

Some context: The San Jose Spotlight (a nonprofit local news site) noted that prior to last year license plate readers had been mounted exclusively on police patrol cars (and in use since 2006). But last year the San Jose Police Department launched a new "pilot program" with four cameras mounted at a busy intersection, that "captured nearly 300,000 plate scans in just the last month, according to city data."

The readers weren't enough? Does this make anyone feel there's a privacy issue? 

the city made it clear the data is only shared with trained police officers and certain city staff, no out-of-state or federal agencies.  

The city officials did a wonderful job of not cracking up while saying this.

The San Jose City Council unanimously approved a policy Tuesday that formally bans the police department from selling any license plate data, using that information for investigating a person's immigration status or for monitoring legally protected activities like protests or rallies.

Hahahahaha. Oh. Sorry.  They promise not to do anything even close to that.  As sure as there are taxes, if there is equipment that happens to do something bad, rest assured it will. Soon.

Interesting that the Council is more concerned with illegal aliens than their own taxpayers..

The ACLU is against it. Other groups say the data retention should be cut down from 1 year. That's not much of a tough stance, is it, NAACP, Asian Law Alliance?

An EFF position paper argues that "ALPR data is gathered indiscriminately, collecting information on millions of ordinary people."  

And that, people, is the main point. It's just like Faceyspaces following you all over the web, only this is dangerous and expensive, brought in under the guise of 'fighting crime.'

Microsoft’s new AI can simulate anyone’s voice with 3 seconds of audio

Demands you use voice recognition in Windows

The guy that wrote the weather app for my phone saved $50 by only having to license the cloud graphic, not the sun graphic too.

If you live in Pittsburgh, PA, you might have gotten a letter that your medical debt has been nullified. This came from a decision by the City Council. Naturally it was backed by President Giveaway's trillion dollar American Rescue Plan. 

#Impeach   Say what you want about Trump, but he didn't take a tremendous bite out of your income via giveaways and taxes. If we had a libertarian, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in at all. The IRS would be shut down, unlike Biden's Billions to expand it (and every other part of government).  #Impeach 

Classified files found at Biden's former private office

But Trump.... but Trump...

When asked about the files, Biden replied "Where's my damn lollypop - I'm the vice president, ferchrissake"

  • TIP: If you're going to have an affair at work, try not to do it in your home office

Conversations with my dog  

Me: Why do you stand there and bark when one of your toys is out of reach?

Her: So you'll get it.

Me: I'm glad we have these conversations.

Startup Uses AI Chatbot to Provide Mental Health Counseling and Then Realizes It 'Feels Weird'

Good news: it always shows up and is never late.
Bad news: it's a friggin machine

Good news: it costs nothing
Bad news: it knows nothing

Good news: it doesn't consume coffee
Bad news: it must be the spawn of Satan

Good news: it's very personable
Bad news: last month, it suggested 2 patients jump off a cliff

Good news: it can be male or female
Bad news: republicans won't talk to it

Good news: it can serve 2 people at the same time
Bad news: they both overdosed on heroin and drain cleaner

In this small barbershop in Ypsilanti, Michigan, kids pick out a book and head to the chair. It’s like clockwork. That’s because children 12 and under who visit The Fuller Cut can get a $2 discount on their $11 haircut for doing a simple task: reading to the barber.

 These men have done in 2 years what the entire public school system hasn't done in 50. BRAVO on a job well done, from the heart.

  • Kaley Cuoco has gone on the 9 month rapid weight-gain plan (she's pregnant). Dear Mrs. lefty: I didn't do it. I always use protection when I'm with a star.

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