Friday, June 19, 2020

Captivity - Day 91 You didn't see this and it didn't happen

Birthday wishes to Art Bell (RIP), the man who practically invented late night paranormal radio. Regards to his family.

You listen to us, we listen to you. And so does the CIA.
-- KGRA radio

California Idiot Governor Newsom (D-Uranus) ordered all citizens to wear masks in public.

Idiot Governor has been suspiciously quiet. Hopefully he's not using this time to get us into more trouble.

Linux D00ds: Need a really good laptop?  System76 builds the laptops for linux and it comes installed. Many models, many options. Windows not available.  Highly recommended by everyone I asked, great reviews. These will blow the doors off a $500+ laptop and you won't have to install linux and wonder if there are drivers available. I asked Santa (or Satan) for one.

Remember: there's no such thing as Satan. It's just swamp gas.

Apple will close some stores again in states that are seeing a resurgence of Covid-19 cases.  Hang on a minute... yesterday they were reopening some of their stores. Today they're re-closing some of their stores. Tomorrow they will be re-reopening stores in states that start with a vowel. Next week, the open stores will collaborate with Elon Musk and launch their geniuses into space. It's not due to financial reasons; people just don't like them.

People are on about the importance of diversity in the workplace.
Not at the expense of talent.
But now we have to acknowledge our unconscious bias.

smuggled picture of Space Force training

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