Monday, December 20, 2021

Do Not Speak to that Sofa - or - Forced Vacation, Day 5

I was up (never awake) by 1:30. Wife repeatedly suggests getting to bed before 4am as a solution, but who listens to their spouse? Plus I seem to function differently (really?): the less sleep I get, the better I feel. But I showed her - she was still sleeping when I got winched out of bed. Since she was still sleeping, so was the dog. Penny will NOT leave the bed til her mommy does. I truly wish this was the oddest thing that happened in my house, but then again, the blog entries would be pretty boring. My 7 ring circus is your entertainment.

Back when my parents were alive and functional, I got a kick out of telling them when I got up. Even moreso when I ate: "Mom, we had breakfast at 3." For some reason, this was horrifying to her. I tried couching it (I murdered two people today, then had breakfast at 3) but it didn't work. I am a real bastard, but can't help myself. I was also a mistake (unplanned), but I like that tag.

  • There was a strange light in the sky outside. I don't remember there being light for weeks. Some of the neighbors took it as a bad sign, brought their kids inside, and threw spears at it.
  • The sale of solar houses and solar-powered devices is prohibited in Pennsylvania, where there are only two days of sun per week.

A group of miscreants stole $20,000 worth of products in the robbery of an Ulta. They probably got two hair driers or something... even been in an Ulta? If you sneeze, the tissues are $500 each. The thieves are just cheap imitations of the real thieves in California, who are getting much more per smash and grab.

  • If you live in New Jersey, be proud that a bill is being voted on to give relief to the poor suffering casinos. Taxes will be suspended so they won't go out of business. Remember the time they suspended taxes so you could get by?  Oh.

Flying AIDS News

Omicron may bring record-breaking daily coronavirus cases but fewer deaths, forecast says

Omicron wave will crash on US with 60% of people infected by March and 140 MILLION new infections - but 90% will never show symptoms, University of Washington says

In highly vaccinated New England, hospitals are under unprecedented strain as coronavirus surges

Axios-Ipsos poll: Lack of trust puts the unvaccinated at risk

A new version has been found in deer in the US, so you know what you must do: stop fscking deer.

Lest you thought you'd have to wait too long for a Tesla story, a man blew up his car, with an Elon Musk doll inside. Extensive forensics, even better than CSI, verified the Musk doll. The fellow took his car for service, and came out with over $20,000 worth of bill for a battery pack. Needless to say, he was not amused. The car was well out of warranty.

Seriously, folks... this is the problem with electric or hybrid cars - the batteries. I'd wait til the technology gets better and cheaper before buying.

  • CNN questions Biden's cognitive health
  • this might be a good time to watch for Jesus - CNN has been listless since Trump left

Canada's public health agency admits it tracked 33 million mobile devices during lockdown.
This is not limited by country. Substitute US for Canada....
Read carefully: they paid to have the data de-anonymized.

  • Deaths and sad lives in the pr0n industry
  • none of it is a surprise, but it's sad how it happens...

NASA hires priest to prepare humans for an alien discovery and contact
Do priests speak Alien?
Your tax dollars at work...

Holidays are fun.
And by fun, I mean not fun.
I start out happy, thinking it will be a fine time for the family - all 3 of us.
Then I run into the brick wall, remembering one of us is going to visit other family.
So it's the dog and me for most of the day.
These are the times I long for a good babysitter. Like Mila Kunis.
Mrs. lefty has a strict No Dating Policy, and this does not (yet) include No Babysitters.

It's strangely quiet lately, in the hood.
Not so much in crime-ridden Los Angeles, where a pickaxe-armed woman did her Christmas shoplifting. No one was hurt, and her shopping trip was among the fastest in the history of Christmas.

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