Monday, October 19, 2020

Who Came Up With Anal Sex?

Apologies from the staff of ThermionicEmissions.
For reasons not known even by Google (blogspot owner), they changed the blogging interface that I see. This made it confusing as to what was and wasn't published. It also introduced change just for the sake of change - there were no improvements. So things might be out of order here and there. I'll try to keep things straight manually.  

Anal Sex
Think about it.
Modern caveman?
Modern Frenchman?
Modern homosexual?
Hey, this feels great....  What if I put my..  I wonder if that feels great.
It does. At least for me.

Your love is like  eating an ironing board

I'm sick.
No, not that way.
I'm at work and noticed the room spinning more than normal.
Men aren't sick until a woman tells them, so I asked Wife, who said I'm burning up. Alright then...  I'm sick.
Do I take the nighttime cold remedy or the daytime cold remedy? Do I even have a cold? Aside from spinning and fever, there are no symptoms. Spinning and fever are more than enough, though.

Feed a cold, starve a fever?
Starve a cold, feed a fever?
Whatever it is, give it chocolate. This is a solid concept.

I'm perfectly clear in the head, so why not, while the room is spinning, pick up the soldering iron? Maybe a blowtorch or sawzall? Maybe a long sit on a long couch. Yeah, that's it. I tried playing the guitar, but we were both spinning in different directions. This might be ok for hit music, but I have my standards.

What I've found that helps is zinc, vitamin c, and echinacea. I'm taking so many pills I don't have to eat. I want to read what's in the nighttime medicine, but even the ants have to put on glasses. Mrs lefty just announced she feels sick. She always copies off me. Can't I just be sick for a very short while before she gets sick? On the bright side, my napping has gone nuclear.

I believe in sitting and resting while sick, which feeds right into my love of sitting and resting in general. When Mrs lefty is sick. I tell her not to run around. She says, "I'm not running." A man's gotta know his limitations.

Whatever I had enjoyed messing with me.
I said that I'd like at least one day of my 3 day weekend free, and I could feel it saying, "Well, that's not totally unreasonable" and moving away. Next morning, I was as bad as the first day. Now it's Back to Work, with the Industrial strength vise (mostly) unclamped from my skull. No, it wasn't the Flying AIDS, sorry.

I called my doctor. They asked me if I ever did telemedicine. Unfortunately. The doctor doesn't want me coming to the office because I'm sick. 2020 is weirder than I thought.

While relaying this to Mrs lefty, one of the kids popped out and asked, "Who's going to take care of me if you die?" Apparently I'm good for something.

  • It's been a year since my dad died.  
  • Sonofabitch. 
  • He had a lot of nerve having all that cancer.

Russian interference in the upcoming election continues, when Irina Teplitzki asked her friend how hard it is to speak English.

  • Colin Kaepernick calls for abolishing police and prisons in new essay series
  • Colin Kaepernick can spell 'essay'? 

Archbishop Burns Altar ... After Priest Has Sex in Church
Pope in TED talk: Earth cannot be squeezed ‘like an orange'
Still no word on child molesting

Today I identify as  a KitchenAid mixer

Today President Trump received the endorsement of the Taleban.
"We hope he will win the election" and withdraw U.S. troops
Ever think you'd be agreeing with the Taleban?

Dear lefty

  • You like boobies, right?
  • It's my main area of focus 
  • Do I ask my date if I can touch them?
  • Are you on any lists or anything?

There's a hair loss commercial, wherein you put on a cap full of LEDs that brings your hair back. It's only $800. No. I've worn hats all my life and lost my hair. I hear it runs on your mother's side, so I'm suing her. So does alzheimer's disease. This suit will be unprecedented.

Coinbase has had it: I posted before that they were giving up on politics, and if any employee, didn't like that, they were free to leave, with some sort of severance packet. 5% left. The best part of this were the screeching, fainting commentators.

  • Since Silicon Valley leans left, you're saying, "It's not ok to lean left."
  • “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

Do they sit up at night and think this shit up? Does it flow naturally, with all the rest of the noise excreted from their oral cavity? I've been working for quite a long time and never once was I given leave to go support a social cause. You wanna talk privilege? These whining children, who think 'work' is just an extension of 'home' for their cause, whatever their cause is.

I think Coinbase is well within their rights to want a dollar's work for a dollar's pay. Deal with your personal social causes on your personal social time. Imagine a company not wanting to be involved in any of this, then taking crap for it.

  • Have you noticed that the newspapers crowing that Lord Zuck finally removed Holocaust deniers are the same ones who had a fit when Faceyspaces wasn't 100% free speech?


Paul Simon - Art Garfunkel's pal
Sammy Hagar
John Denver
Daryl Hall - John Oates' pal

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