Monday, October 12, 2020

The Cost of Raising an Anvil in These Confusing Times

Your love is like  the anal probe during an alien abduction

  • Libertarian Jo Jorgensen's running mate, Spike Cohen, just got a page in one of the world's smallest books: "Famous Jewish People Named Spike"

Halloween's coming.
I'm not exactly in the spirit, if it hasn't been canceled already.
Just in case, I'm blasting "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer". That should keep everybody from bothering me.

Dear lefty

There's been serious rioting in Kyrgyzstan. Some say it's over the Prime Minister, some say it's because they can't spell Kyrgyzstan, some just say Kyrgyzstan doesn't have enough vowels in it. Asked for comment, the Pentagon said it stood by its friends in Kyrgystan, and would send military aid 'because we cannot afford not to be there.'

  • Once again I am steamrolled by the computer virus known as Windows. A program starts but fails to do anything. I have to reboot and it offers me the choice of updating and rebooting or just rebooting. I suggest the latter, knowing it doesn't matter, then it spends the next 15 minutes telling me it's Restarting. Then it's Getting Ready, Do Not Restart. Then it's updating, because I told it not to. This is the work box, as I'd never run that piece of horse manure on my machines. And naturally I'm late for work because of this. 12%. 30%. 3%. 92%. 45%. Finally it reboots. Well, it looks like it's rebooting. It tells the hard drive to make Rebooting Noises. In reality, it's just snickering at me.
  • I told my boss' boss that the company should be using linux on the desktop. Turns out he uses it at home too. 
  • Now we're 'Working on Updates' again. That little wheel thingie that runs while it keeps you waiting is designed to hypnotize you - "Windows is great. I love Windows. I will send Microsoft my firstborn. 
  • It's BACK!  Now it's welcoming me. It's a very welcoming operating system. Now I can get into work.
  • Oh, wait.. it has to Personalize my Settings.

The Philadelphia Police Department has been put on alert, by Mayor Jim "Illegal Aliens Matter" Kenney, to begin an unprecedented gang crackdown. He said the lawlessness has to end, and there will be no more drive-by shootings until every gang member in the car wears a mask.

Continuing on the Van Halen theme, very talented musicians are coming out of the woodwork to pay tribute to Eddie, and talk of his influence upon guitar and music. I hope they let him know before he took his final solo. Once again, if you admire someone, if they make you laugh, if you catch them doing nice things for people, if their talent bowls you over, tell them. You never know what effect you could have on them.

Microsoft is in mild doo-doo, after it said it would double its number of Black and African American bosses and senior staffers. The Department of Labor sent Microsoft a friendly letter, reminding them that this policy is potentially racist.
The home of Windows said they hired the right person for the job.

Sorry, guys, but you can't have it both ways. You can't wiggle out by saying you didn't say what you said. The policy is blatantly racist, as is promoting only women or any specific group. If you are at all interested in your corporation, it behooves you to only hire and promote the best, regardless of other criteria. Stop pandering and virtue signaling: you have enough to atone for, having unleashed Windows upon the world.

P.S. is there now a difference between Black and African American?

I learned hiring by watching and doing. I only hired the most qualified person. Guess what... we were an incredibly diverse department. Male, female, Ghana, black, white, Muslim, Chinese, Cambodian, pastor, Jewish, Christian, at all levels.

Russian interference in the upcoming election continues unabated, with reports of the sales of "The Importance of Fair Elections" reaching 15 copies. The book gets filed under comedy, because Putin thinks it's hilarious.

Filmmaker James Fox just released The Phenomenon, a documentary about ufos. I've seen his previous movies and I'd highly recommend it. The amount of VIPs in this movie is huge. Don't take my word - it's available for digital download. We'll be watching it.

Today I identify as  the catalytic converter in a 1978 Ford station wagon (with real imitation woodgrain sides)

According to a mainstream media article (that was not from Pr0nhub), the most popular category of video is incest. Wow, we certainly have come a long way..... I'm sure this says something about us, but I'll be damned if I know what it is. ThermionicEmissions needs a Staff Socioligist/Psychologist... the pay sucks, the hours are long, and the blog hurts your eyes, but at least the staff is unpleasant.

Naturally none of us watch that sort of thing, but can you just imagine the (alleged) plot? A little sister sleepwalks and does her stepbrother in her sleep. The brother hits his head and believes he is his sister's boyfriend? The siblings agree to play Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky in the Oral Office? Son convinces Mom he's Dad? Daughter starts her life of Daddy Issues, and doesn't understand why Mom is so upset?

Why can't these people watch clown porn? Double belly button penetration? People dressed in latex, shopping at the mall? Hamster pr0n. People in giraffe costumes, with wombats on their backs? You know, normal stuff.

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