Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Would Father Nature Make Weather This Weird?

Your love is like  drinking too much and spitting out your liver.

So how about this OnlyFans thing?
Social media and selling stuff has changed wildly.
Someone called Bella Thorne sold nudes (most likely of herself) for $200 and generated a ton of complaints when the pics weren't fully nude. If that doesn't interest you, and it didn't us, read the article for an idea of how these businesses operate and what sells. People, without work due to the Flying AIDS, are selling pics of their parts and keeping themselves afloat. This is a great thing in every way - capitalism at its finest. The thing that really rattled me is that there are professional cosplayers. This seems... like professional selfie-takers, or professional adults that dress like kids and ride their bikes on railings. Or professional guitar players (hahahahahaha - stop). I haven't been to the site, but
I'm going to take a SWAG (silly wild-assed guess) that there are zero to no male accounts selling pics of their junk.

Men and women will never be truly equal until men can sell pics of themselves naked.  Take this to work with you and recite it with all the conviction you can manage. You will sound deep, like a real thinker (unless H/R hears you, in which case you'll get a standing weekly appointment, like I did).

Dear lefty

  • Is it gay to look at other men?
  • only if you look with your dick.

Flying AIDS news

Our somewhat confused friends at the CDC admitted that only 6% of Flying AIDS deaths were from Flying AIDS - 94% were from something else. Do you see where this is going?

1 in 4 young people are reporting suicidal thoughts. Here's how to help.
Do you think these 2 paragraphs have anything to do with each other?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is promoting policies that will prolong the COVID-19 pandemic and, as such, states and local leaders should disregard the agency and strike out on their own. That’s according to Harold Varmus, the Nobel-prize-winning scientist and former director of the National Institutes of Health, and Rajiv Shah, the former administrator of the United States Agency for International Development and current president of the Rockefeller Foundation
Inspires confidence.

And backs up my contention that no one has a clue.

  • How can you tell you've got too many devices?
  • When you hear a BING and can't figure out which one made it.

‘Jurassic Park experiment’: 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes to be released in Florida
What could possibly go wrong?
Mosquitoes the size of small dogs, barking and pissing on your leg?
Male mosquitoes that bite (only the females do in nature)?
Mosquitoes with real breasts?
Mosquitoes that drive buses?

Remember: if it can be done, it's already being done.

  • Yeah, I'm late to the party - so what? I just realized that working from home is a great opportunity to get good at drinking.
  • Pick your poison. Mine's YooHoo - the colder the better.

I like the headline: Pilot landing at LAX reports 'Guy in a Jetpack' flying alongside them. Mary Poppins? Studebaker Hawk? Al Sharpton? 
 -- don't try this at home, kids.

  • UFO sightings are up 51%, according to Peter Davenport at the National UFO Reporting Center.
  • Well, when you got nothing else to do, look up. Thank you, Flying AIDS

Nancy Pelosi (D Disneyland), who backed closing hair salons, was seen, without mask, in one. Laws for thee but not for me. This is what we vote for. For those of you following along at home, Pelosi called Trump a coward for not wearing a mask.

It gets better, though... she said the whole thing was a setup and wanted an apology. As did the bank robber, when the police showed up: he said the whole thing was a setup and demanded an apology.

P.S. Debt set to exceed size of economy - 1st since WWII
let's bail out the banks again! 

Russian interference continues: Stosh seen driving by a firehouse where voting happens in November.

U.S. Voter Databases Offered for Free on Dark Web, Report
...users are purportedly looking to monetize it using a recently launched State Department program meant to prevent election-meddling.
Makes you wonder how you need to vote.....
new problems with USPS, plus the usual USPS problems
electronic voting is nfg
follow the chads, man!

  • Amazon is covertly monitoring private social media groups used by Amazon Flex workers to discuss their working conditions
  • primarily to identify and respond to complaints from Flex delivery drivers about things like bugs in the company’s app
  • Yeah, ok, sure. Stop it.

There is a new thing called Live Video Dating, whereby people go on video dates, but with an audience watching. Will my sociologists please tell me what this indicates, and is it any different from the tv shows with the same theme?

According to recent research, the Moon's surface is peppered with flecks of rust.
I'm telling you, the aliens are f-ing with us again. Apparently they have a lot of free time on their hands and spend it playing Prank the Earthlings. Starting in 1969, they hid the atmosphere from the astronauts. As soon as they took off, the air was brought back. This trick was more practical, as the astronauts needed their own air and couldn't stay long. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want us as guests either. Company, like fish, starts to smell after a day.

SJW Strata

Police Across Canada Are Using Predictive Policing Algorithms, Report Finds
How long til the screams start? It's racist!

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