Thursday, January 12, 2023

Intercourse the Penguin

Your love is like   electing a House speaker

You can now order drone delivery from Walmart, provided you live within 1 mile of a participating store. 

And miss all those interestingly-dressed customers in the world's greatest sociology experiment? No way, buddy.

Today I identify as   a Tesla, in which the auto-drive works. (just kidding, there is no such thing)

To the people stopping by from other countries: Thanks.  To the people stopping by from the US: Thanks. 

Today's best pr0n title:  Slut Inspection

Porsche Lynn!


Where are your implants?


What kind of a slut doesn't have boob implants?


You know what happens to bad sluts.


And furthermore, you were atrocious in Sisters Love Their Stepmoms. You were far from authentic.


What kind of a slut doesn't like p*ssy?  Go to the back of the line.

Angel Haze!


You make enough to get first class implants. Your nipples look out in different directions.


Very good. Now, I see you have very little acne.


Haze, acne indicates drug use. You have precious little of it. Think of your fans...


Don't be sorry - get on the ball! The 8 ball.


Mercedes Porsche!


Look at you. It's a jungle down there.


What kind of excuse is that? You're a big star and you look like you time traveled to the 1970s.


I also understand you've only been with 47 guys this month.

[hangs head] YES SIR

What kind of a slut is with only 47 guys?

Ladies, you have 7 days to fix this shit and look like proper sluts. You signed an oath!

Yes SIR! 

Abortion pills can now be sold at pharmacies, FDA rules

Prediction: not in the states with the rabid religionoids in office

So we know my laptop came back from service ostensibly working, then the keyboard and some other stuff failed. We know that this stuff is waaay above my pay grade. I can usually fix stuff, but this is way down into the operating system, possibly past the driver level. Ever see those huge Microsoft ergonomic keyboards? I had to keep one connected to the laptop so I could type over the weekend. I just didn't have it in me to mess around with the laptop further. I always said I wanted a laptop with an ergo keyboard, and the universe apparently responded. Perhaps I should have been more specific. 

However, I did not ask for car trouble, or even anything that looked like car trouble. There was no possible misunderstanding. Ya know that sound... it's like when you have few bodies in the trunk and they're rolling around, banging into the trunk sides and lid? It sounded like that. It turns out it wasn't the bodies - it was the struts. Or it was the struts and the bodies; our garage only deals with the mechanical side of noises. Why do all of the mechanic's calls start with "Are you sitting down?"

The Dark Spirits or poltergeists are in hysterics. Next week, I'm having a few guests: an exorcist, some faith healers, a televangelist (who will lay hands on the front door), a gypsy, a satanist rabbi, and this Haitian dude, complete with dead chickens. Somebody from the Unitarian church, who may or may not believe in spirits, and some Baptists, who will sing and dance at or in the house. If any of this fails, we're summoning Pope John Paul George and Ringo.

UPDATE: I spent an hour last night, trying to repair my errant laptop. I was in uncharted territory. I had absolutely no idea where I was going.... I was deep into the Matrix, without tight, shiny clothes. I am not intimidated at all, which most people call Stupid. In the end, I failed to succeed. It is one of my more endearing traits. At the end of an unproductive, murderously annoying day, I sat and read something. As I'm nearing the end, the entire laptop goes POOF and shuts down. No, it wasn't me. There was no power because someone had knocked out the power plug and didn't notice it (that would be me, and there was nobody around to blame it on). I decided to take this quietly and only woke up half the neighborhood, at 1am. 

This morning, I stumbled into the office, somehow managed not to knock anything to the ground (like yesterday, when I sent a 24" monitor flying at the ground) and plugged everything in. And without so much as a POOF, the keyboard worked.  Perhaps threatening to have the exorcists and the pope by threw a monkey wrench into the plans of the Dark Spirits and a few of them packed their ethereal bags and moved out. Perhaps its my new not-showering thing. Or they're tired of hearing the dog bark at them (other dogs attack or run away - mine stands there BARKING until we do something). So I'm not going to look a gift whore in the mouth.

Q. How do you guarantee rain?

A1. leave a car window open

A2. move to this area

Man’s eyes turn bloody, yellow after plunge into pee-filled canal

Geez, who coulda seen that coming...

Black man wrongfully jailed for a week after face recognition error, report says

The fact that facial recognition has a lot of trouble with black people is widely known. Yet it's used. Then the guy gets stuck in jail for a week? He was let go and all charges dropped, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place.

14 rounds of voting for House Speaker, 1 Congressman had to be physically restrained

Asshats - the lot of them. How did these idiots get into office? Oops, they were voted in.

The funniest part was someone nominating Trump for Speaker. I love to watch things burn... 

These male spiders catapult away to avoid being cannibalized after sex

We know that only female mosquitoes bite. And certain female spiders eat their mate after sex. We already knew females of any species are smart and highly dangerous.

The spiders use hydraulic pressure to extend leg joints and launch to safety.  Males of the species homo (formerly) erectus will need a compressor by the bed and a long (ahem) hose. Or wind up with repetitive stress injuries.


Chick-fil-A investigates reports of hacked customer accounts

They were hacked on a Sunday, when all their stores were closed. 

There are Chik Filet accounts? 

Ok, I lamented purchasing slippers because only old people wear slippers, not cool d00ds like me. Unfortunately, some wag gifted me a nose hair trimmer. I'm really stuck here, because as you know, I braid my nose hair and am headed for the 2043 Olympics Nose Hair Games. But if I don't use it, the gifter will be upset. I'll see if Dog wants it.

Pornhub requires ID from Louisiana users to comply with state’s new porn law

Let's pretend, for the purposed of pretending, that the first word in the above title is IBM, and the last words are 'computer law.'  You know me... I don't believe the state has any business messing with businesses. We know the whole law is being driven by the Rabid Religionoids, who have a high speed Pr0nhub feed already. The ones who are having sex with the very homosexuals they preach against. 

Mostly, I want any state or country to keep hands off the internet. We've done very well so far. If the little buggers are looking up body parts, and this is somehow a problem, perhaps their parents should start to parent and not leave it to the state to cover their shortfalls.  I'm not suggesting that kids should visit these sites (although they replace the Playboy in Dad's drawer in olden times).

Under the current hands-on policies, it's kinda funny when other countries DEMAND that Faceyspaces or Twitter censor people saying Bad Stuff<tm> or they're going to sue. Even better, 
 "Apple Fined $8.5 Million for Illegally Collecting iPhone Owners' Data for Ads".  Oopsie, Apple prides itself on being the privacy champion of phones. Don't be an iHole.

In any case, hands off. You no like, you no visit. 
Also- the human body is not 'bad' or shameful or dirty, except when our parents and religion cause it to be so. Your parents fsck, or you wouldn't be here to discuss this.

Conversations with my dog 

Me: Mommy said you slept across my neck last night.
Her: Yes, I do that every night
Me: Why?
Her: Because you're comfortable, dummy. And you say *I'm* the stupid one.

Perseverance rover drops off first sample tube on surface of Mars

Instructions say Martians are to fill it up and put it back on the rover for analysis. 

FDA approves new Alzheimer’s treatment despite risks, unclear benefits

In completely unrelated news, Big Pharma is the hugest donor to politicians.

Now leave, or I shall taunt you a second time

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