Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Do Not Tempt Godzilla...

 Your love is like  angry wasps

How bout that turmeric?  It's good for this. It's good for that. It's good to calm you down. It's good to pick you up. It keeps you healthy. It warms your pancreas. It is like a windshield wiper on your Third Eye. Should you start to see a third eye, see a physician immediately. Side effects of turmeric are dizziness, indigestion, bright green poop, left breast coloration, and an addiction to shopping tv networks. None of this applies if you cook with it. Dosage size is a few grains to a few teaspoons full - nobody knows.

For those of you who haven't tried turmeric, you're already sadly behind. The new thing is cinnamon. You can go into any store and buy cinnamon pills. Don't tell anyone, but you can go into any store and buy cinnamon in the spice aisle, at half the price. The price for everything goes up when it's called medicine, the same way the price for computer hardware goes up when it's for gamers. Keyboard $29.95. Gamer keyboard $129.95.

I'm going to bide my time, quietly, until modern science finally recognizes the goodness that it chocolate. It tastes great, releases endorphins, and if you're not getting any of the other stuff, it's a substitute.

Today I identify as  one of those tiny little slippy feet on the bottom of the mouse

How do you get anything across to the idiots bothering Asians? I know ThermionicEmissions readers don't do anything like that. Things could get ugly if one of them gets bad black bread and starts assaulting Russians. To keep the bread thread going, if they get bad rye bread and start attacking Jews. The overarching stupidity of these moves... this is not the best of humanity.

And while we're on about things, a Chicago suburb is planning to go ahead with reparations to black people. 

The president of Ghana welcomed black people from America. I haven't seen figures on how many took him up, but I'm guessing low single digits, probably close to the number of people who promised to leave the country if Trump became president in 2016.

But the government = the people. The people did not enslave anyone. The people's tax dollars should not go to paying for this. We already have too much of our hard-earned money given away. This will be funded by voluntary contributions (Yay! the way it should be) and a 3% tax on recreational marijuana. Tax tax tax. Each household would receive $25,000 for home repairs or down payments on property. This is actually reparations for anyone who suffered housing discrimination in Evanston, IL.

This program is said to be a template for other cities. Let's put aside whether it's right or wrong for a minute. Police killing black people, black riots, white supremacists, reparations. Are we heading for even more division along racial lines?

The sad part of the Asian harassment and race division is that the good people don't need to be told. It's the bad elements that need to hear the message. They don't read ThermionicEmissions.

  • anybody remember Mouse Balls?
  • waaaay back when I did desktop support, many of the calls were because of dirty mice balls
  • any fixes done by IT were Magic to the end user. I should tell stories of those days, but no one would believe me and my nerves just aren't that good.

Work insisted we use a certain browser. So we used it.

Then the Edge nightmare came along, and made itself the default. This is a pain in the patootie for people who did what they were told and used the other browser. Plus it's a Microsoft product.

Today I went into the settings. Does anybody have the number for the Self Harm Hotline?

What a steaming pile of excrement. As I mentioned on my initial Win 10 rant, you own nothing: the operating system owns you and markets to you. In order to adjust any settings, you have to go into your MS account, in the cloud. Even Internet Explorer allowed you to set everything right there. Now it's all cloudy. There are advertising preference dialog boxes. If you keep any financial information there (YOU SHOULDN'T), MS has it. Weeee.. it's in the cloud! 

Unless you only use a local account, Win 10 owns you. You'll install the updates you're told to, largely because Windows will do it whether you want to or not. And we suck it up with nary a complaint. Buy a Mac. Use linux. You can transition at your own speed - nobody's pushing you.

Repeat after me: 

Windows: it's not an operating system - its a virus.

  • She fit like a puzzle piece. She did not so much stand next to me as a part of me

Former Director of National Defense says the US has 'secret evidence of UFOs...'
Of course they do.. they've been collecting it since before Roswell in 1947. Nothing about this is new. 

I've said it before... this is a PSYOP. It's controlled.

There are any number of reasons for this. One is that the government is scared about retribution for hiding things, so they're letting information out in small bursts.  Imagine your government deciding what you can and can't know.

Another is releasing only a small amount, to make people think That's All Folks.

I believe that to release the information honestly, we need to know the truth. And whatever it is, it's a big truth. You don't have to believe anything, but look at the evidence and look at the time, effort, and dollars put into denying there's anything going on. There have been cases on the ground in other countries and the US has intervened, shutting it down. That's kinda big, isn't it?

I have no way of knowing what's going on, only that something's going on.

A third of Brits believe aliens live among us & government is withholding information.

I didn't say that.


  • Could an accident have caused COVID-19? Why the Wuhan lab-leak theory shouldn't be dismissed
  • I also didn't say this, but it makes sense. I've been on Ft. Detrick for years. The mistakes coming out of that place have been horrible. All sorts of things 'turn up missing,' like anthrax (not the band). 

It is illegal to be LGBTQ in Singapore

That must come as a great surprise to the LGBTQ people in Singapore

  • Bernie Sanders (D-not dead yet) lectured Musk: focus on Earth instead of space
  • The hot air emanating from Bernie caused climate change in Vermont

Let me know if you're with me here... 

Like most other things, I believe the government shouldn't be involved in prostitution. After all, it's the person's body to do with what they want. With that in mind, let's get doctors to come to the realization that people are lacking in sex, sometimes as part of depression. They'll write prescriptions, we take them to a hooker, and insurance will pick it up (minus the copay, of course). Since it's medical, your spouse can't complain, nor can it be grounds for divorce.

  • Randomly heard: I'm going to finish my Easter egg tree

Portland is still occupied.

Apparently this is ok.

Trump got voted out, Biden got voted in.

Still Occupied.

Are you starting to see BLM/Antifa's true colors?

  • Trump said "Newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I'm not there." 
  • As it turns out, he was right. WaPo, cable and broadcast news. CNN was hit hardest, losing 45% over the past 5 weeks. 
  • Next week, late night show hosts will be in the unemployment line.

The Verge is running a story called What's on Your Desk.

The included picture is... not good. A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. A single monitor is also questionable, but for different reasons.

I worked for a guy who used to mention my desk frequently. Eventually I figured out that he wanted it to look clean. It didn't matter whether I did any work or not, it had to look clean. Jeepers, Mr. Wilson. So it took me twice as long to get things done, but at least it looked good. I had a poster that said "A poor decision on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Underneath was a sticky note with "yes it does" written on it. In his wife's handwriting

My theory is that IT people are mostly ADHD/ADD. There should be candy machines full of Adderall somewhere in the department. How can people like this keep clean desks? They can't. And they don't want to. And they will fight to keep it that way. Until they hear a noise outside the window and have to go look.

What's on my desk?

Well, it's a special case. I'm a special case. I used to use the office for radios and electronics and computers. So when I broke back into it, there was about a foot of dust. I blew it off with a can of air. There's plenty of room for computers, but there's still remnants of the room's former life. Many monitors, tiny electronic parts, more screws than Home Depot, 30 pens that don't work, 20 pens that don't work on sticky pads, Velcro cable ties (ridiculous because I can't be bothered with cable management, so I use them for other, more interesting activities), yesterday's coffee cup, 47 mice (in various states of disrepair because they tend to get BANGED really hard on the desk during the Microsoft virus), adapters for computer jacks that haven't been produced in at least 10 years, pieces to build AM radios, one of those Swiss army knives (a really sweet one, with only a little blood on it), parts to fix my space ship, only one adult toy, a collection of USB to micro-USB cords (which I saved up, then the new phones went to USB-C), guitar magazines from 1971, ancient candy wrappers, ancient candy, a square monitor (that will not work on anything), a printer stand repurposed into an electronics bench (which I swear I try and I try to keep ordered, but fail every single time, with 5 current projects on it), one of those magnifying glasses on an arm with a fluorescent light around it (and LISA on the side - I don't know any LISAs), 5 guitar amps I'm redesigning (none of which have been redesigned), the back panel to other amps that were successfully modified (but I never got around to putting it back on), reems of paper with 3 holes punched (I don't know why), several keyboards (ergonomic and other), huge 200G hard drives, bad hard drives (for some reason.. maybe I think they'll cure themselves with time), a metric buttload of (police radio) scanners, shortwave radios weighing more than my car, a 286 motherboard for my tech museum, and an unbelievable amount of stuff that I'm going to hook up some day.

  • One positive thing about the Flying AIDS - it cut down the mass shootings.
  • 10 killed in a Colorado supermarket.
  • Someone got some of it on video.
  • Well, at least everyone had masks on.

Once again, it's virus scanning time at work. This means my entire computer is tied up scanning, and any work I want to do is a distant second. It's been 5 hours so far.... I don't think I have any virii. Don't get me wrong - I support all kinds of security, but I also support getting my work done. We have to negotiate a better time for this... like... overnight.... when the viruses sleep and they're easier to catch.

  • In spite of a 16.5% drop in miles-driven, the number of pedestrians killed in motor vehicle crashes rose in the first half of 2020.
  • People need to keep their aim accurate, and we, as a country, rose to the challenge. 

Clint Eastwood and William Shatner are 90.

90 is the new 60? Let's all be that active and productive.

  • Ever really thought about the words to Amazing Grace?
  • I keep thinking of Monty Python's Holy Grail, when 'God' tells the knights to STOP GROVELING.

Today's advice: social media is toxic. Take a social media vacation. Maybe a weekend. Maybe a week. Life is not as social media pictures it. Social media can have very negative effects on your mood, causing fear and depression in some. While you're at it, it's not worth arguing and abuse. Just go for the good stuff.

Some of us do well on our looks. Most of us do not.
As a blogger and an online person, I am in the latter category.  Pretty far in the latter category. It is safe to say I never got by on my looks. I am incredibly lucky for Mrs. lefty's poor taste in men, otherwise I'd have to go by Charlie Sheen's character in 2.5 Men: Ask if she has daddy issues. It's not that I'm ugly...
  • I'm waaaay south of GQ
  • lost my spot in the male model line when I tried to get in it
  • the guy you recommend for a blind date when you're trying to get even
  • can cause cracking in concrete
  • scares the letters right off keyboards
  • was in the running for cover of Modern Pond Scum but lost to Gilbert Gottfried
  • when asked for a word that best describes me and my philosophy on life, it's 'scrufty'

Can you believe I continue to do this?

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