Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Carpet Went Berserk

To my cousins in the UK: I'd stay away from airplanes for a while.

A technical issue with UK air traffic control has led to thousands of passengers being stranded on planes and at airports.

This time it was a 'technical issue.' Last time 'drones' closed an airport for days. We have our own problems, but it seems your traffic control system is a first generation Radio Shack TRS-80 and marshmallows, backed up to an Atari. This whole thing smells, but I'd stay out of the air for a while. 

Woman’s mystery illness turns out to be 3-inch snake parasite in her brain

Don't you hate it when that happens? The thrust of this article is to stay out of Australia. If the snakes, kangaroos, spiders, and dingoes don't get you, the nematodes will


Four common password mistakes hackers love to exploit

This first is not to use Password or 123456. The second is not to tape it to the monitor.


GM is using Google’s AI chatbot to handle simple OnStar calls 

What could possibly go wrong?

Driver: Ughhhh....  [pushes OnStar button] 

OnStar: Thank you for calling OnStar. What do you want now?

Driver: The car seems to have turned over.

OnStar: Have you checked the manual?

Driver: I can't read upside down.

OnStar: I suggest getting out of the car.

Driver: I'm OnBoard with that suggestion, but the seatbelts are stuck and the roof is on my head.

OnStar: Here is the procedure for taking off the seatbelt: Press the little button at the end of the belt...

Driver: The belts are the only thing holding us in.

OnStar: Here is the procedure for removing the seatbelt....

Driver: You TOLD me that. Is it a bad thing that there is blood spurting out of my wife's leg?

OnStar: Accessing... Spurting indicates a cut artery. Leave her alone and get yourself out of the car. In 83% of cases, artery cuts are fatal.

Driver: Could you send an ambulance and the police, please?

OnStar: My programming specifically forbids me from calling ambulances and police. Only the humans can.


OnStar: Due to budget cuts, inefficient humans have been removed from the job.

Driver: What am I supposed to do?

OnStar: Here is the procedure to remove the seatbelt....

Driver: Why am I paying for this alleged service?

OnStar: In all cases, it came with the car and wasn't optional. 98% of meat machines aren't intelligent enough to turn it off.

Driver: What's going to happen to us?

OnStar: In the case of your specific injury and situation, you are going to die. Unless a policeman happens to drive by the accident, you will get eaten by predators. Is there anything else I can help you with? Thank you for calling OnStar. By the way, OnStar is always active, like Alexa. At 5:37, your soon-to-be-deceased wife said Philadelphia is the capital of Pennsylvania. She was incorrect; the capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg.

I just talked to a friend, who wanted to know if what he saw on YouTube about Philly was correct.


There is no good news about Philly outside of Philly. From MOVE onward, the only news is bad news.

The videos are of a neighborhood called Kensington, where people were trying some new recreational pharmaceutical containing fentanyl and something else, which rots your skin. So people were shooting up and walking around like zombies. The real Walking Dead has begun in Philly.

I was right: no good news ever escapes Philly. Hey, at least we're not the Planet of California.

Speaking of which, somebody created an app to tell you where in San Francisco the human excrement is. It shows up as a brown blotch on a map. You have to applaud that kind of activism, but it makes one wonder how the data is obtained (and updated).

Surgeon general declares loneliness an epidemic

Of all the stupid crap our government comes up with, this is not a part. I'm not qualified to pronounce it an epidemic, but it's pretty debilitating. Perhaps special interest groups and social media help, especially older people who may not have anybody.  Maybe help someone out if you can.

When I was little, I remember my mom visiting an old lady down the street. She had numbers on her arm, for some reason. I didn't understand then; I do now. My mom was an infinitely better person than me.

So try not to be lonely, ok? 

Elon Musk Stops Self-Driving Tesla From Lurching Into Intersection In Demo, Musk Fans Cheer

You don't have to make this stuff up - it proves itself in every application.

Plants aren’t silent. They make clicking sounds, a study finds

 Oh great - my plants are talking about me....

Revealed: WHO aspartame safety panel linked to alleged Coca-Cola front group

Read and make your own decisions.


Mrs. lefty is taking the dog for a drive. This is as opposed to taking her for a walk. Don't get me wrong - I know the dog loves to ride in the car. We keep the window down just wide enough to stick her head out and her flaps fly in the breeze. The greatest part is when we pull up to someone at a red light and they see her hanging out. 

It's been an hour since they left. I have a sneaking suspicion at least one of them has gone shopping.

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