Friday, June 5, 2020

Captivity - Day 77 Law & Order SUV

AstraZeneca is going to start making an anti Flying AIDS vaccine. Not sure how they know what will work, but who needs facts - there's money involved. Because the giant pharmaceutical company is so poor, this vaccine is backed by Bill Gates.  Bill Gates is a war criminal. This is the man who gave us Windows. Would you trust a vaccine from him?

The Bring Your Child to Work Day thing isn't working out as well at the originators thought. In these days of The Flying AIDS, everyone's working from home anyway. So every day is Bring Your Child to Work Day. First, you cannot social distance from a cocker spaniel, nor can you put a mask on her (someone is going to get rich selling a pet mask).  My lap is a favorite place. If she can't get there, she likes to block the doorway. Some mornings I wake up to find emails have been sent to Purina, Pupperoni, and doggie escort services. I hope this is not Mrs lefty (again). The barking on conference calls is out of hand: as soon as one dog barks, all the other dogs on the call start barking. This is not necessarily a bad thing - sometimes they come up with better ideas than their humans. You also have to watch out for your snacks and, most importantly, your coffee. Over time, our 4 cocker spaniels have loved coffee. The rule is if you put it closer to the floor than your seat, it's theirs.

The Minnesota police apologized for the Floyd killing. They said there was an error in their police manual that caused a misunderstanding. The police  manual said "Handcuff the perpetrator, have him medically checked, put him in a car or van, and get him to the station." They thought it said "put your boot on his neck until he's dead." It was a simple mistake anybody could make, and they are very sorry.

One of the downsides to having absolutely no filters is that you occasionally stick your foot in it. I was practicing with my band and afterwards we saw a legal commercial for mesothelioma. Never having heard the word, I turned around to the band and said "Mesothelima? I had that for dessert last night." The bass player turned green. He whispered "Shhh.... my dad has it." For some reason, I do this a lot.

It's so good to be home after the Great Storm of 2020. I can now trip over my own stuff. The dog can bark at anything that walks by the house, and Mrs lefty can continue her intimate relationship with Quality Shopping Network at Home. When they don't hear from her for a few days, they call to see if she's ok.

The National Guard was just told not to carry guns at the DC protests.
In related news, the Air Force was just told not to fly planes.


Texas Lt Governor said the way to address racism is to "accept Jesus Christ."

  • Don't listen to him. He hasn't been the same since the pig kicked him in the nuts.
  • First Amendment violation - Church and State
  • it's clear to anyone with a pair of kidneys that we have to accept Jimi Hendrix. He died so we could play the guitar.

A cofounder of Reddit is resigning and wants to be replaced by a black candidate.

Uber Eats is not charging for food ordered from black-owned restaurants

Joe Biden said 10 to 15% of Americans are "not very good people." Then he showed everyone his liver spots.

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