Thursday, April 13, 2023

Before I Do Something Stupid. Again.

France bans all recreational apps – including TikTok – from government devices

The funny thing is they'll never understand the huge increase in work output. If they block Faceyspaces, they will become a model of governmental efficiency - an oxymoron if there ever was one.

I'm no prognosticator. Ok, maybe a little. 
I have some concern over Artificial Intelligence. Like most of this blog, my concern is over Stupid. Because I am a stupid-ist. It is not considered a hate crime yet, and they will carry me off saying things about the Stupid, prolonging my sentence (both verbally and in jail). 

Here's the deal: People are lazy AND stupid. This is a bad and fundamentally dangerous combination. We have already beheld the accidents and unfortunate results of people listening to their phone's directions and turning into traditionally non turning-supported places, like buildings and stores (fortunately not children). These are just the things that are reported... imagine what else happens. Personally, I had three different devices tell me to drive into a large, dirty river. I will not mention that the devices may represent the wishes of humanity, especially as Wife was there too.

This brings us back to AI, as we tend to veer to one side a lot.
Microsoft, a frequent target of this blog, has admitted their AI technology isn't right a lot, but its answers are helpful.  Let me see if I have this right: in my car, AI would also have told me to drive into the large, brown river, but I could seek some creative thought before drowning.  Are you supposed to open the windows when your car goes under water or not? That's not creative, it's life-preserving. If the battery shorts out, there's no way to manually open the windows, unless you're paranoid and have one of those little hammers designed to break glass in cases like this. The real irony is that I'm not paranoid (on this topic) and thought the hammer was ridiculous. The only way to save our lives is the hammer that Wife bought, behind my back. Meh-I'll be mad at her later, when we're home, somewhat dry, and the press is banging the doors down. I think some of them are hiding in the bathroom. Wife is a very smart woman, in spite of her poor mate-choosing skills. I watched our tv go bltttttht and that was that. Well, it wasn't really: Wife had purchased the extended warranty after I said not to. This makes me wonder what else Wife has purchased.

Which brings me back to AI, which was inevitable. People are going to listen to AI and take it seriously. Because people are lazy AND stupid, the outcome will not be pleasant.  I think it will take a few lawsuits over children driving the car through the neighbors' living rooms and running down their kittens to put a stop to it. Or complaints of a hangnail resulting in Bobbie's Home Arm Amputation kit. The shame of it all is that Bobby did such a great job, he could be a surgeon (single-handedly). Some of us, who didn't stop to think or bought the lies, have a 'smart speaker' in the house. Don't worry, they promise it doesn't listen to you unless you call its name. Oops, it does listen to you a little bit. A lot, actually. It helps determine some of the ads that appear when you surf. Imagine the creativity of AI when *it* starts not-listening. This will not end well.

Ok, enough prognostication - my head hurts.

Microsoft Now Claims GPT-4 Shows 'Sparks' of General Intelligence

So does President Giveaway, but that doesn't mean you should put them anywhere important.

Conversations with my Dog 

Me: What is that?

Her: It's a t-shirt.

Me: I see.

Her: You wear t-shirts all the time.

Me: Is there something... written on it?

Her: Cockers for Cold Cuts  -President

Me: I see. Do you know anything about a whirlygig in the fridge?

Her: No. But I know that's where the cold cuts are.

Me: I see.

We made the unfortunate decision to stop into a furniture store the other day.  I don't like furniture stores when I'm in invisible-mode, no less when there's a salesdroid about. They follow you like you'll somehow not buy something, or buy it from a different salesdroid, even if there are no other salesdroids in the store that day. Since I forgot to turn invisible mode on and was with an attractive lady (Mrs. lefty), we stood no chance. To his credit, he stayed a few feet behind me, which is almost out of range for a salesdroid.

There is a recliner that rocks too. One of us found that fascinating, but I'm not going to tell you which, other than to say she has bigger breasts than me. I was amused by the inclusion of USB ports on some of the chairs and sofas. I didn't have the heart to tell them that version of USB is dying. It's interesting that they include a USB port, as if that makes them so much more modern, and as if you don't already have charging ports for your devices. One had a middle cushion that pulled down, with USB and cup holders. Where would the dog sit? Designers are clueless. I really don't like cup holders; they're tacky (and believe me, I know tacky. Well.). As I messed around with the adjusting buttons (who doesn't?) I discovered the headrest moved forward. I know about lumbar support and vibration, but had trouble with a headrest that moved forward. What kind of person needs that? A hunchback? A cartoon character come to life? Will the chair double as a torture device? Will it fold you in half?

Mrs. lefty looked excited, and not in a good way. Salesdroid was hovering near her, as he realized either she made the decisions, or I wanted to put him in the chair and fold him over til we left. Jeez, did I remember to let him go before we left? Crap. Anyway, Wife picked out a chair and a sofa. As far as I knew, we were there for one or the other. Perhaps she got too close to the furniture and it forced itself upon her, like me at a guitar store. The problem here is that 
  1. they were brown
  2. they were both brown
This is not what you think. This would cause further complications
  1. nothing in the house is brown, except for the dust
  2. it would be the first thing in the house that ever matched
We have a reputation to protect. Nice furniture that matches is against everything we stand for. Or everything we could afford. Or something. I couldn't bear the embarrassment of somebody coming over and seeing matching furniture. After picking them up off the floor, they'd run out, thinking they broke into the wrong house.  Maybe if we let the dog roll over it for a while, it would be covered in dog hair and look used or something. Maybe we got it from a corner somewhere. Why do I itch so much? 

Mainstream or Pr0n

This is the exclusive ThermionicEmissions game where the reader picks whether the 2 movies or tv shows/books/games are mainstream or pr0n.  No looking it up on the web - that's cheating.
  1. Kardinal Sin
  2. My Mother is a Pornstar

Scientists have now recorded brain waves from freely moving octopuses

Say it with me: octopuses. Octo puses. Octopuses.
Doesn't it have a satisfying sound, the way it rolls off your tongue?
My friend had an octopus. He called it Calamari. It never came when called; I think it knew.

 This proves that octopuses are smarter than most Americans Idle viewers.

Hungary official takes on German MEP in AI 'rap battle'

This could save us billions.

 Alas, the Military Industrial Complex would assassinate both combatants before the rapping started.

Miniot Wheel 2 review: a unique vertical turntable worth waiting for

It's $2,000 and the reviewer says it sounds great.  He said it sounds better than the $450 turntable, but not as good as the $4,000 model. Just make sure when you're done, you compress the hell out of it into MP3s.

NPR is bracing for layoffs.
Quite frankly, I'm shocked it didn't happen years ago. Their schedule consisted largely of "Let us tell you what Trump did wrong today." I feel reassured when they tell me they do not lean one way or the other. A reprieve was granted when they found out about Trump's court woes. The minstrels played and the overly excited ladies damn near danced. Ok, they damn near moved. Then they continued the beg-a-thon.

A day in the life of Volodymyr Zelensky 

aide: President Zelensky, people here to see you.

Show them in.

Orlando Bloom, goodwill ambassador for the UN children's organisation Unicef, here, Sir. The strength of Ukranian people is amazing.

Thank you, Mr. Boom.

Bloom, Mr. President.

Do you have anything that goes boom, Bloom?

aide: President Zelensky, people here to see you.

Mr. President, I'm Ben Stiller and you're my hero.

[groan] You don't have any.... surface to air missiles or anything?

Sir, you're the best. Keep up the good fight. Pretend I'm funny. If you want, I'll 'act' at the front lines. That should cause some damage.

Tanks... I mean thanks, Jerry.

Jerry was my father.

A very funny man.

[to aide] This shit is endless. All these do-gooders from Hollywood flying over here, ruining the climate with their private planes, telling me how impressed they are. Do I look like I give a fsck? None of them bring so much as a couple of stealth planes or rocket launchers. What happened to the good old days, when people visited a president and brought large arms as tribute?

aide: Sir, you have a visitor, but you're not gonna be happy.

Try me.

Mr. President! I'm Sean Penn.


Very funny. I brought you something. It's my Oscar.

For what?

Sir, I was so impressed while making a movie here, I considered joining Ukrainian forces to fight against Russia.

What happened?

I coulda got hurt. America isn't ready for this kind of self-sacrifice or martyrdom.

GET OUT OF MY OFFICE AND DON'T COME BACK WITH LESS THAN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS or anti-tank weapons. No wonder people hate Hollywood.

But Mr. President... because of this, Jerry Ben Stiller and I can't enter Russia, ever.

And take your Oscar with you before I put it so far up your backside, it will take a team of surgeons 3 weeks to remove it, even with the rocket-propelled grenades you didn't bring me.

Mainstream or Pr0n
  1. Kardinal Sin - Swedish metal
  2. My Mother is a Pornstar - pr0n

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