Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Cold Fries and Warm Coke

Your love is like  Slayer  (the band OR the hobby)

I did the dishes last night and found an uncooked chicken breast in the sink.

[horribly confused look] *I* didn't put it there.

With all the things that disappear, it's great to find something that appears.  Now we need warning, so we can refrigerate it when it happens.

Today I identify as   another good idea that pisses people off

The ghost of Alfred Hitchcock was in the neighborhood the other day. I was minding my own business, working, when it became too loud to continue. Oddly enough, it wasn't the neighbors with various machinery; it was over 100 birds, hanging out in the neighbor's tree. Loud birds. Why, I asked Wife. She didn't know. I noticed they were all pointed in one direction. Looking at me. Either Work sent them to monitor me or perhaps people are right about me being paranoid.

End of the 5-day workweek? Some states consider legislation making 4-day workweeks more common

Although the study on this was in the UK, we couldn't help but notice it.
I don't see it happening too widely. Many employers won't bother to check the study - the thought of employees not being physically there terrifies them. The idea, aside from the obvious, is to get rid of extraneous calls and meetings. Let's face it, most meetings are extraneous. If they get rid of meetings, some employees will have nothing to do. They go to meetings to plan the next meeting. Another great point for companies: anything over 32 hours will count as overtime.

At one of my jobs, I created a system by which most computer issues could be solved remotely. It was received well, but after a month, Manglement made a remark that they hadn't seen people from my department on the floor recently.  No good deed ever goes unpunished.

I am a bit ambiguous on this. I don't like government interference, but naturally, I wouldn't mind a 4 day workweek. 

Bizarro World

Wealthy Bay Area town grapples with 'attack on whiteness' controversy

You have to dig pretty far into this bizarre situation to understand it, so I have no idea. Apparently a white Los Gatos planning commissioner lobbed, as a private citizen, the following grenade: 
"The referendum was fully paid for and passed by a few rich white anti-housing men in our town,"

In a heretofore non-existent event, she was pilloried for racist language against white people. She is afraid for her personal safety. She was censured at work. You should read about how rich white men were offended by this.

I wonder if the apoplexy would have been present had a black woman made the statement.

Pretty soon everybody will have their own Outrage Card, to play whenever they feel wronged.

Flying AIDS news

  • As COVID vaccine patent dispute drags on, Moderna forks over $400M to NIH
  • Florida surgeon general fudged data for dubious COVID analysis, tipster says
  • Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says
  • China should be honest on Covid origin, says US envoy
  • FBI boss says COVID-19 'most likely' escaped from lab
Monday: Flying AIDS escaped from China lab (low confidence)
[pitchforks and torches]
We said low confidence, you morons. Try reading to the end of the sentence.
Tuesday: Flying AIDS could have escaped from China lab
Wednesday: Oh yeah, Flying AIDS escaped from China lab. We're pretty serious now. That's right. Eat it, China.

Mozilla says “most top apps” on Android have misleading privacy labels

Since your read ThermionicEmissions, you're concerned about privacy. Go to the app's privacy notice and read it there. Do not fall off sleeping while doing this. Make the right decision on using the app. If you have an iDevice, Apple has already made the decision for you and you're ok with that.

Mainstream or Pr0n

This is the exclusive ThermionicEmissions game where the reader picks whether the 2 movies or tv shoes are mainstream or pr0n.  No looking it up on the web - that's cheating.

  1. Pie
  2. Hardcase

TurboTax Service Codes - coupons!

How an early-warning radar could prevent future pandemics

Radar will be tuned to automatically lock you in your house

Since Elon Musk has been out of the headlines for damn near 23 hours, Tesla swooped in and saved the day: full self-driving mode (beta), a $15,000 option, has stopped rolling out.
The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently found Tesla's FSD software was unsafe and prone to errors. It could cause vehicles to drive straight through intersections whilst in a turn-only lane, fail to come to a complete stop at stop signs, or veer out into oncoming traffic.
From the wording, this is apparently a bad thing, as opposed to Just Another Day in most cities.
The NHTSA requires Tesla to either fix the software, or make a $1 million donation to the NHTSA Meetings in Aruba Fund.

Scientists Now Want to Create AI Using Real Human Brain Cells
The program will ultimately fail, when they can't locate any.

I was lukewarm on AI, except as the latest Corporate Buzzword. Thinking further, perhaps it can be of some use. 
  • It could do my work reports for me.  I'd get caught when the reports were found to be lacking in sarcasm
  • If you have been unfortunate enough to listen to the radio in the past 20 years, you know AI can probably write hit songs (that would have to be better than the crap you heard). Small children with crayons would be better. 
  • It could write news copy (if it isn't already). There are many videos of many stations all saying the same words. 
  • You could use it to replace your significant other (provided you programmed it to argue).
  • it could respond to email from your less-important friends (and family)

Ooh baby baby
Push it real good.

This just happened:

Hello, welcome to Bob's Fly by Night Car Loans. What is your social security number?

You're not supposed to be using social security numbers as identification. But since you're a bank, I wouldn't expect you to know this.

Please enter your PIN

I don't have a PIN - I'm a car loan customer.

If you don't want to wait, you can skip the hours of time you'd lose trying to talk to us by using the customer service email on our website. If you would like to keep holding, press *##. 

If I am calling, why do I need to press a key to keep holding? Oh, cool, the website.

Log in.
We're not going to simply let you log in. We have to call you back with the Super Secret Code.
Ring. What is the Super Secret Code?
Ok, you may go ahead on the site.

Hmmm.... customer service, here it is. Email.. here it is. HUH? What do you mean log in - I'm already logged in.

Log in again.
We're not going to simply let you log in. We have to call you back with the Super Secret Code.
Ring. What is the Super Secret Code?
Ok, you may go ahead on the site.

Here we are again: customer service

Just log in to use customer service email.

You people could not organize a sock drawer.

Log out.

Use phone.

Our foreign customer service agent is pissing off other callers. You will have to wait at least an hour because lines are really friggin busy today. If you like, we can call you back when it's your turn. Press 1. 

Ring ring.

Hello. HELLO?

Thank you for calling Bob's Fly by Night Car Loans. This is our callback service. To speak to a representative, press 1.

You just called ME back, what other option would there be?  [press 1]

Click - hangs up.

I'm amazed these people can get bills out every month.

China should be honest on Covid origin, says US envoy
  1. That's RACIST
  2. the government should be honest on where our money goes and what they're up to

I'll Take Childcare for $52 billion, Bob

Biden wants chipmakers to provide childcare if they want billions in free money

Apparently the $52 billion President Giveaway promised has a catch: the businesses have to provide low-cost child care for the employees. But it's ok, some of the $52 billion can go for that.

That money came from your pocket (just added to the debt) and was given to industry. Perhaps we should re-elect him.

Russia fines Wikipedia for publishing facts instead of Kremlin war propaganda

That's right - here in America, every outlet publishes propaganda.

Peruvian delivery man carried ancient mummy around in his bag

"Hi. This is my wife, Neffertitty. We were married 850 years ago today. I told her to stop calling me Bob, but she didn't listen. She'll never do it again."

Adriana Lima: Fifa's appointment of supermodel as fan ambassador in Women's World Cup year criticised

I had a lot of prep work to do before I posted this. Mostly it consisted of looking up FIFA.
I'm pulled in 2 different directions: I love Adriana; she's my favorite Angel. I don't like fifi FIFA. I wonder if her 'work' for fifi FIFA would be in venues not hosting sports, so then I can watch. I'm sure you'll agree that keeping soccer (fsck you, it's bloody soccer) on the tv for the entire 5 hour game hoping to see the Angel is a huge waste of even my time. If she's on during a game, it won't work for me. Wait, perhaps a compromise is in order: after each appearance at a game, she flies to my house to explain it to me. Folks, we have a winner. Even Mrs. lefty would go for this.

Of course every time you use the word 'model' in a business context, there will be whining. Because she's a supermodel, there was superwhining. Blah blah body image blah blah you can't empower women from Victoria's Secret.  Why - do they let men model the goods?  I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of male fifi FIFA fans standing in line to see her ousted.  

Mind you, Adriana is a huge fan and is being used to bring positivity to women playing sports. Can't have that, can we?

The Rabid Religionoid Republican Registry
or What have they done now?

Texas Republican wants ISPs to block a wide range of abortion websites

There guys really need to stop before someone with common sense moves to the state. Or someone who knows law and the Constitution. You know of my bad experiences with vacuums: I demand that all vacuum sites or sites that sell vacuums be banned in my state. It's ridiculous. Hopefully it won't become law.  How can they see what they're signing with their heads so far up their colons?

My crown is made of the finest gold

Mainstream or Pr0n answer:
  1. Pie  - pr0n
  2. Hardcase  - book

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