Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Dark Web, Damp Web, Dingy Web - Why Bother?

Two more dead as patients report horrifying details of eye drop outbreak

Don't use the eye drops in the article. I can't afford to lose any readers.
Give them to somebody you don't like.

Your love is like  skunk soup

I just read something that mentioned 'airplane position.' It bothers me. Have you ever heard of this before? I put some thought into it..
  • You both show up in bed, but sex is canceled
  • You know it's going to be a bad night because you're on Standby
  • the bed is way too small and your body was not made to go in that position
  • it just costs too much
  • You're at the gate but it keeps getting postponed
  • it just won't take off

Today I identify as  the NSA, CIA, and Illuminati's favorite blogger

  • I have a brand new nose hair trimmer  - why am I still yanking them out one at a time? 
  • I prefer braiding them

Wife watched the Oscars. I tried to dissuade her, but she said they were sometimes exciting.
She's right - they were so exciting they put together a security team in case of anymore Advanced Slapping Incidents. I was going to put a tv remote app on my phone, so I could keep turning the tv off, but marriage is a push-pull, giving and receiving, unholy war, so I have to lose sometimes. Most of the time, actually. It is written that marriage is 50/50. It's more like 89/11 in favor of the partner with breasts (don't ask about same sex relationships - I'm on a roll now). Stated another way, it's the Power of the P*ssy. They have it, you want it; it's really that simple. Women want to be equal. In many cases they want to be more equal. They want to have their cake and eat it too. Me, I say let them have their cake - I want to eat it. 

So there's no way in hell the Oscars are leaving the house. Wife was kind enough to mute the audio a lot and use closed captioning. See? Marriages ARE 89/11.. errr.... 50/50. My seat was specifically chosen so as not to be able to see the tv without finding a different chair.  This, however, did nothing to stop the audio. I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but the monologue included 'diversity' before the 5 minute mark. This explains the neighbors. They were playing the Oscar Drinking Game. Whenever anyone said 'diversity,' they all had to yell DIVERSITY and do a shot. Within 15 minutes an ambulance pulled up.  I didn't know alcohol poisoning was a real thing. We promised to watch their dog for them.

That's about as far as I got. I learned Jimmy Kimmel isn't funny, although I think I already knew that. Then Wife would jump up and down, telling me LOOK AT THAT!  It was invariably an attractive female star, wearing a dress wide open up top, and everyone could see a third of her boobies. Normally this would be cause for great celebration, but in Wife's own words, "I can't concentrate on what she's saying - all I can see is that her breasts are not the same size by a lot!" She was right. And it wasn't just one of them. Doesn't anybody have a trusted person in their entourage who can stop them and say, "Mrs. Langoria, Eve... we've known each other for 25 years and you know I never lie. Come stand in front of this mirror with me a second. Does anything look.... uneven? Asymmetrical? Out of balance? I've watched you dress hundreds of times and I know they're both the same size. Why does one look so much smaller than the other? Get some tape and even those babies up. You can't walk out in front of millions of people with 2 different cup sizes hanging out of your dress." Oh, I forgot. entourages are made up of yes men and women. If someone said that to Mariah Carey, they'd be on the next Amazon space shuttle, with instructions to let her out at the highest point of the journey. Either that, or Mariah would sing one of those notes so high it would crack her skull.

Speaking of Mariah Carey, I was at a record shop and saw an old poster of her. It was before her 2nd face and implants, before she went off the rails. I was in love again. I remember that poster - huge hair, black dress, that face. The woman was gorgeous. It's a shame she messed with perfection (and went off the rails).

I promise you that when I'm famous, nothing will change. I already scream, make objects airborne, and throw legendary fits. I'm almost like a rock star now. Why change?   I'll even keep up the blog. Being a rock star, I'll probably go from 6 followers to.. like.... 8! I'll become really big in some country I've never been to. My manager will tell me I'm HUGE in Malaysia. Malaysia? I asked actual Malaysians what the correct slur for Malaysians was and no one could tell me. I refuse to go to a country that doesn't even have their own slur.

Everybody's so different, I haven't changed.

-Joe Walsh, "Life's Been Good" 

TikTok users are aware of the Chinese ownership flap, but they don't care. They're going to use it anyway.

We are a nation of morons.

Another new tv series: "Help, I'm in a Secret Relationship." 
Not anymore.

President Giveaway is at it again, although the giveaway this time is not financial, it's our rights.

Biden issues executive order on background checks

Since Congress wouldn't do anything, he made law by executive fiat, like his predecessors.

It aims to move the US "as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation".
Since they can't outlaw guns, they're doing it by increments. We have a Constitutional right to bear arms. These people have no business messing with it, yet we sit for it. This time it's the democrats. President Giveaway called for a ban on assault weapons (except for his enforcers), but Congress won't pass it, specifically because of a republican-controlled House.

We need better crash test dummies, says Government Accountability Office

Congress isn't doing anything useful - give them a call.

A man who racially abused Brentford striker Ivan Toney on social media has been banned from every football ground in the United Kingdom for three years.

That's right, in the good old UK, a man said something offensive on social media and is now in Deep Doody.

Neill, of Blyth, Northumberland, was also handed a four-month jail sentence, suspended for two years.

As well as all matches in the UK, the banning order prevents Neill from travelling abroad to watch international friendlies, qualification matches and tournaments.

Hate Crime?  What a load of wankers, as they say in the UK. It's getting dangerous to live Over There. They pretend to have something akin to freedom of speech, but it's eroding. It would be on life support, but National Health is eroding too, and has no space in the hallways to put freedom of speech (and the machine that goes PING).

Over Here, I may disagree with what you say, but I stand for your right to say it.

How do you suppose they'll enforce the ban? Will they hire spotters at each entrance to every stadium to watch for him? Will they also hire spotters for events outside the UK? Will the spotters be armed with truncheons or harsh language?

Stop, or I shall say stop  again!
-John Cleese on British police

Mainstream or Pr0n

This is the exclusive ThermionicEmissions game where the reader picks whether the 2 movies, tv shows, or books are mainstream or pr0n.  No looking it up on the web - that's cheating.
  1. Her Limit
  2. All American Boys

Brian May- Queen guitarist, astrophysicist, animal activist, and all around good guy, was knighted by King Charles. The king had to stand on a tall podium to look Sir Brian in the eyes. Brian is living right - hats off and great respect.

No, Really - Pancakes 

The other day, as usual, it was time for breakfast. Never mind that it was 4pm - the first meal of the day is breakfast, you meal nazis.  We had 2 places to decide between, the winner was a place that rhymes with Ihop. Oops. We have 1 about 5 minutes from us, which is the reason we drive past it, to the one 25 minutes from us. After spending too much time at the close one, we discovered it's always better to go to the one farther out. We're not entirely sure what's up with the close one. One theory is that there is no manager. He went home 5 years ago and never came back. Thus the inmates are running the asylum. Another theory is the corporate office decided to experiment with new staffing ideas and didn't hire a manager, because they're too expensive. This left the store free to make people wait while employees made Very Important Phone Calls (to their bookies), swung from the rafters, and brought people the wrong food (20 minutes late). As if this wasn't enough fun, they seem to attract a rowdy, obnoxious crowd. The farther store is pleasant, we don't wait, and the crowd is obnoxiously loud, but not obnoxious in behavior. 

We knew we were going to get sat immediately because there were few cars in the parking lot. HA!
There was 1 other couple waiting already, which was a good sign (not).
Some dude in the kitchen waved and welcomed us.
So we waited.
And waited.
And waited.
I told Wife they had 5 more minutes until I became (more) obnoxious and we left.
We had not seen a single employee since we sat down.
Finally! Somebody walked up to the register! She tapped a few keys and walked off.
Eventually another somebody walked up to the register, tapped some keys, and walked off. 
We stared at each other.
Then some lady came out and started doing something with menus. AH, we thought - we were about to get seated!
She walked away too.
Little did we know that the place that rhymes with Ihop has an Employee Entertainment Program, wherein employees.... entertain.. themselves and others. The lady who just walked away was in the kitchen, smoking whatever the rest of them were smoking, over the pancake batter, and told them she has a surefire Employee Entertainment Program winner. She'd come out near the customers, and shuffle menus so the customers would think they were finally being seated. When relief showed on their faces, she'd walk away. This explains the howls of laughter we heard when she walked off.

She reappeared long enough to say, "Ladies, I'm sorry, but I have absolutely no choice in this."
At last count there were 2 ladies and 2 guys. We were feeling some kinda way, being left out of the status report. Maybe she didn't like men. Perhaps she was going to the Oscars and wouldn't talk to men, who represented the Patriarchy and were there to keep everybody down. Regardless, we remained confused, which also explained the additional laughter from the kitchen. Corporate has no idea how successful the Employee Entertainment Program is. Eventually she returned. We watched and waited for her to retreat or lead the staff in singing "I Shall Be Released."  No, she was actually going to seat the other couple (even though 1 of them was male). As we got up to leave, the other couple said we should prepare to wait 30 minutes, like they did.


I located Menu Lady and let her know we were leaving, as we didn't have the rest of our lives to wait for a WAITress or for them to get their stuff together. She looked horribly confused (I later found out that's the way she looks all the time - she's the manager) and said, "Uhhh...... Ok." We were overjoyed we had her permission.

We fully understand that sometimes there are problems. Sometimes the children who work there call out for fun.  If someone had just said something to us, things would have been fine. Instead, we sat under the very loud speaker, which was playing country music. In most countries, this is against the Geneva Convention: you can't treat prisoners this way.... it's cruel and inhuman. This is the reason we don't go to the closer Ihop.

As we got in the car, I warned 2 other cars not to bother going in there: they'd have to wait til their young children were ready for college before getting a table. I'm used to being looked at like I have 3 heads (instead of my usual 2) and these folks did not disappoint. We watched them enter as we were driving off. Oh well, I certainly tried to do a good deed.

Right down the street was a restaurant that rhymes with Bed Bobbin. We had never been there, and burgers beat pancakes for breakfast at 5pm. It was a very strange experience: we got seated immediately, staff was pleasant and communicative, the food showed up in record time, and we liked it. This sort of thing doesn't happen to us. The dessert was measured by height instead of weight. It was like 6" tall, and full of chocolate.

On the way home, we noticed 4 cars in the Ihop lot at 6pm. You reap what you sow, dingleberries.

Conversations with my Dog 

Me: Why do you need to go outside, then need to go outside 5 minutes later?

Her: Think about it. What happens when I come back in?

Me: You get a cookie.

Her: Do I need to explain further?

Me: But I was on a meeting with the CIO!

Her: Well, you can either get up and let me out, or take your chances with the furniture.

Me: How did you get so smart?

Her: Dog videos.

Me: YouTube?

Her: Bark Tok.

I've been really worried about Americans visiting Mexico, because of the cartels and lawlessness. I figured the only thing that would save the place was the tourist dollars, so maybe it wasn't that bad.

The other week, we heard that 2 Americans were killed and 2 more kidnapped by a cartel.
I think I can safely say Mexico is not a good idea at this point.

But wait.... the cartel apologized; they made a mistake. The 2 victims were mistaken for someones else. They left their own gunmen tied up on a road for the police to pick up, with a note of apology.

This means that violent Mexican drug cartels have a higher and more strict moral code than Congress.

Hypocrite Much?

Congressman confronts FBI over “egregious” unlawful search of his personal data

Ladies and Gentlemen, we might have some help with trying ti get ourselves out from under our own government's illegal, unwarranted surveillance. Rep Darin LaHood (R-Ill) discovered he was being spied on by the FBI. Many parts of his cranium exploded and words like careless, abuse, FISA, and egregious came from his mouth.

LaHood is one of the Congressmen voting to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. This is the very act abused to spy on him. This is the problem. 9-11 led to the Patriot Act, major expansion of government, and tons of new laws to 'keep us safe.' Instead, the whole enchilada has been used to expand spying on innocent Americans. They. Don't. Care. The opportunity is there, and they are going to take it. Are we that stupid that we believe they won't? That we believe it's ok? We are Constitutionally guaranteed freedom from illegal search, which this clearly is. None of the letter agencies will pay for this, but we need to understand what's going on.

The government figured a way around your privacy, using a FISA court to keep everything secret. Rather than going to court to get a warrant for your personal information, they go to a special FISA court, which rubber stamps the request, but is exempt from disclosure because National Security, This is another violation. The only violation of National Security is our own 'leaders' spying on their own people. 9-11 was just an excuse. The Patriot Act was prepared long in advance of 9-11 (it was on the Congressmen's desks right after) . It was huge and no one bothered to read it - they just signed, because not to sign meant you were not patriotic. You were with Them - the alleged enemy. There were only a few non-signers, notably Ron Paul.

FBI director Christopher Wray said that he “completely” understood LaHood’s concerns, while emphasizing that the FBI has already implemented reforms and safeguards to prevent similar abuses in the future.

We swear. We promise. Wink wink

Strangely, it never occurred to them before LaHood found out and went public.

Yes, Mom, I fully admit to eating the cookies. I can understand why you're upset. I want you to know that improvements and additional safety have been put in place to discourage this in the future. Everything will be A-ok from now on.

LaHood, being just another Congressman, says that Section 702 is "invaluable." He deserves to stew in what he wrought.  Meanwhile, many wish to scrap 702 entirely. Contact your Congresscritter and tell them you support complete removal of 702. And the Patriot Act, while they're at it. Expect to hear back that these are vital for national security and not letting the terrorists win.

warned that the statute “puts a hole in the Fourth Amendment” and was leveraged to conduct 3.4 million “backdoor searches” of hundreds of millions of private communications between December 2020 to November 2021.

And that's only the tiny slice that they'll admit to. Congress is clueless about 702 in general, as the article points out. The 'safeguards' they talk about won't matter - they'll find another way around them or just continue until they get caught again. If there is any opportunity at all, they will use it, legal or not.

Then we'll talk about the NSA, which is completely exempt from laws and control.

[If I wasn't on a list already, I am now.]

Hey, remember all the LGBTQ+ negativity coming from the republicans, including laws against drag performance? One republican, Lt Gov Randy McNally (R-TN). just got caught 'liking' pictures of a young gay model removing clothing. The hypocrisy would be stunning if this didn't happen so frequently. This is what we have in office, in either party.

Flight 2738 from Philadelphia has landed. People waiting for passengers should meet at the end of runway 2 right. Watch your

Mainstream or Pr0n
  1. Her Limit - pr0n
  2. All American Boys - regular old book

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