Thursday, June 25, 2020

Captivity - Day 97 Johnny, get under the car

Didja ever have one of those dreams....
When you're on a couch with some relatives
When something shifts and the couch starts to move, as if on wheels
When you fall off the couch and it goes whirling out at a hundred people
And you wake up on the floor?

Just me, I guess.

So I'm not the biggest fan of iDevices, but let's face it: they have a sales winner. For whatever reason, possibly drugs, everything from every company has to have a lower case 'i' in front of it. You don't believe me?

My iAndroid woke me this morning, so I could have some iFlakes. We were almost out of iMilk, so iWife put it on the shopping list. As I was getting ready for work, I sat on my brand new iChair (so comfy) and booted up my iLinux computer, as well as my iWindows work computer. At noon, I had some iSoup, which was so messy, I got it in my iEye. The iServers at work threw a fit, so I had to call out the iA-Team. They rebooted iServers A to iZ. It took so long, iI went home.

Wizards of the Coast Is Addressing Racist Stereotypes In Dungeons & DragonsKeeping geek stereotypes.

I won an auction or 2 on ebay.
Went to checkout and was told I didn't have rights to that server.
Well, that's ok - I didn't want rights to that server -I just wanted to pay the sellers. It happened twice, which did nothing to raise my morale. I checked Help, which turned up a few similar cases, which were resolved by Support. So I had to contact Support.  Have you ever tried to contact ebay Support? It's like trying to find the the underground vault where the president goes during an emergency, but more difficult.

Eventually I found it, under Ebay Community Dancing Lessons.
They did well in hiding it.
I got a nice lady in text, who was interested in helping me.
That should have been my first warning.
She asked all the questions that would indicate I was a typical idiot who texted all day. Then she asked about my device. I told her I'm not that kind of guy. No, she wanted to know how I got there.
Ummm.... computer?
Maybe it's not up to date...
Why yes, it's up to date. It's the same computer I've used for 8 years.
Oh. How about your browser?
It says hi.
Can you try a different browser?
I can, but this one's based on Chrome. I even told her about my equipment, so to speak. I didn't exactly say linux.. I just said the name of it. Then I opened another browser, at which point ebay told me the password I logged in with wasn't correct. Oh? Then came the password change; involving circus hoops, break dancing, and diapering children. I had to do this twice. I asked the helpful lady how anybody gets on ebay in the first place.

I pulled up the Stupid Browser. It's so wide open, any site with malware can send it on in. Annnnnnd it failed. ebay lady asks if I'm still there, because I'm not typing. Of course I'm there - she's lucky she couldn't hear me.

I don't use Browser #3 on ebay because it's locked down so tight that sites like this won't let me in. Since it was already up, I tried. Sure enough, it got in.

I thanked the lady. She thanked me for remaining pleasant throughout the call. It was then I felt sorry for the poor person: her job must be hell, with all the ninnies calling to bitch at her because servers don't like browsers. As browsers go, they say the great thing about standards is that there's so many of them. I finally got to pay the sellers and declined the sale over at Adult Ebay. My merchandise will be here on.... umm... about.... Eventually. And that's official.

Privacy advocates are decrying a new bill, which would force tech companies to unlock encrypted devices if ordered to do so by law enforcement with a court issued warrant.

From your friends in DC. It's only your data... they have a right to read it. Illegal search and seizure - 4th Amendment.

Speaking of ebay, I spent a little time there and noticed they had a ton of Pre-Owned stuff. I was told they had a lot of Used stuff, but I didn't see one.

Decorate your home of the future.. with furniture from way in the past!

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