Thursday, June 4, 2020

Captivity - Day 75 The giant octopus plays basketball

And I didn't start this on day 1.

It was 60 on Monday. It will be 90 for the next few days.
Good thing we can't go out, eh?

We have advanced beyond the generic gravity day, where stuff falls down, leaps out, and nothing can be held for long, and gone right into the Tripping Stage. This is a tricky one because they can co-exist. We'll be walking along and BANG, there was something on the floor that we kicked. It wasn't there before. It's like another example of one of those ghost shows, except it's real. The object appears and we kick or trip on it. It is so regular that I kick something and say, "lefty's here!"  Much like the way you can't control what you see in your hallucinations, you can't choose what you trip over. It's usually small and not a guitar at all. It's also never a 1976 Caddy, but we might have a problem getting it out the door.

In an Irony from God moment, a Philly looter who tried to blow up an ATM, blew himself up with it. There have been other explosions at ATMs. History will know our time as Revenge of the ATMs.

Next on ThermionicNews: Target stores shoot back.

Remember the movie Arthur? He's told to give her his hand. His response is "But that would leave me with one." That runs though my head every time I hear 'take a knee.'

encrusting kleptoparasite

same thing

Wait.... do you hear that?
It's the sound of SILENCE!
Not one mower or construction noisemaker.
I hear birds - and not the ones from the medicine.
The 90 year old lady was mowing yesterday (I should be ashamed, but I can't work myself up to it)
The people down the street, who run electric tools all day and night are away on vacation. So they hired a friend's construction company to come by daily and run some equipment for the neighbors. I'm proud we have this level of neighbor. You?

I take that back (you knew it was coming) - trash trucks all day.

[to Secret Service]... Does that guy know he's black?

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