Monday, June 15, 2020

Captivity - Day 87 Fractured Femur Follies

It's a beautiful day.
Especially for Wife, as she had to take a sleeping pill last night.
This would explain why she was up most of the night.

Andy Warhol said that in the future, everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame. He was more correct than he knew. There's a site called Cameo, where you can pay a certain amount of money and talk to a.... ummmm.... any number of actors, actresses, washed up celebrities, people you never heard of, YouTube 'stars', 'influencers', radio hosts, rappers, minor characters from tv shows, minor characters from radio shows, models, podcasters, stylists, FURRIES, and anything else you can think of. Check out who's available - even though you've never heard of them. Price varies.   Where was I going with this? It just seems to me that this is the evolution of .... something. Maybe it's setting us up for when we plug into the net with our brains. Or lack of thereof.  It also shows that gender equality is in place in sports reporting: there are a lot of female sports reporters, most are attractive. Let's see.... Andy Dick, Cheryl Tiegs, a Mr T lookalike, and more drag queens than you can shake a lipsitck tube at.  If I were given free choice of one chat, thus far, I'd choose the guy whose description is 'dog rescuer.'

Sure, I'm having a poke at these folks, but readers and the voices in my head tell me that I'm even lower on the ladder than these people.

Related: Richard Dolan (a particularly bright ufo researcher) said mass news and mass tv and mass social networks are the lowest. Also the brightest, so most people consume them. It's a mental prison.

Somebody woke the CDC, probably by accident, and it accidentally issues its latest guidelines about the Flying AIDS.

So I'm sitting at my desk, as I do at work, and I get a meeting notice at the EXACT time the lawnmowing started next door.

Clair's had a payment-card ripoff of online customers. Act accordingly.

While you're fretting about your shaky financial position, caused by the Flying AIDS or something else, know that Ukraine is being forced, by the Department of Defense, to take $250 million in the 2020 Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.  I sure hope they survive.

Flashback to many years ago:
My musical comedy group was finally playing close to my house.
We were doing our thing, the audience was having a blast, when the lead singer went off-script, stopped the show, and put a beer bottle over my head. He asked the audience if he should pour the bottle over one of us. Unfortunately the one he asked about was me. The audience decided very quickly this was a great idea.

He subsequently poured the entire bottle over my head, which ran down my body. He was amused, the audience was jubilant, and I was..... wet.  I'm a good sport and we finished the gig.

My cohorts  razzed the hell out of me afterwards.
There were only 2 problems: the beer got all over my guitar.
Also, I smelled like a brewery. If the cops pulled me over, I sense they wouldn't believe I don't drink.....

That's show business.
Not really.


CNN adds Greta Thunberg to expert panel on 'What it's like being black in America'

Their has been a change in the source code for android: allowlist/blocklist have been substituted for whitelist/blacklist. GitHub will replace 'master' with 'main' Feel better now?

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