Friday, August 6, 2021

Sour Jam and Table Legs

Your love is like  Flying AIDS -D

  • When do you call off the date?
  • When she says, "I'm a cat mom and an internet influencer"

Dusty Hill's (RIP) wife had some beautiful things to say
apparently taken from ZZ Top's Faceyspaces page, but I can't go there 

Somewhat disconcerting is that the band will continue, with Billy Gibbons' tech, Elwood Francis, on bass.

an 84 year old German was fined 250,000 liters for keeping Nazi war machines, including a tank, in his basement

I think they should pay him for getting a tank in his basement. I only got mine as far as the front lawn before the neighbors started calling the city on me. It's getting so a man can't keep a tank in his house...

He was ordered to sell or give the tank and flak cannon to a museum or collector.
Wasn't he a collector?

While Mrs. lefty's phone was down, I gave her mine when she went somewhere.
Good news.
My phone is heavily customized and locked down
Bad news.
She tried to surf to places
Bad news

"I tried to get to this website and I couldn't"
Yeah, I forgot to mention that to you.
"I tried 3 different browsers."
Yeah, they all don't go to Faceyspaces or Google.
"Why not?"
They're blocked by the firewall.
"The firewall?"
Yeah, the firewall. I have all ad sites and other stuff blocked by default and....
"Don't even bother. I'll make sure to use it only as a phone. The guy at the phone store asked if you were a programmer or just genetically weird."

  • can't believe I missed this word that needs to disappear: barista
  • why don't we call McDonald's counterpersons "servers"?

WHO calls for global moratorium on COVID boosters until end of September

WHO's on first?
WHO is on second?
No, WHO's on first. CDC is on second

BOOSTERS!!! Put the masks back on! PANIC!!! Someone get Fauci out here and tell him to say something stupid!

  • Students at the U of Indiana lost a suit against mandatory masks mandates.
  • this point is being argued in several states

Today I identify as  a CIS hetero man in a man's body


So Rental Car Limbo is all over but the shouting over the 4 figure bill. Even the insurance said that was crazy.

Collision Limbo goes somewhat smoothly, but the finish date (today) has come and gone, with a call stating why it's late and "it'll still be done in a few days."  Still?  The stripe on the car is painted on and their regular stripe guy is on vacation. One question: I have a stripe on my car?

I am surprised and shocked to let you know that Work Badge Limbo is finally over!
After only six hours at the Badge Place, I have a new badge.
Six hours.
They have to pay me for this shit. I'd rather be working.
When I returned, my boss passed out, and a coworker finally stopped sacrificing chickens.

HOUR 1: get picture taken, horror over Alcatraz mug shot
HOUR 2: meet 7 others waiting for badge
HOUR 3: sitting there with my phone for 3 hours, people think I 'work' there
HOUR 4: all 7 people have their badges and went home, wishing me luck
HOUR 5: Badge Guy says Are you lefty? Oh man, we're still trying to figure out what's up with yours
HOUR 6: they bring me the badge but Security wants me out of the building

  • Bill Gates, war criminal, said his meetings with Jeffrey Epstein were a mistake.
  • Yes, his 15 meetings, wherein he picked from Epstein's illegal warez, were a mistake.

Watching some amplifier demos, I came to the realization that I'm a size queen. You know... bigger is better. But I'm really specific.. whereas women like bigger, I like one certain size, largely being 12". 

Whazzup wi dat?

My first serious amplifier, a Marshall, had four 12" speakers. This trend continued.
It's gotten to the point where if an amp comes with a 10" speaker, I immediately start to wonderin' if there's a version with a 12" speaker. Out of my entire herd, the one that hurts the most is the one with the 8" speaker. I spend nights trying to figure out how to shove a 12" into the space reserved for 8". While either would be a blessing for women (and some men, but I'll stop now), it's always 12 for me. Unfortunately 12" is bigger than the entire amplifier, so it is not to be. I can interrupt the speaker leads and send it to an external 12" speaker, but that defeats the purpose of the amp (a 1959 Fender tweed Champ, intended to be a cheap practice amp). Don't underestimate 8" - I believe "Layla" was recorded with one. 

It's funny.. guitar players, with their long hair, tattoos, and whatnot, are surprisingly conservative when it comes to equipment. Gibson put out a Les Paul guitar with a (RJ45 - like your computer) ethernet connector, which flew right at the ground like a lead ze... never mind. I bought a Cordovox rotating baffle cabinet (think "It Don't Come Easy") which had a 10" speaker. It took a while, but I figured out how to shoehorn a 12" speaker into it.  Don't even mention car speakers.

One could say most of a guitar player's time is taken up trying to put 12" speakers into amplifiers with 10" or smaller speakers. Note that I did not say their time is taken up with practicing and getting better (listen to the radio or Nirvana records). Of course still other guitarists' time is taken up with squeezing more and louder white powder into their noses, but this is beyond the scope of this bit. 

The new manufacturer fad is removing the vacuum tubes from amplifiers and replacing them with integrated circuits and claiming they sound just like, or better than, tubes.

Why, you ask, have I put something about amplifier speakers into this blog, where statistics say 1.5 readers are guitar players?  Because I can.  Now back to Sarcasm...

  • The NFL's Washington (no longer the) Redskins banned fans from wearing native American dress
  • all fans must arrive in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles garb 

Mexico is suing US gun manufacturers over arms trafficking and bloodshed.
Mexico will lose the suit when guns are brought into court and fail to do anything but sit there.
Mexico will also look stupid because few countries have the gang violence it has - next it will sue gangs

  • Scuba-diver photographs Scotland's colorful marine life
  • where the fish are easier to understand than the Scots 

I have 3 people I forward Beatle news to.
Unfortunately one of them has left us.
I miss her. Sometimes I'm tempted to include her on the emails.
Mrs. lefty liked her a lot too. A fond memory was the walk down the street after a party. One on each arm. I felt like a king.

  • the dog has really tiny, pointy nails and I have a lot of scratches and rips as a result. I told Wife that I look like a drug addict. She said no, they're in the wrong place.
  • Oh.

Mrs lefty just got back from two grocery stores. There were empty shelves and customers whose sole jobs appeared to be yelling at employees, in an entitled fashion. The manager said they need people to drive trucks and unload them, then stock. They're crippled without staff. It's much worse than when the Flying AIDS hit the first time, with all the predicted shortages (that never materialized).

  • it's common knowledge that I couldn't decorate a shoebox, so I was most impressed at the weed wacker on the living room chair. It's something I never would have thought of.

Zoom lied about encryption and has to pay
And we keep using it, like it's the only option....

Charlie Watts won't be touring with the Stones this time.
Steve Jordan to do this tour. Previously played with Keith Richards

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