Monday, December 13, 2021

Zircon-Encrusted Guitar Picks

 Your love is like   belly button lint

This enthusiast’s keyboard and trackball used to launch nuclear missiles

I want this. I need this. Maybe a panel with some blinky lights. Something that used to launch ICBMs. My guests will be so impressed!

Today I identify as  a boy band

Flying AIDS News

Navy commander fired over vaccine refusal

Pennsylvania Supreme Court throws out mask mandate for schools

Philadelphia could require proof of vaccination for indoor dining
Shit. Hole.

Pentagon considering COVID booster mandate for all troops

China ‘modified’ the weather to create clear skies for political celebration – study

(at least they admit it)
We could use some of that on the east coast. It's miserable.....

ThermionicEmissions sends its best to western Kentucky, where a tornado ravaged the place. Please send your best too. One of our readers lives there.

Contrary to popular belief, razing Kentucky is not an improvement.
This is the worst tornado in KY history. No electricity, no water, no heat, and worse, no internet.

  • Australia will force social networks to identify trolls, so they can be sued for defamation
  • Australia has gone full Orwell/SJW.

Are you a Verizon customer? They pulled a Privacy Switcheroo and you need to make some adjustments to your account. They gather data from your ISP. Did you know that?

My life is run by tobacco

The truly sad part of this is that I don't smoke.
Mrs. lefty smokes. I think she started in the womb.
I just found out what a pack costs. OMFG.
A doctor said we could save the money and use it for a vacation.
Easier said: he has cured hundreds of smokers. Mrs. lefty is the only one he can't.
When she comes in the house from smoking, she stinks. Ever get in bed with a smoker?
When she gets out of the car, the ciggie is lit before she gets up to get out.
Health insurance asks about tobacco.
Mrs. lefty can go an entire day without smoking. But tell her she can't smoke and all hell breaks loose.
When I politely mention she should just stop, I get The Look. Trust me, you don't want The Look. The Look parents give their kids to shut them up. The Look that will make concrete crumble. The Look that says 'No sex for 6 months.'   In the end I win: sex at six month intervals is better than I do currently.

When we get to a store, I have to wait til the car door is closed to walk to the store. Then I have to wait while the cig is smoked before I go into the store. Same on the way out. Then we have to stop to buy more. Even guitars don't take this much a chunk out of my life. But if she stopped, I could buy a lot of sweet guitars. Oddly, she is not impressed by this fact.

RIP Mike Nesmith(78), from natural causes.
DAMMIT, this shit has to stop. He had quadruple bypass, which should've been enough.
At the farewell concert, he looked a little feeble.
Monkees were my childhood favorite - first the tv show, then the albums. 
As I get older, I watch my heroes go. Rock and Roll, which is getting old, sees its practitioners getting old. It's actually a new phenomenon.

I told the doctors that the Agoraphobia certificate was only a joke - I just look like an agoraphobic because I don't leave the house. Sometimes I think all that education completely bred the intelligence and humanity out of the doctors. So I want to get out, not just to prove to the doctors that their ties are too tight. Strangely, this is not as easy as it seems. No, I don't get panic attacks or wet my undies. In fact, it has very little to do with me. Naturally it seems unnatural.

Sat: the rain and wind threatened to blow the car sideways
Sun: "You look a little green. You should go lay down."

Sat: "I have to go visit family. I'll be back before you get up." Eight hours later, the malls closed.
Sun: Yes, that was a train that went through the living room.

Sat: "The malls are open late because of the holidays!" Yes, perhaps we can step through this just-appeared wormhole and avoid driving.
Sun: "What do you MEAN your mother is coming for a few days... we have to excavate the guest room. We ran out of dynamite after the nieces and nephews came over last time."

Sat: A thunderbolt hit the car. The other car? It hit that one too. Yes, I know they were parked 1,500 feet apart. No, no other cars were hit.
Sun: I swear, there was lumber flying all over the place.

Sat: I'm telling you - there were 589 tarantulas in the bathroom.
Sun: The malls said all of the sudden we have to wear breathing arrestors (masks). I think Fauci is making an appearance.

Notice this never happens when I'm working.

  • UK and USA seek new world order for cross-border data sharing and privacy
  • Your data.

Edison was right: Waking up right after drifting off to sleep can boost creativity

This does not entitle spouses to throw objects or poke the sleeper, once they start sleeping.

  • Eurostar tests facial recognition system on London train station
  • just testing, of course. We'll turn it off after testing. London falling.

Wondering about an Internet of Things or other toy you want to buy? Head over to Mozilla, which will tell you about the privacy of that toy. Just. Say. No.


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