Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Captivity - Day 5

2 males, in PA and NJ, have been arrested for purposely coughing on people and telling them they had coronavirus. The people were 57 and 50, which is a little shocking. I love a good joke, but that's not one of them.

Equifax still sucks eggs.
Irony: it's impossible for customers to access information, but hackers have an open door.

Our friends in DC have approved a $2 billion aid package.
Who's going to pay for this?
Is it taxable?
What kind of pork is in the bill?
I'm not saying it isn't a great offer, just wondering...
I am going to refuse my check (stop laughing). Every time I get a few spare dollars for the Guitar Fund, something comes along and eats it. I figure if I don't get any money, nothing bad will happen.

Trump has stated that he was thinking Easter for a return to work.
Idiot Mayor said he would rely on his experts, not the president. This is the sanctuary city mayor. He bends over for anything except the law. i strongly believe Trump will not make the decision unilaterally (and I didn't vote for him).

The trip to work was smooth - no dog toys on the steps.
Work was a little weird because it was full of meetings. Surprisingly, we actually get things done in meetings, but it's difficult when there are so many of them. It's also difficult to keep my mouth shut. Extremely difficult. Sometimes it builds up and I get a few words in. My boss understands and gives me a gold star for trying.  Because our team leader is out for a bit, people have started asking me questions. This is not a good thing, for them or for me. If you sound authoritive and certain, people will believe you, so I used that for a while. Although this helped, people will only call me next time, because I sounded so sure last time. I'm shooting myself in the foot, yet again. Both feet look like Swiss cheese.

But I'd never work anywhere else.

I leave you this evening with one question:
Why is my wife watching The Flintstones?

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